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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. or.... someone who can lose 90 billion and still be rich ..... but not the "richest" any more.....
  2. so who decided to pixillate the face of this "corrupt individual"? Thai Rath?? "Unusually for Thailand where defamation laws usually preclude names being used there was no such reticence on behalf of the media or authorities on this blatant occasion of corruption. "
  3. "while calling the Royal Thai Navy for assistance." hmmm that may not end well.......
  4. Brandon Lee might have a slightly different opinion........
  5. the 4 x 747s are probably unsaleable. Did they already get rid of the A 340s??
  6. a large number came "recently" from Russia??
  7. quite a fortunate trend, if you think about it.......
  8. Why not give the Ukrainians a load of the MiGs still in use by ex-eastern bloc countries? This would help the Ukrainians in the short term because they are well-trained to use them. The "allies" could then be re-supplied by F-16s and the US arms dealers would make lots of money anyway. Same argument for the tanks - send to Ukraine all the leftover T72s and T80s in the short term to boost Ukraine, and then sell lots of Leopards and Challengers to the allies.....
  9. and what about the Tessakit - they pretend they are police and to the regular tourist they look like it. Should you bother to "deal" with them? The idiot in the box outside Benjasiri Park has tried twice to fine me for dropping a cigarette butt.... (I am a lifelong non-smoker) and twice I have had to call the Thai "friend".
  10. In Singapore - if you actually see the police it is already too late..... you are in trouble. and attempting to bribe a regular officer in the street can get you even further into trouble.
  11. The Hong Kong Police dealt with the problem in the late 1970s with major reforms and restructuring and a higher wage. Public confidence was restored for many. Of course it started to go downhill again after 1997........
  12. Thong Lor police probably looking for "experts" in the field of tourist harassment.........
  13. on the Thai TV news there are photos of her wearing a government brown suit with medals and a namebadge. Not conclusive of course.....
  14. We cannot criticise the policies of the State of Israel because we are immediately labelled "anti-semitic" if we do. The US will protect the State of Israel at all costs.
  15. investigate their tyres from a distance of at least 5m........
  16. "Approximately 11 million Chinese tourists visited Thailand in 2019 before the Covid-19 outbreak, and they generated 531 million Baht in tourism income." eerrrrr..... that is less than 50 THB per head!!!! seems like a lot of pain for little gain.......
  17. you seem to have trouble with the "logic"... 1) "Almighty" God created everything "Good" in the world. 2) "Sin" is exclusively human's fault, because "Almighty" God has a huge blind spot he calls "Free Will". 3) Therefore everything "Bad" in the world cannot be / is not "Almighty"God's fault. 4) So "almighty" God could not have created Gay-ness because it is a "Sin" unless he was doing bad things for his own amusement because he is bored........ You see? Easy.... All you need is blind unquestioning faith....
  18. I believe the phrase in my school used to be no "attention-seeking" haircuts allowed......
  19. Guessing that many of the posters on this forum have worked hard for their retirement, have sometimes (often) been fleeced by a divorce settlement in their home country, and yet have still managed to provide for a "comfortable" later life. It should not be a surprise that they have little sympathy for those who appear incapable of financial self-management.
  20. "They are also encouraging people to reduce their use of vehicles and to refrain from burning materials that could contribute to the air pollution." yes that will solve the problem.......
  21. are there any statistics to show they are ever used? Are the RTP trained to use them?
  22. Obviously someone needs to rewrite the Thai history books taught in Thai schools....... or maybe they already did...
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