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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. I have used a VPN in China, but not during the CCP congress.
  2. Your experience appears to be the polar opposite of mine. I guess I'm lucky, for example, in knowing the names of V:PNs from countless social media and news posts. And rarely finding connections don't work.
  3. There is no hyphen in Asean Now, nor should there be in initialising it. If you think differently, okay. So be it.
  4. A comedian not an.....dear oh dear. AN = Asean Now. Most people know that.... dear oh dear.
  5. Have you been living under a stone? There have been countless such reports, with a sizeable number not involving a beating but threats or worse with a gun or machete. I was personally told by a taxi driver who said he was an off-duty cop that if he had his gun with him he would have shot me over a trivial incident (my protesting that he was in danger of crashing the taxi and injuring me when he played cat and mouse with a car that had dared to overtake him, while refusing to stop the taxi and let me out). You take your life in your hands if you cross these neanderthals over anything at all. Just a couple of days ago we had a report of someone being shot as the victim looked at him the wrong way while passing on his motorcycle.
  6. Nice way to start the day in the land of smiles. How many of us know of market vendors fighting and stabbing each other in our local market in farangland? Anyone?
  7. Today's Moronic Post of the Day. A policeman is seriously injured, close to death, and along comes an AN 'comedian' to make a joke of it. And if it was a member of your family, or you laying unconscious in hospital, how funny would that be? Hmm?
  8. I've been living in Thailand for around 27 years, and this is the longest hot spell I can remember. Some years ago when I lived in Bangkok we had 40 degrees for around 10 straight days, but in Kalasin we've had an entire month of 37-39 degrees. The aircon can't keep up. Now at 39, feels like 42. Bring on the soggy season.
  9. Thai culture, isn't it, admitted by a Thai so not farang Thai-bashing. She admitted that life is worth so little in Thailand that someone can be murdered for simply honking their horn. Great culture in the land of smiles. LOS my ar*e.
  10. Funny how some people on this site react and excuse Thai thuggish behaviour, isn't it. I wonder if he would be in danger of being attacked by a mob and stabbed if he honked someone in his own country.
  11. I don't see much effort involved in actioning a VPN, do you? If you can open an email (or thread on AN) then you can open a VPN setting. It's hardly a frustrating experience.
  12. That reminds me that the USA wants to possibly ban TikTok... As Thailand has more than once threatened to ban Facebook when it hasn't bowed to the government's demand for censorship. Funny.
  13. Which is mass hooliganism, to selfishly fire water at anyone in sight, whether they like it or not.
  14. I really don't understand the blocking mindset, whether it's governments or broadcasters. It's so last century. Everyone knows about VPNs now and uses them.
  15. Four on one too. So, no. Idiotic journalism.
  16. It's a report from one of The Thaiger's ace 'journalists'. What else do you expect.
  17. Having factories surrounded by newer housing is a worldwide problem. There have been massive explosions in Belgium, in India and the USA among other places. Zoning authorities seem to think it's a great idea to build new houses close to factories, I assume because they expect those factories to maintain their equipment properly and responsibly. But we are dealing with people who sometimes prioritise profit over safety or are just plain incompetent, so that's rather naive. In this case, it seems that the emergency services were very much on the ball.
  18. True. But I prefer not to be up until 4 or 5 in the morning. A price to pay for living in Asia. In related news, as The Thaiger would say, I did once stay up for the World Cup Final and we had a power cut 30 minutes into the match.
  19. Or you could Google Fullmatchreplay or Soccercatch, for example..... And then watch at your leisure. I tend to right-click once the show starts and link to the video and download using By Click Downloader.
  20. And the self-appointed drink police have only just noticed something that has been going on for many years? At least five or six years ago there was a ridiculous tv commercial featuring young people dancing ecstatically after drinking one brand of water. Absolutely pathetic.
  21. There, corrected what you meant to say. Unless you have proof otherwise
  22. The offence was stealing a bracelet, not being foreign.
  23. What proof do you have that the judge is politically biased, and therefore corrupt and not fit to uphold the law? This judge or any other involved in Trump's many 'misjudgments' that have resulted in him facing numerous charges?
  24. I love the related part, with another accident at the same spot. Great driving all round.
  25. How does the reporter know they were teens on the motorcycle? The author says so three times. More great reporting from The Thaiger. Either he made it up, or - with the culprits not yet found - there is something missing in his report.
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