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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. The police in Thailand do have a credit union. Who told you they don't? My brother-in-law is a policeman and has bought two pieces of land with a cheap loan. As for being poorly paid, no-one makes them take a job with low pay. It's their choice, isn't it? Many, many people are poorly paid but they don't usually go around robbing shops at gunpoint because of it.
  2. That might be because most find masks uncomfortable and inconvenient. They are not needed now, haven't been for many many months and are not used in most of the world. It's an Asian thing, always was and perhaps always will be. Up to them, and any farang who is comfortable with them. No-one is stopping anyone wearing a mask if they want to. Saying you have to now is ridiculous and way out of line internationally.
  3. Just kids being kids. Age is irrelevant. They both acted like children, but are both allowed to breed and spread their stupidity. At least the woman-child managed to hit a pole, which appears to be obligatory with any accident in Thailand. But why does she have her leg in a bucket? I see the ice pack, but.....
  4. Or, let your natural immune system deal with it as happens almost everywhere else in the world. Would you wear a mask in your home country? Because from what I've seen you might be alone in that.
  5. Surely there are budget fares to the UK or other points in Europe, from where much lower fares are available than the $10,000 one way that you quote. That is just silly.
  6. The last time the Thais made their feelings felt on the streets they were met with water cannon and their demonstrations resulted in nothing at all. The time before that was worse and resulted in the army removing the democratically elected government. So, whatever the people do, they lose. You can't fight with rubber ducks and camera torches. The army wins every time. Always has, always will, because what the people want doesn't matter at all in any Third World country, not just Thailand.
  7. As someone commented in the linked article, this could be a very good income stream. Easy money and plenty of opportunity as it's a common sight. Not much danger to oneself if photographing from across the street, and then off to the police or local office to collect your winnings. Of course, there is a flaw. You only get the money as part of the fine, and neither the police nor the local office will take any notice and just do the usual, which is nothing. No fine, nothing for you and business as usual. As it always, always is in Thailand.
  8. The event caused much discussion and anger on social media, with many commenters feeling that the forced registration system traps customers to limited choices and high pricing versus allowing the customer to choose how they will travel, such as on an online application. Yes. That's the whole point. What the passengers should have done is refuse to leave the van they arranged. Instead, they were intimidated before they'd even left the airport. Welcome to Paradise, where the airport authorities have joined forces with the taxi mafia. Whenever any of my misguided friends have told me they're planning a trip to Thailand I always tell them to avoid Phuket at all costs.
  9. There's far more to it than that. As I said, you have only a tenuous understanding of what you write about. Some bus routes are subsidised by counties or cities or towns, for example, or they wouldn't be sustainable. So no, there isn't always a connection between operating costs and ticket prices.
  10. You do write the most extraordinary nonsense, not just in this thread but elsewhere. You often, as here, have only a tenuous grasp on what you are writing about and claiming. I thought I'd blocked you so that I don't waste my time reading you, but it's not too late.
  11. Her hand may well be forced and she'll go down as the shortest serving PM in history. She and her money man are no less than economic terrorists hell bent on further enriching the wealthy. The pair and their naivety is having catastrophic consequences for most citizens. People are struggling to put food on the table and heat their homes? Well, we'll allow multi-millionaire bankers to have unlimited million pound bonuses, and at the same time not tax the energy companies that have made billions upon billions of profits from the high energy prices. Yep, that'll help the nation. Or at least, 1% of it who they suck up to.
  12. Because those that do are idiots. No common sense. I'd love to hear those who do so try to justify it.
  13. Why? Same as the US system. I have little doubt that Obama would have got a third term if people in the self-proclaimed world's greatest democracy were allowed to vote for him, but they were denied that right and they and the world got Trump instead. Think about it - the only person American citizens couldn't choose as President was the President. It should, it must, be that the only ones who decide who can stand for election are the people, not the courts. Is there any other job where people are removed after working it for eight years? Of course, there are millions who believe that Trump was a better representative for America than Obama, but then some believe the moon landing was fake and the Mars landing took place in Arizona. Don't take this as an endorsement for Prayut.
  14. I never said that you said the event was world class. The headline says it is world class. It isn't.
  15. It's actually an entertainment tax. From another of today's reports: Two groups of teenage students allegedly had an altercation in front of the Pattaya police station before firing three rounds from a firearm into the sky, terrifying nearby tourists.
  16. It would be zero, as no-one would notice it or even care about 300 baht added to an airfare that costs thousands. Many, many countries impose fees, sometimes as in the UK amounting to hundreds of pounds.
  17. Waiting now for the usual Thai U-turn........
  18. Paradon's mistake was to keep playing when he had a wrist injury, and that ultimately ended his career. As a tennis journalist over many decades, I met him countless times and he was always unfailingly polite as well as being an accomplished player. Same as his female counterpart, Tamarine Tanasugarn. But to call the event 'world class' is stretching it more than a bit. It is just about the lowest rung of the ladder for professional players and no players that most have ever heard of will be taking part.
  19. You list so many positives, why are you asking us? Just to confirm what you already know? To tell you things you don't know? I'm a little confused. Personally, as a Londoner now living in Issan, I would have no problem with living in Scotland if I had to. I'd choose the Western Isles for the rugged scenery and the crashing waves that you write of. But if you are concerned about getting fragile as the years advance then a city might be a wiser choice because of the ease of getting to the shops. And, if bones are aching, then you are never likely to be hot, just warmish at best. You know that, of course. Look up Steve Marsh on YouTube - he makes great 20 minute-or-so videos each week in which he visits many places around his country. A more naturally friendly man you could never wish to meet.
  20. Really? Not long after I came to live in Thailand I needed to visit the local dentist and he told me that I needed three teeth extracted. I thought not and, some 26 years later, I still have those teeth. Later, another dentist said I need root canal surgery. I thought not, and I've had no problems since. When there's money and Thais involved......
  21. Of course he didn't miss a pole. They never do. But you missed it in the report. A pickup truck reportedly slipped on a wet road and crashed into a power pole
  22. Is this supposed to inspire confidence? This is the same university that several years ago announced that it had found a cure for cancer.
  23. Compare the cooperation of ASEAN nations with cooperation between EU countries and there is no comparison. Very far from it. ASEAN is nothing more than a name for a collection of nations.
  24. Not where I am in Kalasin Province. Apart from about a month when the rain disappeared we've had a pretty decent rainy season, a couple of heavy storms but nothing dramatic. This coming storm looks like will make it a bit soggy for a day or two, but I'm not in the market for a boat.
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