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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. It was clearly written with AI as the 'journalist' was unable to compose it himself. I stopped reading after the first three paragraphs. I want to read facts (which according to the comments in this case are confused or non-existent), not nonsense like sun-soaked paradise. We have to accept that many of the 'journalists' here, even foreign ones, are working here as they wouldn't get a job in the west. They simply are not good enough, but might claim they are here for the life-style. Right. And I write as a journalist of over 40 years standing who has written for almost every UK Daily and Sunday national newspaper, and who has worked now and then with Thai journalists. If I recall correctly, and I do stand to be corrected, this writer is the editor-in-chief at The Thaiger, but still has to resort to AI. That says it all.
  2. I think I know Thai people better than you do. I've been living here 27 years, so I think I have an insight. Another idiotic comment from you.
  3. I'm not getting into pointless arguments with you. Nor am I going to read any more of your posts as I'm blocking you. I don't waste my time on idiots.
  4. So you think you know my wife better than I do. I'd dispute that.
  5. My point was that the vast majority of people in the world, like me, have never felt the need to have a gun for self-defense. Certainly outside of a war zone, and even there they leave defense to the professionals. I'm assuming that you are American, member of the land of the free where people live in fear of attack and feel they must therefore 'take precautions', so you have grown up with your warped view that guns are a good thing. You might not have noticed that the rest of the world has a different view. Cue 'how do I know what other people have felt and how do I know what the rest of the world thinks'. Don't bother. I read and watch the news without blinkers on.
  6. And after I posted this, within an hour I had someone who found my not needing a gun for protection confusing and another who found it sad. There are some very, very weird people on this forum.
  7. And let them try using those 'qualifications' out in the real world, where the norm is that Thai 'qualifications' are considered worthless. My wife studied to teach English, and once showed me an exam paper she had been given. On just one A4 page I found something like a dozen errors and corrected them for her to give to the professor, who simply threw it in the bin. Ignorance isn't not knowing, it's not wanting to know, and Thais have than in bucketloads as they will never, ever admit they are wrong about anything.
  8. Whilst countless others have, making your point irrelevant. Edited 3 minutes ago by BangkokReady Which means that I have managed to avoid either the wrong company or living in a country where people are in such fear of their life that they feel obliged to carry a gun for self-defense. I think I win.
  9. And I think I read that he is the first London mayor ever to voted in three times. There are many in the UK who are racist, and I've seen it there throughout my long life, and I have little doubt that many of those who dislike him do so not because of his policies but because of his name and religion.
  10. These 'social workers' are a highly successful source of foreign currency and can be found in countless towns and cities throughout the world, sacrificing their time - and other things - to send money home to help support the family buffalo and brothers who are unable to work due to an excessive thirst for Lao Khao.
  11. I'm 75 years old and have never, not even for a moment, considered that I've needed a gun for self-defence.
  12. I have spent a great deal of time in the US and have noticed that Americans often have difficulty in saying what they actually mean and resort to making oblique statements instead. This is a good example, and he had to translate himself into English. I am assuming he is American, but I'd say that's a given as 'dude' was also used in his incompressible sentence.
  13. As above, do not assume the extension will be there to collect on the same date as given in your passport. They like to have your phone number to call when it's ready, although Thai logic dictates that there is actually nowhere on the application form to write it.
  14. I have no idea what 'chuck a hearty' means. Could you translate please.
  15. No it didn't. Mid-air turbulence caused the injuries. Who writes this garbage?
  16. I'm not victim blaming, but do people usually attend business meetings in someone's hotel room? The naivety of some people in this country is astonishing. So, today we've had a lawyer accused of rape, an ex-DSI official with nearly 400 million baht in assets and a school director involved in child trafficking. What a wonderful culture. All people you trust in the real world, all corrupt to the core in Thailand.
  17. Sounds like you're from a good "christian" nation with lots of violence, rape and murder with some of the highest numbers in the world. I commented on Thais as this is a forum about Thailand. Maybe you are not able to understand that.
  18. Most of Europe has nightlife areas open until dawn. Why not Thailand?
  19. There was only one possible response, and it has been pretty much universal. She was just another member of the RTP who misunderstood her job description, which was to prevent crime rather than being paid to commit it. Easy mistake to make, I suppose. If you are Thai.
  20. I was born and raised in London, but feel that if it had happened in the countryside I wouldn't have wanted to step foot in a city. I suppose a compromise for me would be living in a small town next to the sea. That would be my ideal. Instead, I'm stuck in Issan. Sometimes, life sucks. (note to those who will now comment that I could move: That is not an option.)
  21. You might never have had one (a vaccine?) during the 'hypochondriac's (correct spelling, by the way) wet dream', but over 7 million have died. I doubt they all had 'underlying health problems'. So count yourself lucky, but do not state that, just because you didn't get sick, Covid 19 wasn't a problem for others. Coronavirus Death Toll and Trends - Worldometer (worldometers.info)
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