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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. Reply to Kaosoi,

    I was born and raised in Thailand up until I was twenty-one. My mother was born in a small village the size of 500 people in the North East of Thailand. My dad was born and raised in Ayuthtaya. The reason I am able to mention my family background is because when it comes down to Thai culture i am sure i would be able to explain to you in the best way--instead of people who "THINK" they know what they're talking about.

    In Thailand you do not "pay" to date the daughter and for some reason you have been told that you have to pay or ask to do it. Say "no" (Back in the day you pretty much have to sit down and have a conversation with your gf with her parents 5 feet away at all times) Now 2-3 hundred years later they would be happy if a guy would even pay for a meal on a date and lucky if their daughter would find the right one who will marry her because in SOME (yes, i said some) of Thai parent's eyes "Men are most likely gonna hit and run"

    Before we even get into "why" you have to "pay" for your Thai gf/fiance. I have to get this straight. You're NOT paying to buy her. You're paying to show your respect to her family (after all they were the ones who spend countless hours to raise a fine daughter--you know? the one you want to marry??) and to ensure them that you would be able to look after her for the rest of her life. And for how much? that depends on a lot of different things based of how they raised her, her education etc; and you should respect that as how much you respect their daughter. Again that does not happened during the dating stage. This would happened when they feel that you're both ready to be committed. Normally it would happened after you're engaged and ready to be married ONLY.

    If you notice having a big diamond ring is never been written in any Thai traditional wedding. We use Gold, Money, Silver, Rice Etc; as a promise ring and that you will be there for her for better or worse, in sickness and in health. Some part of it will get saved up or put towards a better home for her parents. In case something should happen (she were to get divorced or her spouse passed away) she will have a place to come home too.

    (That's what my parents would do anyway, I don't know about other families, so please do share...)

    This is one of the many reasons why some families would prefer and believe its a blessing to have a son. Because a son would carry on their good name. Every Thai men will have to get ordained as a monk at least once in their life time for their parents to be pardoned in every wrong doing that they did in their life time until they ascend to heaven. (Making it easy to understand having a son is like having a VIP pass to heaven) and he will be the one who take care of the parents at an old age. But the daughter will get married and will be given to her husband and his family. She will be the one who is taking care of her husband and his needs including his family (if needed)

    If this happened during the dating stage. It's because your gf or her parents have heard from their neighbor, or friends, or a friend of a friend who dated a westerner that they have paid for monthly support. (which happens A LOT , part of it is true, but part of it just to brag to their friends. For some reason it has become a trend) which may be why they brought this up upon you.

    Now what you need to do is find someone who would be able to help you translate and help you communicate CLEARLY that you're in love with their daughter and you would love to date their daughter until such a time that it is right you will marry her or you just want to date her, take it slow and see what the future will bring. Either/Or you HAVE to make it clear. Otherwise it could be a misunderstanding that could effect the relationship you have with her parents when you decide to marry her.

    And for more info. I'm 27 yrs old been happily married for 3 years. My husband has never have to pay a dime to my parents. Maybe a little bit, some put towards gifts on a special occasion like my birthday, or new year. He loves my family and would gladly help them. He would sponsor my sisters sometime in the future. Because we have an understanding that the day we were married we're one. I'm working full time and i don't send my parents money every month because they never asked me too. Every time i called they just want to know if i am doing well and that we work hard in our relationship to love one another unconditionally. I think those are the most important things to all parents no matter what nationality you are.

    Wishes you the best Kaosoi,


    This is one great and refreshing post!

    I think a lot of people need to get off their high horses and realize that relationship with a girl are not too different whether it is in Thailand or somewhere else. Show people trust and respect and you will get the same in return!!!

    You will only receive trust and respect in return from those who are trustworthy and respectable. Unfortunately so many are out there just for themselves, and to hel_l with the rest of the world. The better you treat them the more they will take it as a form of weakness to be exploited.

    So true.

