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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. Dear god are they really that stupid?

    Read the specs and buy a replacement battery.

    Many sources in bangkok for standard values.

    Rent a boat with a small crane/ derrick 5-7,000 baht a day.

    Go to site with GPS, yank buoy,

    take a set of wrenches, Vicegrips, screw drivers and some three in one oil.

    Open it up replace battery spray with anti-corrosive contact sealent, hit reset,

    seal it up with a bit of chaulk or locktite, and drop it back...

    US coast guard does this day in and day out for all sorts of buoys.

    I have assisted back in the day.

    This is NOT brain surgery!

    10 million baht... 10 THOUSAND baht is more like it.

    Worried about pirates.. HUH, take 3 AK 47's on rockin roll,

    this IS the government after all.

    A new level of absurdity is now reached.

    To bad it doesn't work like that in the real world. Sure if you vision it from your own point of view, I'd would say yes, and actually it's that easy! But politics, and companies involved make it alot $$$. Life would be easier, if we didn't focus much on money, but actually doing something.

  2. Also Thai(s) in general don't like giving someone bad news, so they avoid it. So I wouldnt be surprised if you never hear from her again!

    She is 28 years old, a mature woman. Why the heck she break up a relationship like she is 14 years old? I think i will never understand thai women. They are like a own specie. You can write thousands of articles on them and still not understand them

    That's true, but mostly like said, the girl is put under pressure by the family. That's the sickening of dating a girlf from a 3rd world country. Get used to it.

  3. I drank not a drop from 1965 to 2001, and led a full life while other family and friends were trapped in alcoholism. I am still offended at pub when drinkers dismiss my cries that I can't tolerate the shit and have to ride home. There is a lot to do without it. Almost always, alcohol use = abuse.

    That's not completly true, if you just use a little, it's no harm, actually it's proven to lengten your life!

  4. I have to be honest and say I am not surprised, as a similar thing happened to me, although not so serious.

    When I was away on business my wife drove the car a little fast over a speed bump and the protective cover from underneath the engine fell down and was scraping on the ground. She took it to a Toyota garage who insisted that it could not be fixed and needed a new one, this was at a cost of just over B3,000.

    My wife kept the old part and I took a look at it when I got back home and noticed that the only issue was that the hole in the plastic had become slightly enlarged so that the screw would no longer hold it in place. I could have fixed this with a 2 baht washer, the whole new part was completely unnecessary and just a rip off. They really do take advantage, in the long run they will lose out because I will never ever use their garage for anything again. I should have gone there and asked them why they cheated my wife but I will just vote with my feet and go elsewhere in future.

    They are scum, subhuman scum.

    This is similar as in the USA or Europe. This happens when overstudied University peaple run a Garage or dealership. They don't use common senses anymore. If the customer would go in a local small dirty Workshop, where the mecanic know nothing about school, they would have the idea of a washer, because this local monkey style oily mecanic have commonsenses and they can modifieze something, they have more brain than all the "fine fingered" university kids without commonsenses who like to repair cars in a white overall and not want get dirty.

    Amen. Correction: White overall with gloves on :) ! The best mechanics are the ones, that are almost black from grease at the end of the job.

  5. I'm not a Thailand apologist !

    But the same thing happens around the World anytime a woman/girl takes a car into a garage for a service...

    They love non technical customers...

    Yup. I can confirm, all over the world. But not only woman, just customers with not technical understanding at all, that are fooled.

  6. Yes I agree 100% Places like Pattaya are nothing like Thailand. Pattaya is modeled on western society and caters for farangs. These people who go to Pattaya will return home and tell thier experiences of visiting another country and meeting the people. "Went to Thailand sat on a bar stool, drank the local whiskey, didn't have to venture out as the locals are so friendly the women come to me in the bar. The pizza, KFC and McDonalds in Thailand is good."

    I disagree, Pattaya is UNIQUE to Thailand. There are very few other places like it in the world... if any. But, is it the ONLY example of Thailand? Of course not, but it is part of a mosaic that makes up the entire country. Comparing Pattaya to Sakhon Nakhon or Ayutthaya is like comparing chalk and cheese.

    Unfortunately, the news makers of the world like to portray the seedier part of life because it sells, and in that degree they are successful in their portrayal of Thailand. Everyone in countries outside Thailand hear of the sex tourism business and very little else, and yet that is just a miniscule part of a wonderful country. In Canada and the USA it is just as bad, if not worse. It's only different because North Americans are hypocrites about it.

    North Americans are the biggest hypocrites on earth. Every news paper says SEX on the front cover, all girls that are older then 13 read Cosmo magasine that says SEX on the cover. Yahoo news has a SEX story on every day. SEX SEX SEX.

