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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. What does it have to do with the government what hours a business operates? Market forces should be the only thing that does that.
  2. I'm surprised that no-one has commented on this. Pretty frightening.
  3. Probably wouldn't have made much difference in this case, but all these drink tables set beside where people sit sure block the way when anyone is trying to make a fast exit. Why don't Thais keep bottles on the table with them, as happens anywhere else in the world that I've been to.
  4. As mentioned above, someone had been there fixing a power problem. The place had only been open a few weeks, FFsake. There are three things that Thailand should be forbidden from getting involved with - electrics, driving and government website planning. Having said that, I was working in India a few years ago and the arena electrician tried to force a round Euro-style plug into an American-style socket.
  5. Yes, thanks. This was revealed some time after I posted. Young indeed.
  6. Where did the poster you quoted say it only happens in Thailand? This is a forum about Thailand, and a report of Thai teachers having highly questionable authority to make Thai kids pay for a damaged door in a Thai school. It has nothing at all to do with anything that once happened in the UK.
  7. I'm impressed that you have faith in the quality of Thai journalism.
  8. Very much why some did, no doubt about that. Thailand has long attracted the bottom of the barrel unlike, for example, Singapore or Malaysia.
  9. Did she report it to the authorities, with photo or video? And if she did report it did she follow up with a higher authority if nothing was done? Or did she just do nothing?
  10. In my native UK I believe that anyone can look up a register to see who owns a company as well as other info about it. But even if such a system exists in Thailand I doubt that it would be much use as it would only show a pretend owner, a front man, if a VIP was behind it. Thailand excels in smoke and mirrors. Add to that the libel laws whose sole purpose is to protect the guilty.....
  11. I think it's very noble of the authorities in Thailand to employ the disabled, those who are deaf and blind, to inspect commercial premises.
  12. Just a simple case of Me First. Perfectly normal in Thailand.
  13. I wondered about the term so looked it up. Although it's a term not commonly used for decades it is actually correct. The definition I found was a car that is closed and that has front and rear seats and two or four doors.
  14. It would make no difference. Apart from there being very few inspectors - something that is common throughout the world - as soon as they leave the premises the doors would be locked again.
  15. I read that it had only been open for two months.
  16. Er, aren't you supposed to do that before the building - the one that wasn't even supposed to be there but caused temporary blindness to all officials - was opened?
  17. A new building is able to get a license to open, while lacking a (working?) sprinkler system and with only one exit available, while also using highly flammable material in the décor. So, the building inspector might be a good place to start the investigation. He was paid to do a job. Or he was paid not to. Let's find out and hopefully he is proved innocent and there was just a misunderstanding about what was required to save lives and keep people safe.
  18. I happened upon a huge fire in what is now the Inter-Continental hotel on Sukhumvit. An air-conditioning unit had exploded just the day before the building was to open for the first time and people - workers I guess - had to be lifted off the roof by helicopter and taken over to the nearby police hospital. There was a sprinkler system as required by law - but there was no law saying it had to be switched on. Guess if it was switched on. So you might like to check at your condo.....
  19. I love it when the police load people onto the back of pickups and transport them. It's actually illegal, but then whether something is illegal or not has no relevance in Thailand. I also love it when they raid entertainment venues, load those arrested onto the back and transport them to the police station where those arrested jump out and run away.
  20. Two or three bottles between four workers didn't seem to cause any problems.
  21. She picked a good one there. Her choice.
  22. Me too. I had pain but knew I certainly didn't need three teeth removed. So I didn't. If the dentist thought I did then he was a very poor dentist or was working a scam and wanting to remove healthy teeth to make money. As I said, 30 years later those 'bad' teeth are still there and working fine.
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