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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. You're an expert then, after your in-depth study of the region and its economy. Anyway, you don't have to return there, but the airport isn't about you anyway. It's for the people who live there and boosting its economy. It has nothing at all to do with you.
  2. Five months? And in that five months of observation he obviously didn't sell any drugs as they would have arrested him then and there, wouldn't they? You know, before he sold any more drugs which they say are such a danger to society. And I assume also that buying drugs isn't illegal, or they would have arrested the buyers too over that five months of looking and doing nothing.
  3. And those people don't ride the bus, even the stupidly-named VIP buses.
  4. If something doesn't directly concern them then Thais are often not interested. These things happened to someone else and therefore had nothing to do with them. They are unable to join the dots and think if it happened to others then it could happen to them.
  5. There is a video on YouTube that shows a crossing in Pattaya, with people simply ignoring the red light and driving straight through. Including the police. People do it as they know they can with impunity. Same with any other law in Thailand. It is indeed lawless.
  6. Will there be similar public anger and protests at the scene, as happened when a Swiss man kicked a woman in Phuket? Or as he was Chinese and the driver was probably Thai* it doesn't matter? *probably, based on the number of Thais compared to foreigners in Thailand.
  7. Where did you read he came from the countryside? Or was that something you dreamed up and wrote as fact?
  8. Will there be similar public anger and protests at the scene where a Chinese tourist was killed on a pedestrian crossing by a hit and run driver? Or as he was Chinese and the driver was probably Thai* it doesn't matter? *probably, based on the number of Thais compared to foreigners in Thailand.
  9. I've blocked @Dolf. Life is too short to read any more of his idiotic and ignorant comments.
  10. Some disappoint, some frighten as they are dangerous and are able to attract hundreds of thousands, millions even, of like-minded individuals. I cannot imagine what the world will be like in 20, 30, 40 years, if the human race survives.
  11. They used to be hidden from us before the internet and social media came along. They've always been there among us but we didn't know, which is disturbing. At least now we know who they are.
  12. You do know that The Times and Daily Telegraph are considered to be broadsheets, don't you, only published in tabloid size now as that makes them easier to read while travelling to work or while sitting somewhere with a coffee or beer. I guess not. Every post you make here reflects your ignorance. Why you persist in that is difficult to understand. I can only surmise that you believe you are smarter than you actually are. And that's my final comment to a troll.
  13. Clearly you are not one. Thank you for the confession.
  14. At the risk of upsetting you, more than 40 years ago I lived one summer in a far away place, Helsinki, and at nine each evening I'd walk to the Central Station to buy that day's London Times and take it back to my flat and spend a few hours informing and educating myself. Sadly, I don't remember having an accompanying beer though. Back then it took that long for the papers to arrive. A decade or so later I was able to receive the Daily Telegraph at my hotel breakfast table in Holland. And now.... Times change, and so do people's reading habits. Not for the better, I'd suggest.
  15. Keep digging your hole. It is up to you to prove your claim. Which, of course, you can't. You just posted nonsense with no evidence at all to back it up.
  16. You speak for others now? A post based on nothing at all, except your own limitations.
  17. Agreed. I've been a journalist for over 40 years, mainly for most of the UK nationals. The industry has been in decline for much of that time. But when has there not been cutbacks, belt-tightening almost everywhere you look? Not only newspapers, but social services, NHS, policing, closing this and that. Most recently it's been high street banks closing and now even ATMs. We live in an age of constant cutbacks. Automated contact numbers for AirAsia, anyone? The internet played a part in newspaper revenue decline and that is why some publications demanded a subscription to read on-line. It also resulted in a reduction in staff, with less reporters and no sub-editors so now we have more errors published. 24-hour tv news also played a major part, of course. There are now more choices for news. It is more readily available from more sources. At the same time, many feel they do not have the time to be properly informed as there are so many distractions that they consider more important to their life, and they are happy to live in their ignorance. It's called dumbing down, and there is evidence of that on a daily basis. Twitter fed perfectly into that inability or unwillingness to look at anything in depth, and it bred or brought to the surface those who like to post one-liners on AN, for any number of reasons (no time, know nothing, posting pointless comments). As for those who don't like to read more than 50 words, don't. Up to you. But also know that others might be better informed than you. If you care. Many don't.
  18. I don't think he's a troll. He's just an idiot.
  19. Who reads newspapers? Well, that would explain why so many on this site make fools of themselves by commenting on something without reading the full story via the on-line newspaper link first. (29 words)
  20. I guess you must be one of the 10-second attention span generation. Just imagine how uninformed we would be if all the stories we read in on-line newspapers only gave 50 word reports. That suits a lot of people, I guess. Just brush the surface. (45 words) I'd write more, but that would offend.
  21. Maybe he doesn't usually go to an overpriced place for coffee, but somewhere such as Amazon where you can get a coffee for 100 baht. Did you think of that? And he went into Starbucks with the victim because that was close by. But it's okay, @stoner and probably others have made the same unnecessary comment without thinking it through.
  22. Whenever I've been in a Bangkok taxi the driver has asked for the toll fee at each toll gate. Simples.
  23. It does though have the advantage on arrival of you being dropped off close to baggage collection, saving a long walk. Given the choice, I'd go for 1980. The other direction, not so sure. Depends where the gate is so there might be a long walk anyway, but usually the bus gates are right by the main terminal concourse. This reminds me of the time I arrived once at Miami airport four hours before my flight, and missed it. I'd flown in from the west coast overnight and had to wait for my commuter flight connection to West Palm Beach. Most small planes left from right by the terminal building, but my flight out of Miami was from a remote terminal. When I found out all I could do was watch it depart.
  24. This is the airport that was closed not very long ago as it was considered by the visionary politicians to be surplus to requirements once Suvarnabhumi was opened.
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