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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. He must be a leading candidate for the Darwinism of the Year Award - handing cocaine to an immigration officer. That really takes a very special kind of stupid. But he certainly looks the part.
  2. Actually, they did. Once, when Thaksin had set a date for Suvarnabhumi to open and it wasn't ready, so to save face he ordered a flight from there to Don Mueang to prove that, indeed, Suvarnabhumi was 'open'. Even if only for one day. For one flight. Pathetic.
  3. So, her fault then for not paying attention. Driver is correct. But in Thailand it is always, always someone else's fault.
  4. I am surprised at the OP's post, as it is perfectly obvious to anyone who reads the news, even on just this site, that there are many instances each month of often extreme violence over the most trivial things. The reasons are a possible loss of face, which it could be argued is of even more importance to Thais than money - and that's really saying something! Most of us simply roll with it if we are outsmarted or embarrassed in any way, but for a Thai that is sometimes, all too often, a reason to kill. So much for Buddhist principles. Add to that we have a large percentage of the population having poor education, and the only way for such people, anywhere, to settle an argument is to use their fists or, as in Thailand, guns which seem to be so readily available. Low intelligence and guns are not a good mix. And then there is the fact that, often, young males are never taught self-discipline. Many are allowed to do as they wish, and many also lack a father figure as he has done a runner, is a good-for-nothing himself or the kid has been brought up by aged grandparents who can barely take care of themself, let alone raise a boisterous kid properly. All part of the wonderful culture that Thais are so proud of. The bottom line is, at any sign of trouble, wai and walk away. Always. If you don't, you will lose. Even Macho Man. Six on one, a Thai tradition, wins every time.
  5. Happens anywhere, which is why most who win millions in the various lotteries don't publicise the fact. Apparently, in the UK and Ireland there have been thousands that have become millionaires, but you don't read about it. They keep quiet.
  6. That says a lot, doesn't it. We're charging him, but we don't know what with. And can anyone explain how he has endangered national security? I thought the unelected senators who denied the winning Party in the election the right to govern did that. I guess that was okay though, as they didn't post what they did on-line.
  7. The headline says it all. Number one in Thailand is only 117 in Asia. I have no idea why it is so low when a few years ago they announced they had discovered a cure for cancer.
  8. Nor about the teacher who sexually abused a 13-year-old girl and was merely sacked, no police involved, before he bribed her parents with 25,000 to stay silent, and they did until he came up short with the hush money.
  9. Well, we know that he was guilty as there was a photo circulated of him 'in action'. But do you really think that if someone assaults someone that it is grounds for deportation? Really? Mind you, I come from a country where a foreigner can commit sexual assault and still be allowed to stay as he pretends to have converted to Christianity.
  10. Can the school director be charged with failing to report a crime? Nice parents. Only reported him to police when he didn't come up with the full bribe money, it seems. What a wonderful culture.
  11. If you were Thai, you'd just go round and shoot them. That isn't really an option for foreigners, though.
  12. Actually, I've read several times over the years Thais doing exactly that, when their illegal activity has been topped by the illegal activity of another party. It happens when they are so accustomed to being crooks, they don't even recognise that what they are doing themselves is illegal. I'd suggest that many taxi/tuk tuk drivers in Phuket might fall into that category.
  13. The US has long been racist, maybe more than any other place I know. To know that in my lifetime people had to use different doors or sit in the back of a bus or go to different schools because of the colour of their skin is, frankly, staggering. The Beatles refused to play to segregated audiences. South Africa was also a member of that club of course and was banned from sports worldwide as a result. Somehow, that didn't happen with the USA.
  14. Okay. Can you tell us what you admire about Thump. Many of us would like to know, as we have absolutely no idea what his redeeming qualities could be.
  15. Exactly. I wonder if Joe Public would enjoy the leniency of breaking court rules so many times and only receive a slap on the wrist and a fine that is worth less than peanuts to the offender. Please please PLEASE make Trump take to the stand. There surely is no person in America better able to condemn himself through his ignorant and big-mouth rantings. I can imagine him threatening the judge as he struggles with understanding that he is not the one in charge of proceedings.
  16. Try reading the article instead of just the headline before commenting. If you did read it, then you clearly didn't understand it.
  17. Look what is forecast soon in my area of Kalasin Province ......
  18. Theresa May began this, effectively banning many Brits from living in their own country if they had the audacity to marry a foreigner. I'd be interested in knowing how many Brits currently living in the UK earn that threshold. Follows on from most UK pensioners living overseas being robbed of their pension increases. Meanwhile, the petition is a waste of time as the government doesn't care. Which is why they brought in the rule in the first place. Why would they then do a U-turn?
  19. I trust that he was given a receipt.
  20. It's not about me. It's about people who can't afford to install and run aircon in Europe. Have you heard that some, many, are struggling with the economy there? I guess not.
  21. It's a toss-up, isn't it. Europe usually experiences only a few really hot days each year, so is the expense worth it? Same as us installing heating for the few really cold evenings in Thailand. I'd guess that many in Europe think of aircon as something of a luxury, especially with high electric charges there.
  22. Woke and weak. Not like the Thais and Aussies. I am about to get up on the roof and do a bit of maintenance while it is nice and sunny. I'm sure their families appreciate your sympathy. I have no idea what 'woke' has to do with dying of the heat. I'm not even sure what 'woke' is, other than being the leading phrase of the 2020s. Woke for me is what I did this morning. It has no other meaning.
  23. That was a true heatwave with very unusually high maximums. The same as we've been having in Thailand for the last month+. But Europe definitely isn't designed for hot. I was there in July a few years back, partly for work, and it hit mid-30s in Austria. It was so hot the aircon on the train failed and the guard came through unlocking all the windows.
  24. Apps work until the system goes down. and one time they tried contactless payments on the Airport A1-A4 buses in Bangkok but that didn't seem to last long.
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