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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. Well, they would. They would ask for your passport number and its expiry date and no doubt your nationality too. That's long been my experience.
  2. It doesn't say that expats can use the insurance, only that they have to pay along with everyone else.
  3. They won't know about it, in the same way they have no knowledge of the departure tax.
  4. It's amazing to me that people would put substances into their body with absolutely no knowledge of what it contained or if it were safe. And that goes for 'Viagra' etc sold on the streets, as well as any Covid 'medication'.
  5. Totally useless? Do you have a scientific study to link to to support this statement? I think the general consensus is that the vaccines so far have been highly successful in limiting the effect of Covid, although not eliminating it outright, and I've seen no reports that vaccines are 'useless' against the latest strain.
  6. Mass hospitalisations and deaths are so 2020. The virus is still around. But then, so are flu, cancer, leukemia....... And life goes on. But the lingering Covid cases offer the government the opportunity to control the people, as with the state of emergency.
  7. How does having fewer U-turns make the remaining U-turns safer?
  8. Daily cases reported by Thailand's Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration are based on new hospital admissions, not positive tests. Cases found via home antigen test kits are tallied separately, sometimes double the official case count, and rely on self-reporting by patients recuperating at home. Yes. ...restaurants and bars in Bangkok are operating to capacity. Well, that could be a problem once the 'expected' millions of tourists return.
  9. She does know that that is completely impossible in Thailand, doesn't she? It means thinking something through, thoroughly, before acting, and that is an entirely alien concept here.
  10. He just report some Facts for the Naive........ But there were no facts, were there. Hardly naming and shaming if you don't name the place, the road, the owner. So yes, I'll go for point #1 above. He's said nothing, but gained the attention he wanted to stoke his ego.
  11. Mine too. I only ever pay COD. If that's not available then I find someone else that offers it, or don't buy at all.
  12. Why is alcohol banned for two days this week but not on others? Buddhism either allows alcohol or it doesn't. This week, it's okay on Tuesday and Friday but not on Wednesday and Thursday. Not that any ban matters anyway. Those who want to ignore it will ignore it.
  13. I had the same problem and simply signed up again using a 'spare' email address I hardly ever use now. Just set up a new email address and maybe use it for only for Lazada.
  14. I've read that the organisers were originally selling tickets for twice the amount agreed with the clubs. The clubs arrive and - guess what - the tickets go back to the contracted price. Coincidence? The usual Thai smoke and mirrors.
  15. As far as I am aware, that is true only for Thais, and outside of peak hours, as the BTS operates a two-tier pricing system. The MRT gives the discount to all nationalities. I stand to be corrected, but if the BTS does still operate a racist pricing policy then perhaps the new governor might like to have a word on behalf of us aging expats.
  16. The Health Minister apparently doesn't know that. Sums up how unqualified he is for the job.
  17. Yet more parents not being parents. The only reason many Thais have kids is to use them as an insurance policy so they will be taken care of when they get old. They certainly don't have them to be parents in the 'western' sense. And they think nothing of dumping boisterous young kids on elderly folk who probably have difficulty coping with their own life, let alone other people. This is a perfect example of that, but we read of stories like this over and over again. Deeply rooted in the culture. Don't take responsibility for your own offspring. Make it someone else's problem. We are looking after a nephew after his mother went to Hungary for three months in March 2020 - and joined the long list of Thais who, once they experience the outside world, have no wish to return to the lunatic asylum. And my wife's sister is also looking after a nephew as his parents work elsewhere.
  18. I have a colleague in the UK who makes annual business trips to Australia. His wife forbids him from stopping over in Bangkok. Ask people in the street what the first things are that come to mind when Thailand is mentioned, and I'm sure that most would say ladyboys and prostitutes.
  19. I had something similar happen to me in Indonesia, although in a hotel. I had a few $100 bills in my wallet and in the hotel safe. When I took the wallet out I found that the $100 bills were gone and just a few smaller bills left. I reported it to the hotel, who denied all responsibility and said a member of staff couldn't possibly have taken the money as they would draw attention if they had such large bills. I insisted the police were called and got the same answer. Were they in it together? Who knows.
  20. Last Songkran a house across the road was playing music so loudly it rattled my windows. But if you complain in Thailand you are likely to have your property damaged in retaliation. And expecting the police to do anything..... Nobody cares about anyone else. Me First is the national motto.
  21. In Thailand there is only one way to avoid risk to life on crossings and that is to remove them completely. Nearly all drivers ignore them, even going through a red light with those that have them - including the police (there are videos) - and those that don't ignore them run the risk of being hit from behind. They are also actually a hazard, as motorcycles race around anyone who has stopped and kill or injure those who thought it was safe to cross. They actually cause death and injury as very few respect them. Removing them would save lives. As so often in Thailand, reverse thinking applies.
  22. I find it bizarre in NYC and I guess other places in the USA where there is no, say, 20-30 second period when all vehicle lights are red and pedestrians can cross safely. Instead, lights change, a vehicle wants to turn right and has to wait until people have finished crossing. By then, the lights have changed again and only one of two vehicles have completed the turn. If there was a pedestrian crossing time, then all the vehicles could make the turn unimpeded. Like in other countries (those that observe the lights that is, not Thailand where it's always Me First, the national motto).
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