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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. Welcome to the Year of the Dead Rabbit......
  2. US school shooting or Thai motorcycle death?? Which is less impressive?
  3. Estonia is culturally / historically quite pro-Russian, but I bet they are now thinking about building a big fence.......
  4. When you hear the words "Brace, Brace, Brace" you know it is already too late...
  5. Remind us..... who owns the company making and supplying the bracelets?? Do they have any Covid bracelets left in stock? Wait for the annual R Pardon for the sex offenders..........
  6. Due to lack of maintenance, the aircraft operated by the RTAF are probably not actually airworthy, so it is safer this way for all concerned....
  7. "A hospital report stated that while the victim's hymen was still intact semen had been found inside her." There would be a joke about the size of his ***** but the story is too sad already....hopefully she felt no physical pain....
  8. and the OP writer could ask why the above mentioned Japanese, S Koreans, Singaporeans (and HongKongers, still) plus Brunei, UAE, etc (despite being "Asian") rarely need a visa to travel because they are trusted not to overstay, work illegally on the balance of probabilities.
  9. and are they welcome? ignored? celebrity? pariah? tortured?
  10. unless it is someone who cannot be named.... then the whole highway system is shut down.......
  11. oh but yes he was seen limping around Yaowarat at the weekend taking selfies with passing influencers......
  12. Yes I would like to think there is some sort of limit to the amount of "influence" which can be absorbed by the smartphone zombies.......but we obviously are nowhere near the limit yet.....
  13. assaulting the police who were obviously not there because there was no cockfighting event there anyway....................
  14. " A spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry says the application system is being refined to allow people from all countries to apply online. Trisulee Trisaranakul says Thailand will treat tourists from all countries equally " LOL wait for it - no more visa exempt if they can find a way to make it more complicated and charge a fee........
  15. "ASEAN NOW notes that for the rest of this week temperature forecasts for Khon Kaen show a drop with highs around mid to late 20s and lows of 11 to 15 degrees. " you mean Hypothermia? The average Finn would die from heatstroke in 11 degrees......
  16. All those wonderful Chinese firecrackers really do make a difference.....
  17. The job description of the security guard includes walking into the road waving a flag to stop traffic so the condo people can get out into the traffic. Maybe he will want to change his job now.......
  18. "and he thought it was just an everyday fight, not a stabbing." one-on-one is not an everyday fight in Thailand without a weapon.... angry/drunk/jealous/etc Thai boy in a tantrum with a knife...............
  19. you forgot about the Thai Defamation laws........it could get very complicated
  20. "last time I reported out on it publicly, I said it was well over 100,000. I would say it's significantly well over 100,000 now," Milley said " he is so specific - he could say enough to fill 5 football fields, or 470 Greyhound buses..... then the Americans would understand what he means.....
  21. I believe that the Prime Minister always travels with a Police Officer Bodyguard...... seems he had no opinion on the subject?
  22. Runny nose is a known side effect of too much viagra...........
  23. at least he is not an anti-semite.........
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