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Posts posted by thurien

  1. As long as there is cheap sex, tourist's from all over the world will continue to flock here

    may have been a valid point 5-8 years ago; with all the comfortable flat rates in many European countries these guys have no need to buy an air ticket anymore; the Russians take whatever they like (same as the do with the buffet breakfast...) and the Indians like to chum up together with a few blokes on a bus and literally get a free student ride there: All of them plus the one student (this is not meant to be mean, this is Indian culture, mind you)

  2. You can't walk 1km without seen an erotic massage In Bangkok, if kids are growing up and seen this as normal then it's a waste of time

    these places do not endanger morale and ethical understanding of the (Thai) population: To them, it has always been a service industry none else than a car wash, a barber's or a clinic for that...it is a matter only what the Westerner's eyes make out of it (their European countries and the Americas overboarding already with publicly offered services far beyond a naughty massage)

  3. with the official organs now scrutinizing all sorts of encroached land in parks, forests, islands and consequently tearing down structures already where the tennants / "owners" refraining from moving...did they also look into the ecological desaster & crime #1 in this country which is "Sea shore shrimp farming"? I did not read anything sofar about them picking on the pesticide, antibiotics shrimp farms. Since poisoned water holes are left behind and the gang keeps moving on after they successfully destroyed areas of healthy mangroves the shrimp companies must be operating on encroached beach-side land, just can't be all theirs

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  4. any electrical product in Thailand is prone to fail unexpectedly early - it is a matter of the plastic housing, often about moving plastic things (anything with physical functions of turning wheels, open/close things, switches), plugs etc.

    Reason is the local or Chinese production process: the plasticizer chemicals in all these plastics are of lowest quality and constantly evaporate at a given speed until gone - and then the plastic CRACKS! high- quality European or Japanese plastics have expensive plasticizers incorporated which show a long- time functionality

  5. Some really great looking random Asian women from places like: Pakistan, Iraq, New Guinea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen or Oman

    yes, until the age of 18, sometimes 19 ... after that (having just had their 3rd baby) they all inadvertently end up with the pancake face, pot belly, horse's rump effects - fortunately, you will never recognize these changes about your wife in just a few countries you mentioned (Pakistan, Iraq, Saudi, Yemen etc. ...)

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  6. @aliya4yu

    <I live in bangkok for 4 years and from what I see it seem to me that forigners guys who lives in thailand like to date thai woman more then woman from their own country or forigner as a same.
    For dating for one night stand or marry.. So I guess because they live here because they like it here also asia women too.. Hardly to meet forignerswho dating foringer in another country... Maybe have some but most of forigners in thailand young- old like to go out with thai women more than us..>

    foreigners love to date Thai girls for their good humour, professionalism, extremely good looks, perfect bmi, boobs which are not scarily big and busty, and - last but not least - for their fluent, flawless use of the English lingo (pls refer to your above intro...)

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