    What's wrong with sex above 18?

  7. It is, just have my own opinions and values to. If my GF would come here in NL, I'd build her a Thai house, eat Thai food, isn't that adopting? Do you see me building a dutch style house in Thailand?

    dude.. eating thai food isn't adopting to the thai culture.

    and why build a house for her in thailand if she lives in holland.

    and yeah, building a western style house in thailand is probably a good idea.

    but of course you're entitled to your opinions and values but you have to understand that the marriage ceremony isn't for you.

    it's for the girl.

    how many times have you been wondering what your marriage ceremony would be like, what you would wear, what kinda flowers, seating arrangements.. etc..

    probably NEVER :D

    for women on the other hand it's a very important day.

    make your girl happy and do the buddhist wedding the right way.

    I married a Thai girl in Thailand and i live with her, sinsod was never payed because i rather payed money for her and me and use it for our house. If i had given it to MIL i would never have seen a cent back i know that for sure. I love my wife and i trust her, but that isnt the case of MIL.

    My wife is even getting tired of all the demands for money and the scemes MIL comes up with so i was right at the start. Its just checking out the situation and seeing if you get it back or if your paying for her. Then its up to you to do what you want.

    Indeed Rob :)

  8. It is, just have my own opinions and values to. If my GF would come here in NL, I'd build her a Thai house, eat Thai food, isn't that adopting? Do you see me building a dutch style house in Thailand?

    dude.. eating thai food isn't adopting to the thai culture.

    and why build a house for her in thailand if she lives in holland.

    and yeah, building a western style house in thailand is probably a good idea.

    but of course you're entitled to your opinions and values but you have to understand that the marriage ceremony isn't for you.

    it's for the girl.

    how many times have you been wondering what your marriage ceremony would be like, what you would wear, what kinda flowers, seating arrangements.. etc..

    probably NEVER :)

    for women on the other hand it's a very important day.

    make your girl happy and do the buddhist wedding the right way.

    That's why I wanted her here, to not do all the marriage thingy, but yeah if she wants it, no problem with me. I don't see the importance of it, but I understand why they do.

  9. Ever visited America? No country on earth comes to the instinctive fellowship of flag waving fools that they are.

    Thailand is same same!

    Reminds me of the elections videos, al the folks with little flags in their hands. :)

  10. There is always talk in these types of web communities from expats who have obtained a higher knowledge of Thailand and Thai people than the other foreigners living here via the discovery of what is commonly referred to as 'The Real Thailand'. This experience is traditionally described in terms of emotional and spiritual connections formed with Thai citizens. Eek hints at it in this post:

    "As a side note..some men who may be attracted to the more superficial side of Thailand may wonder why others (men too, not just women) would come to Thailand. They may not see or know another side to Thailand. Their lives are in the tourist hotspots and perched on various barstools. If they actually got out there and looked around the place, they may see another side. A side where people actually treat each other with some respect"

    I thought it would be interesting to hear what everyone's Thailand is. My Thailand is not very different from my America. Its primarily based on the consumption of food and women. I do not have much, if any, desire to form emotional or spiritual friendships with Thai people beyond my spouse. The best things about Thailand to me, are that everything is cheap, everyone is shorter than I am, the locals are subservient, you don't have to worry about getting robbed or attacked if you don't go looking for it, everywhere you go there are establishments setup for the purpose of male relaxation and they do a very good job at providing that service, the food is delicious, I do not have any problems communicating what I need to communicate to the locals while at the same time not being burdened by knowing what anyone else is saying. I love the fact that everyone smiles so much, the girls are so pretty and available and that everyone is so poor. I love that I do not have to work hard at all to live an awesome, worry free life style here.

    What is your Thailand?

    Uhm, yeah okay :) ............. :D

  11. Bkkjames, I really can not imagine any aircraft maker doing such a thing! The gain will be nothing. A crash needs to be investigated, and the cause(s) needs to be found. Airbus or Boeing won't do anything, I believe, that could jeopardize any investigation in case of............And the authorities would not allow such things if they feel that it can be a problem...Or at least I hope they would not..

    hmm ok, but from a liability point of view, makes more sense to blame the airline / pilots than the manufacturer if i am the manufacturer.

    anyways, all I am saying is if you make the plane so sophisticated, a cause and effect of this will be more pilot error - not less as CDVIC points out.

    that being the case don't those who make things overly complicated bear some of the responsibility for going beyond the limits of normal human behavior. :)

    In the "old days" we had an flight engineer on board, doing all that kind of switches and monitoring. They now expect pilots to do it.

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