  2. Okay, he just mentioned his e-mail! By the way as stated finding accomodation is easy, then the rest! If got of the idea of teaching English, I don't see myself doing it, as a mechanic. Economy really worse at the moment. Maybe it may take some more time guys. If anybody got something for me, let me know. '

    I've found an Belgium agency ( near holland ) which is also looking out for jobs, there's more hope.

  3. I don't believe that your car has gone 350,000km on the factory oil. Are you are try to say that the oil has "Never been changed"!??? Cars do not use "crude oil from the ground". It is highly refined and contains many other additives to protect your motor. Although parts of you "old oil"(yes it is old because it has been too long since it was refined for use in a motor) no longer has the right blend so it not protecting your engine like it should. You can just rub it between your fingers and feel the difference. There is no questioning it.

    As the Thais say, "Up to you!" I will leave it at that as your logic is flawed (or simply lacking).

    I know how motor-oil is been made, I even worked at Shell Raffinaderij :) for pipe maintenance. It's just a big joke, the whole oil industry. Even some Dutch topman of Castrol oil said it, but he was fired long before he could do damage :D

  4. I don't believe that your car has gone 350,000km on the factory oil. Are you are try to say that the oil has "Never been changed"!??? Cars do not use "crude oil from the ground". It is highly refined and contains many other additives to protect your motor. Although parts of you "old oil"(yes it is old because it has been too long since it was refined for use in a motor) no longer has the right blend so it not protecting your engine like it should. You can just rub it between your fingers and feel the difference. There is no questioning it.

    As the Thais say, "Up to you!" I will leave it at that as your logic is flawed (or simply lacking).

    Not factory oil, The first oil change is necessary, because the wear in from the motor the first thousand kilometers, alot of metal coming free, from for instance the rings bedding into the wall etc. After that never changed yes. If you believe it or not.

  5. multiculturalism is good for human beings in general, so is good for countries by default.

    Why is that?

    I dont say that you are wrong, but I wonder why you just establish the fact that it is good for human beings in general.

    Smaller countries like, Norway, Finland, etc, have not exactly been over run with immigrants in the past.

    I cant say these countries have suffered or lost out because of this.

    I think "travel2003" got a good point here, it makes people more understand other cultures, and this also could make it easier for Thais to reside in other cultures, and both learn to accept their culture is not perfect: learn from each other. :)

  6. My Thai wife is the same way,35yrs next month. Hate it, but try not to show it! I just respond by going about my own business without breaking the code of silence. After things calm down you find out that it's generally a lack of communication. Some little misunderstanding that creates days of unhappiness. Can't seem to get it through to her that if something bothers her to talk it through with me. It is a woman thing and not just Thai. CAN'T LIVE WITH THEM. CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM. :D

    U2 - With ot without you :)

  7. My Thai wife is the same way,35yrs next month. Hate it, but try not to show it! I just respond by going about my own business without breaking the code of silence. After things calm down you find out that it's generally a lack of communication. Some little misunderstanding that creates days of unhappiness. Can't seem to get it through to her that if something bothers her to talk it through with me. It is a woman thing and not just Thai. CAN'T LIVE WITH THEM. CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM. :D

    But that isn't us guys making the problem about it isn't it? Why are woman so difficult? :)

  8. Another idiot brings in Aub Grahib...ok, now name another one, and another one, and another one. What other country prosecutes its own soldiers for war crimes?

    Whoa there partner, hold your horses, reread my post, and try to see the irony. I am on your side. This is one of the rare occasions I give kudos to Ms. Clinton.

    Not a bash, a genuine question - why is it that a number of Americans, whilst being normal, educated and generally well-rounded people, struggle with the concept of irony?

    This says enough? :)


  9. You can bring it to me, I throw it in my car. Changing oil is bullshit. I'm running a Opel Corsa 1.4 8V petrol here with 370.000 on the clock, still going fresh and doing about 1:22. But I throw old oil in all of my cars engines. No problems.

    Eventually the oil ways are going to block with sludge.

    Running on old oil, you will eventually lose compression also. Old oil breaks down and your piston will skore the cylinder walls as the oil no longer provides a barrier between these moving parts. Steel rubbing on steel, at thousands of revolutions per minute, without an effective barrier between them...need I say more...

