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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. Perfectly aware of that, but we have not heard the Swiss guy's side of the story. So you think the Swiss guy met the ambulance driver and gave him a gift to apologise for something he didn't do? Are you suggesting that the Swiss guy was innocent and it was all a misunderstanding? What planet do you live on?
  2. You forgot corrupt. Perfectly plausible here in Thailand.
  3. From @vinny41 to me... https://www.thephuketnews.com/kicking-swiss-man-in-phuket-loses-visa-91515.php Of course, maybe the report is wrong. Many are here. Or maybe his former friends were able to assist him. Or he used an agent.
  4. Thanks for the link. And it raises something interesting. It says he is 45 and he has a retirement visa. And yet, from the official Thai government website in Norway: Applicants applying for a Non-Immigrant O visa for retirement purposes must be at least 50 years of age. Now isn't that interesting. Bad reporting or something else.......
  5. Power of the people. I might be wrong, but I'd bet if he was Thai rather than a foreigner there would not have been 500 protesters, or even that the 'victim' would have pursued the case. But anyway, he's clearly an arrogant bully and let's not forget that last year he blocked an ambulance from passing and gave the driver the finger. Thailand would be well rid of him. He fives the rest of us a bad name.
  6. He had also blocked an ambulance last year but nothing came of the case, possibly because of his 'friends'. This time he kicked the wrong person who wouldn't be hushed up. He's a serial idiot, arrogant and a bully. Having money sometimes does that to people.
  7. Your entire post was off topic.
  8. I've been coming to or living in Thailand for around 30 years and have never had vaccinations for anything (except Covid). Nor have I suffered from Hepatitis, nor do I know of anyone in all that time who has. I did though have a rabies injection after I was bitten by a dog which was attacking one of mine, as a precaution. So I'd say it isn't a requirement as they would have to be desperately unlucky to be a 'victim'. They might have more chance of being mown down on a pedestrian crossing. But if they want to to be vaccinated for peace of mind, why not.
  9. Hard to say when you don't say what those dates are, don't you think?
  10. They shouldn't telling should they? They should be aware of any shortcomings. It's called management.
  11. Yes, dummy. That's one of the biggest problems. And shouldn't that be DIS-satisfaction?
  12. He talks about the cost of living in London. I don't suppose living anywhere else in the UK, all of which is cheaper than London, occurred to him? But then, he hates the government and opposition too, yet wants to move to a country where the people's vote means nothing at all and there is no effective opposition either. And there is no benefit in Thailand being 10x cheaper than the UK if you don't have a job. No mention in the article on how he intends to support himself. Maybe he'll do what so many do who don't have a skill they can use, and be a vlogger. There's very good money in that. A UK vlogger travels the world and spends a night in top hotels which costs him up to 2000 pounds a night. Nice job.
  13. The letter I get from the bank for my marriage extension shows all transactions, not just the balance.
  14. If the passbook isn't updated regularly then it only shows the past three months, I believe. So if the full balance info wasn't in the passbook I'd need a letter from the bank showing I hadn't fallen below what is required.
  15. Don't worry. Most posts have numerous posts saying exactly the same thing. Unless you spend time reading every post you'd not know someone had posted the same thing or similar before.
  16. Life can be tough sometimes, having to work. An alien concept to some, I know.
  17. Used by who? Those who haven't had the cut? What da'ya think?
  18. I don't know what extension you have, but money doesn't have to be held for the entire year does it, so I have no idea what she wanted it for. Maybe she doesn't know the rules. I'm sure that's why some IOs give us grief and 'make up' the rules - they simply don't know what is needed and what isn't and aren't deliberately being difficult. Last year I saw their rule book and it was about four centimetres thick. No wonder they might not know. I rarely update my book so I suppose I'd have been sent away to get a bank letter.
  19. Of course. She expected action from the police? Against a police officer, one of their own? Well, isn't that interesting. Anyone can have sex with a child, and as long as the parents don't complain then it's legal. And Thais wonder why the country has a reputation for pedophilia.
  20. In the real world teachers set an example. In Thailand they do the opposite by cheating to get their job and instead of teaching tolerance they beat students for the smallest infraction. And if it isn't teachers cheating it's the police - another group that in the real world are supposed to set an example to others - in their exams. Wonderful culture. Corruption from the very top to the very bottom. Proud To Be Thai.
  21. Unfortunately that isn't enough. You can be wiped out in an instant by anyone who doesn't do as you ask. Such as the victims in this case. How do you stop someone slamming into you from behind? Too many Thais are not wired in the right way to be in command of a motor vehicle. And before anyone calls me out for Thai-bashing, the official death rate is 10x that of my native UK, with the same population numbers. And the worst driving I've seen is in Azerbaijan.
  22. Another government u-turn? Surely not.
  23. You speak for yourself. I learn a huge amount via Facebook groups about subjects I'm interested in. Those who gain nothing from it don't know how to get the most out of it, and so trash the system. To me, they are the losers, not the users of such services. Same with anything that is ultra successful and used by millions - Starbucks, McDonalds etc. Any company that provides customers with what they want. That to me is a pretty good business model, but along come the holier than thou's and condemn something they don't actually have to use if they don't want to.
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