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  1. I sometimes wonder if protesters actually know the story of the so-called "Democracy Monument" and what event it actually commemorates in Thai history.......
  2. "According to a Coconuts report, she posted a selfie taken at the Oscars ceremony, in which she expressed disbelief at being there." Wow - a selfie by waving her iphone around in the foyer. Quality Thai journalism at its best. It was well worth emigrating to NY.
  3. Thai politics works so well without the complications and confusions caused by "Policies"..... Policies would just confuse the electorate.
  4. Lucky that the EU is an institution with such high principles. It deserves the utmost respect from all Juntas in the world.
  5. They care... they just don't care much.....
  6. Thai RTP / SWAT brings Benny Hill to top of the list - preferably with the speeding up motion......
  7. "He also highlighted his administration’s work in the area, including the expansion of the Eastern Economic Corridor and the construction of roads and railways, which he believes will greatly benefit the next generation".......of Chinese
  8. At least she was not sprayed with disinfectant.....
  9. You have a high opinion of US education and geographical knowledge about the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_pw8duzGUg
  10. "However, the spokesman said the fact-finding panel ....... has no legal authority to subpoena anybody for questioning about the scandal surrounding the allegedly grey senator." so the "facts" will be not available unless Chuwit has them in his little black book.......
  11. Not what most people seem to say about Ford in Thailand.......
  12. billion baht is only retail value, not wholesale. RTP will have to put some effort in....
  13. In the modern world it is "racism" to state the bleedin' obvious......
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