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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. Just to refresh your memory, this is what you wrote.

    "How people can live so contently in a system so obviously flawed and disturbingly fuc_ked up, then have the gaul to pronounce they have some forms of national pride and dignity."

    You are clearly have a problem exclusivly with Thai people. Why people like you come on this board I will never know...

    Well, it's right what he says, but still can love Thai people.... :)

  2. The Netherlands, shows in the top 5 of Multicultural open ( easy accesable ) countries.

    Yes, but that famous Dutch tolerance wasn't enough to prevent the vicious murders of Pim Fortuyn and Theo Van Gogh and repeated death-threats against Aayan Hirsi Ali, all real heroes for risking death to exercise their free speech and warn others of the danger they saw. What happened to them should dispel any doubts that they were right.

    Those people had nothing against immigrants. It's all part of the freedom of speech here. You CAN be killed. That's the danger you have to except, when saying things like that in NL. Anti-Islam, Mr. Geert Wilders, PVV now has also continues body guards with him.

    In general there where not much radical anti-foreigner parties here in the past, so it always kept calm.

  3. Sounds like a lot of these Thai women have some serious temper problems.. I've been thru one of these relationships 1st hand.. It can be like having a great sports car that breaks down a bit too often.. Is it really worth it?........ tough one.

    I received the silent treatment for a few hours at most... but a few days ?! That's a bit over the line, especially being married with a kid! That's downright juvenile !

    But, what u gotta realize is that you are the prize, not her. You are the one holding up the household, bringing in the money, food, water, and shelter. Compare that to her assets.. Are things close to equal?

    Keep your confidence & good luck..

    That's the problem! Thai man is different from Falang man, and Thai woman don't realize that.

  4. my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

    I think your wife and you (....!) need help.

    Without realizing, your wife might be suffering from a Postnatal Depression which can be a very serious threat to your marriage and to her, your, and babies' health.

    You need to seek help, fast! Talk to your local house doctor to start with. Don't even try to "cure" this yourself or wait for this problem to fade away! It won't, without help.



    Wish you well!


    LaoPo, This is common with alot of thai wifes from other members as well. I think you can state, they have experienced bad things in the past, which affects them in the future relationship. While the farang means only good, ( wants to do everything just in return for love and respect ) it's the wife that need the cure. So I agree with you.

  5. I have the silent treatment from my wife , it used to make me even more angry to the point of wanting to rip her head off. However, after me losing my temper and going crazy at her, I have realised it makes no difference . Best option is to tell her you are no longer going to put up with her crap , she can either stop what she is doing to you and become a good wife and take care of the house or you will find another lady to come in take care of everything after she gets out.

    Then without saying anything else , leave the house and go for a beer for a couple of hours . It worked for me , so now all I do is say nothing and go to a bar .She soon woke up .

    Good luck

    It's the best way. Face them the facts right away, and don't play into their game.

  6. Haha, we are all clueless :) You just found a different hole to pour it in, but it will end up in the same place! That hole is the timming mark inspection hole, so you can align the T mark on the flywheel and the mark on the cog that drives the valves; basically the valve timing chain. If you pour oil in that hole it will drip on the flywheel and then end up in the bottom of the engine, where it should be. So don't worry, it will be alright.

    PS: oil is a great insulator; they stick huge power transformers in it.

    Absolutely right. I'm trying to help him. Although I'm a great mechanic, I'm not familiar with Thai ( Asian bike engines ). Mainly the stuff is from Japan or Italy here. Thanks for helping him out.

  7. You dont fear violence in BKK ??? to the level in the UK ,, I dont know your experience of the land of fake smiles but believe me I have been N. S , E , and west ,,,,,,,tread very carefully.

    Of course i am aware of the excessive violence in LOS but there isnt the mindless random violence that has made every UK town and city a no go area at the weekend unless you wish to take your life in your hands, besides im bigger then most Thais. :D

    Your head is ceratinly bigger than average

    Lets hope his bullet proof vest is also bigger than most Thais

    Well, he's right. I won't say I feel safe on the streets of Bangkok ( some areas ) but not afraid of it.

    But I miss the " open lifestyle " of the west. I mean I walk at night trough a neighbourhoud of bangkok, all i see, is walls and walls and fences. :)

  8. Europe for instance, provides alot of social safety and benefits, but that comes with paying A LOT of Tax. That's nice, if you want to live there. But you will never get much, stand alone trying to save some money, on the saving account, with a standard job. Won't say Thailand offers that, but there's let's much rules and tax to pay.

    To bad when you worked very hard for your saving here in " the west ", and then in Thailand, you spend more than you do at home.... ( or you have to adapt to local life, or have a shed load of money)

  9. It's true that almost every car now, is controlled by injection, does comes the ecu, which has to be read out with faults. But then again, when reading out, this only diagnosis the components linked to the ecu, other mechanical engine parts etc are left the oldskool way. Plus not always necessary to read the ecu, many times, common sense and engine behaviour understandings solved me alot of problem. Now I have had en Ford Mondeo, which did not run well. After some common sense, it turned out to be the lambda sensor, in the exhaust.

    But yeah, you are right, reading out is where we are going in the future, and allready do. But still, their is alot of mechanical parts on it. + bodywork to be done.

  10. Good hearted farang comes to Thailand, and get's hurt the most possible way. This will stay for a long long time, until more modern generations come up. It's not only in Thailand, this stuff also occurs in the western world. I can say that most woman in general are very difficult, while the man just mainly seeks some love and thrust in return for his efforts.

  11. - not sure how old you guys are but maybe she is too young and a bit confused? (Perhaps you too?)

    - maybe the culture gap was in the end too big?

    - maybe her parents got involved saying you were no good as in you couldn't provide the money as soon as they wanted (perhaps that's why she got angry too)

    - maybe the whole thing wasn't meant to be from start

    Wow, nice TipTip! That summed it up quite well. :)

  12. When I used to drink I remember thinking that my liver would be OK because I only drank lagers and ciders. I got a shock when a liver function test showed that it had been damaged.

    The myth is probably due to the fact that end-stage alcoholics usually drink only spirits in the year upto death.

    This is because their tolerance is so great, to achieve the 'buzz' requires hard liquor.

    Then after death, everyone talks of 'that bloke who was on 3 bottles of whiskey a day'; then someone pipes in 'you'll be alright if you stick to beer and keep off the spirits' and thus the myth continues......

    That's the danger! But it's also what you like. I love to drink Vodka ( or other spirit ) pure. After a while it's like water, that's dangerous. I could stop myself from going to far. I enjoy it now, but on a safe basis. I like beer to, but it's no match for the spirits, + you get a beer belly. :)

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