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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. I wondered when someone would come up with this ignorant comment. Similar to the 'if you don't like it, stay home' brigade. Perhaps it's because the OP enjoys an English breakfast to start his day, before he later tucks into somtam with fermented fish. Perhaps at home he eats Chinese or Indian food too, even though he isn't in China or India. He might even eat Thai food in England. Wow!
  2. Well, try stepping outside your hotel. Plenty of places in both Bangkok and Pattaya sell a very authentic English fry-up, usually pubs but other places that cater to foreigners too. I personally used to go to the Pig & Whistle in Pattaya Soi 7 and in Bangkok I've most recently been to O'Shea's on Suk 33/1. Tons of other places too. My only gripe is that many places don't open until 9 or later, but there are some who open earlier. Nice photo, by the way, and not a hash brown in sight. They're American and have no place in an English breakfast. And with a plate like that, lunch not required ????
  3. It's the Thai way. Everyone jumps on the bandwagon and then many of the businesses fail because sales are spread too thin. You see it all the time along the highways, with a dozen stalls within a kilometre all selling exactly the same stuff. It happened in my area too with sugar cane. Everyone grew it but the price plummeted because of over-supply. Exactly the same thing happened with growing rubber trees. Thais have absolutely no idea about business methods, supply and demand and so on. They just follow what others do, like sheep, and then get burned.
  4. It might be obvious to you, but you alone. The couple holding the kids are very obviously not Thai, but from the children's shelter. And the article says the police have failed to locate the parents. Your lack of comprehension is astonishing.
  5. These bars - which still exist, by the way - are allowed to operate long after bars that pay taxes and abide by the law are required to close. Now, I wonder who the street bars pay their 'taxes' to?
  6. Just the usual Thai one-step thinking. Yet again an example of being unable to link the dots, and realise that to receive information there must be the ability to broadcast it. Pathetic.
  7. Hua Hin to get high speed train by 2032 If this was China: Hua Hin to get high speed train by 2032 2023
  8. Well, we can all guess why, can't we. Whenever anyone I know tells me they are planning a trip to Thailand I've long told them to avoid Phuket like the plague.
  9. Probably. From the linked article: Relatives of some of the victims have complained about slow progress in the case. And that is after they called in the bigwigs from Bangkok to investigate. It's happened, it's in the past, nothing can bring the dead back, just push it down the road until it's forgotten by all but the relatives of the victims. Then, in a couple of years or so, repeat.
  10. Both houses looked the same and had no house number on show? Why not? How do they receive mail when they're in residence? What is so hard about putting the number of your house up so anyone, including deliveries, can find you? It also doesn't help having the ridiculous house numbering method that Thailand uses. There was talk many years ago of re-numbering properties to match what happens in the real world, but of course nothing happened. I believe that Japan has a similar method which make addresses very hard to find.
  11. Ah, the joys of living in Asia.
  12. Yep! Just what tourists like to see when they go on holiday, police on patrol en masse to make sure you aren't drinking a beer on the beach. Just another example of Thais not having a clue what happens outside of their borders. They probably believe these beer-seeking patrols are normal in resorts everywhere. Control control control.
  13. So, by refusing to take any action and from what he is claimed to have said, the father condones the beating. If I was his son I'd be very afraid.
  14. My internet is 600 a month. That's 20 baht a day. If you think that isn't cheap then I wonder what kind of life you lead.
  15. Why on Earth should I be concerned with knowing a law that has nothing to do with me. I'm not a child, I don't take one into pubs and am never likely to.
  16. Oh, how original. Never seen that written before.
  17. Of course, insurance companies are falling over themselves to insure 77 year-olds with existing serious health problems. Sorry 0 agreement with your callous post.
  18. Entering bars under the age of 18 would be the obvious one. Edited 1 hour ago by BritManToo As far as I am aware, there is no age limit for entering a bar in Thailand, only for drinking or working there. You could consider begging as work I suppose.
  19. What law were they breaking?
  20. The house they went to wasn't the foreclosed property. That is the whole point of the article. So your comment is irrelevant.
  21. Why should they? Nothing in it for them to make our life easier. All they've done over the years is place more and more obstacles. They are unable to join the dots between foreigners living here - often with foreign income - and the fact they help the Thai economy and their Thai family by spending it. We are foreigners and must be treated as such and with suspicion. That's as far as their thinking can reach.
  22. Nothing will happen long-term because no-one except the parents of the dead person actually care as it has nothing to do with them. That's the Thai way, if it doesn't directly concern them they have no interest in it. Add to that Thais believe that the event has happened and nothing can change that, so move on. Different culture to ours.
  23. 'Forever' is a fluid concept. Someone I know who is 'very close to me' remembers when it was called the Three Roses, back when a lady drink was 50 baht, bar-fine was 100, short time 200 and long time 500. Was open in the afternoon too. Makes you want to cry, doesn't it.
  24. Then you're hardly in a position to comment, are you.
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