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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. Will the government demand a Thai ID card, to further shut out aliens?
  2. They call it progress, taking 10 or 20x longer to do what used be done in seconds.
  3. He retired years ago. They revamped the place a bit, got rid of the imported beers, and I think that it's still closed after Covid. A classic case of if it's not broken, don't try to fix it.
  4. And, of course, immigration wouldn't suggest the cheaper way as they would upset the money train. And they must think foreigners - aliens - are as stupid as they are not to see the alternative.
  5. I think we all know that. Again, this is about the alleged inflation rate in Thailand, not the USA. There might be a USA forum somewhere to discuss that.
  6. Note that the article gives the sum required for Indonesia, but is silent on what Thailand demands.
  7. As usual, Thailand thinks it's special and doesn't have to play by the rules - same as the people who break laws every day. It's deeply ingrained into the culture. And you can be absolutely sure that no-one asking for the discount has considered the uproar if one country, a south-east backwater, received a discount and no-one else did - because those countries have had four years to plan. For Thailand, the World Cup appears to have come as a complete surprise.
  8. 'Some people' is an expected 5 billion viewers - although probably none in Thailand. But they can't spend a billion Baht anyway, so it isn't wasted on people who need to get a life.
  9. This thread is about inflation in Thailand. But. as so often, Americans have to relate everything to the USA even though it is entirely irrelevant. It's an interesting phenomenom.
  10. Many of the basic items I buy have increased by up to 100% in the past year. Pork, chicken, potatoes, butter. Of course, it doesn't help that well over 80% of the supermarkets are now owned by the same company, which the Monopolies Office declared wasn't a monopoly because - well, you know.
  11. Even their religion is for number one. They donate or make merit so ensure a better life for themselves, before or after death. It's all about them.
  12. I have 26 years of dealing with Thais in business. How about you? Many I've worked with wouldn't last a month in the west. Poor training, easily distracted. Your experience obviously is different. Lucky for you. There - I managed to respond to you without being insulting. Try it sometime. You know, say something constructive. If you can. Your comment above adds nothing to the conversation. At the same time, you clearly display your own standards.
  13. He is doing exactly the opposite of being confrontational. He isn't joining in, he's ignoring the 'Thai way', he's not doing anything in opposition to it. It's called freedom of choice, not following the sheep. As for working with Thai people, I think I'd like to work with people who are educated, intelligent, have initiative, have common sense, have pride in their work and aren't crippled by having to know their place on the ladder, who aren't over emotional. Not easy to find, in my experience.
  14. Overall, life is easy in Thailand. But what really gets me down is when a job is done it is rarely done correctly the first time. People are poorly trained or just don't care how they do a job. There is no personal pride in their work, which is at odds with not losing face because of doing a poor job. I worked with a tv producer from Korea on a job and she summed up Thailand perfectly in six words - the standards here are so low. She didn't want to come back. And, interestingly, nor do Thais once they see the outside world. I and my wife know around 8-10 ladies who have gone to live overseas, in Germany, Sweden, Hungary, England with men they have met online, and not one of them wants to return except for a few weeks to see family. Not one. That tells you a lot. Many commenting on here wouldn't want to live in Farangland, and Thais in Farangland don't want to live in Thailand.
  15. Used to be. Wicked used to mean very bad and now it means terrific. Bad used to mean something nasty but now it means good. I have no idea what words now replace wicked and bad to mean something unpleasant. Women who act used to be actresses and now they have succumbed to male domination and are called actors. All very strange. 'It's the English language Jim, but not as we know it'.
  16. I wonder how many people read all of this. I'm not one of the 10 second attention span generation but to me it's just far too long. Over 2700 words this week.
  17. Yep! They often forget to tell you that part. In Thailand, unlimited doesn't mean unlimited as we would understand it. Lost in translation or misleading marketing, take your pick.
  18. In Thailand you would expect nothing else than to blame others. It's the airlines fault for bringing so many passengers. Very inconsiderate of them. Why can't they all be like British Airways and bypass the country altogether. The photo makes it all look great fun, doesn't it. Welcome to Thailand. The fact that it is so crowded is your fault as too many of you want to see our temples and to buy durian.
  19. Most people don't kill someone. Sorry. Correction: Most people who kill someone would leg it sharpish.
  20. He had a key? A possibility. But he (or she) would have to be a pretty cool customer to lock the door before walking away. Most people would leg it sharpish.
  21. I think you're out of synch with humanity. But that's okay. What you wrote is just your opinion, which you are entitled to. But most of the planet disagrees.
  22. So, any way the murderer got out of the room? Did the media ask? Of course not. You don't question a uniform in Thailand, especially if they might not have the answer so they lose face.
  23. Warning lights would have been flashing before the barrier came down, so I imagine he just ignored those. But - looking at the video, they are there but don't appear to be flashing although it's difficult to see for sure. Maybe the usual Thai maintenance standards and they weren't working? Or they weren't bright enough to see in the sun? Signed AseanNow Sleuth
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