    Isn't happened to me so far, before that happens, my car is on 350.000 on the clock, so by that time it's okay.

    Offcourse you forget that oil comes out of the ground( although not crude oil, when eventually used ), and is allready millions of years old. So when you talking of "old" oil in your engine, think again.

  10. Soon is the product of force and the distance over which it moves.

    Imagine someone is pushing a heavy box across the room. The more you move the sooner it will be done! If S is soon, F the force acting at an angle ? and s the distance then.

    S = FsCos?

    that angle represents the local circumstances :)

    Glad to see someone is taking this seriously. However, I am wondering if you could express your formula in terms of quantum mechanics and the special theory of relativity.

    Quantum mechanics: Soon = Expectation Values and Operators

    ˆp = −i¯hr

    ˆ E = i¯h

    ˆH= −¯h22mr2 + V ®

    ½(r, t) = |ª|2 = ª¤(r, t)ª(r, t)

    hfi =Z8Vª¤(r, t) ˆ f ª(r, t) dV = hª| ˆ f|ªi

    stor: we can use the binomial theorem:

    (1+x)^n = 1 + n x + (1/2)n(n-1) x^2 + ... = 1 + n x (approximately) if x<<1

    with x = -v^2/c^2 and n = -1/2 , so that gamma = (1+x)^n , giving

    K = (1 + nx - 1) m0 c^2 = (nx) m0 c^2 = (-1/2) (-v^2/c^2) m0 c^2 = (1/2) mo v^2

    ok cigarette

    WOW! If that how you think of " soon "! :D

  11. When an Asian woman gives you the silent treatment, it is because she has decided you don't love her any more. If you want, you can waste half an hour or so asking her questions, but at the end, it always comes back down to this basic feeling of insecurity about your love for her.

    Something you have done, (or more likely something you haven't done but should have), has triggered the insecurity switch which lives inside even the best of Asian women.

    Most likely it was something that you didn't give a second thought about. It often happens, because we men are always off doing important things, like inventing the wheel or hitting small white balls into the banana plantation, and we forgot that wifey's Auntie Dot was coming down from Chiang Mai for the weekend and we were supposed to be on hand, or something equally trivial.

    So, when you get the silent treatment, you can always throw in a random "You know I love you very much, don't you?"

    (Edit the above for personal taste)

    The instant response from the silent partner is: "Well, if you love me so much, why did you/didn't you....."

    So, you find the trigger for the insecurity immediately, and can deal with it from there.

    I tried this, but it seems very hard to get her back on the old track, keeps going. Maybe because my girlfriend is a bit older than me, and older people know better right?

  12. Guys or girls

    Who can calculate for me how many gallons or liters of water will go in a tank of 2 meter long 52cm wide and 60cm high.

    Building a new fish tank of those dimensions and trying to figure out how many gallons it would hold??

    There must be some smart people left in here no?

    Thanks guys

    Didn't you have math at school? :) This is the basics man!

  13. Uuuuugh! Get out of your box and change the paradigm!

    In the West: THB 100k = small engagement ring

    In Thailand: No engagement ring required at all! Just offer the same amount in cash and everything is bliss! If things are good with the family, you will get it back when nobody else is looking. If the family is dirt poor, maybe not - up to what her family really thinks about you and your sincerity.

    To the OP: You have to understand TIT! This Is Thailand! In Thailand and especially in the village, if a guy so much as does the naughty with a girl, they MUST get married or at least engaged - IMMEDIATELY. It's the traditional family values and honor thing we used to have in the West. All that Pattaya loose and casual relationship behavior DOES NOT HAPPEN or APPLY in the village. Get with the program or really, you need to find another country. You are in Thailand. Thai rules apply, not yours.

    They are Thai, but other than that, they are just like families back in the West. I am sure her family is being asked by others back in the village: "Hey, is that guy going to marry Nit or is she just his whore?". Your actions will answer that question for them.

    People like you make me sick.

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