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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. Be wary when dealing with anyone in the Thai medical profession and make sure you actually need the treatment. Soon after I came to Thailand I visited a dentist, who told me I needed three extractions. I thought not, and 26 years later still have those teeth. Another time, I was told I needed root canal surgery. I thought not, and 20 years later have had no problem. A friend was down and felt in need of some TLC and went to a hospital complaining of a neck injury he had made up. They not only confirmed the non-existent injury but produced an x-ray from somewhere and wanted him to stay overnight. It's all about money, and your welfare comes second.
  2. You clearly don't know Thailand very well. These kind of incidents happen on an almost daily basis in Thailand, but it is usually Thai(s) on Thai. They fight like a pack of rabid dogs, with the scale of violence far in excess of what we would see in the west. Many Thai men are uneducated neanderthals who have no sense of moderation and the fact that the way they fight could result in brain damage or death never occurs to them, as they are too stupid to join the dots. The thug savagely kicking the guy in the white shirt when he was down and absolutely no threat at all tells you all you need to know. This still from a video shows the thug running at the victim so fast he is blurred in the photo. But you claim - you 'guess' - such excessive violence must have been warranted. You 'bet' they deserved it.
  3. You make a good point. Take away everything that us evil foreigners have invented and the Thais would have nothing, nothing at all, as they have never invented a single thing in the country's history. No phones. no tv, no motor vehicles, nothing. And before Thai apologists point to Thai silk, the industry was established by an American. And Red Bull was a local brew until bought by an Austrian who refined it and marketed it worldwide. Even most Thai food is a combination of Indian and Chinese. The most successful Thai export is prostitution, with experts in that field established in towns and cities throughout the world.
  4. You do know that the Russian died, don't you? You can't tell the difference between the two incidents?
  5. I knew it would be something like this. SARCASM ALERT: Ah, all a misunderstanding then. The bar tried to charge the wrong customer.
  6. Doing do is unethical. Real journalists would know that. Around 10% is allowable, and the source needs to be quoted. A colleague of mine was sacked by The Times for lifting parts of other journalists' work for a book.
  7. Go on. Dig your hole a little deeper. You are still supporting murderous thugs over the victims.
  8. You forgot to read on to the end, or selectively chose what part of the article to post: Pol. Lt. Col. Nawin Thirawit, Superintendent of Pattaya Police Station, said the police must proceed with legal action. He also reprimanded the suspects, stating that as security guards, their duty is to ensure the safety of tourists, not to cause trouble
  9. And you failed to notice that the Farangs caused this brawl. Stupidity got it's price. No mercy! And you failed to understand that the reaction for whatever caused it was a massive over-reaction, which as I write might have resulted in murder. But go on - support the thugs. That says a lot about you, and many others who have blamed the victims of a vicious assault.
  10. You obviously failed to notice that those attempting murder are Thai. So send them back where?
  11. You might not have noticed that all of the violence and attempted murder came from the Thais. So send them back where?
  12. This happens on a daily basis in Thailand, but it usually only involves Thai on Thai. It's part of the culture.
  13. Thailand needs to ask itself why it attracts so much human garbage. I very much doubt there is similar behaviour in, say, Singapore or Malaysia.
  14. My sympathy to you. It's a strange religion, isn't it, that prefers to allow people to suffer. Same as the Christian religion which frowns upon euthanasia. Much better to allow anyone/thing to live in pain.
  15. The aggressive behaviour was by the Thais, not the Brits.
  16. Yep! Nothing to see here;. Move on.
  17. You have an unfortunate name on this thread. And do you honestly believe that the police, with video evidence, will do nothing about attempted (?) murder? Really?
  18. Maybe because many of the bars are owned by the same person.
  19. And even worse behaved Thais. You forgot to add that.
  20. It will be interesting to see the reaction of the authorities to this. Will there be a five-minute 'crackdown' with all bars in the Soi closed? Years ago, they forced all bars there to not open until the evening. Will the bar in question be closed for five years until it reopens next month with a new name and 'new' owner?
  21. It will be interesting to see the reaction of the authorities to this. Will there be a five-minute 'crackdown' with all bars in the Soi closed? Years ago, they forced all bars there to not open until the evening. Will the bar in question be closed for five years until it reopens next month with a new name and 'new' owner?
  22. I find it interesting that so many on this thread are blaming the victims, and therefore justifying attempted murder by the security guards thugs in black. It says a lot about them. And some of those who say that the tourists deserved such a beating are the same who criticise other foreigners behaving badly. Maybe they need to look in the mirror after supporting the thugs over the victims.
  23. The people fighting and kicking people in the head when they are down are Thai. Do you think anything warrants that? You support the thugs?
  24. The video has already been shared all over the world via Facebook. More negative publicity for the land of smiles.
  25. Very common among Thais, but it doesn't often involve foreigners. They usually only try to kill their own.
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