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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. I can be here for your:

    - Outboard / Inboard engine: Revision work/rebuild/maintenance/service etc.

    - Car/Tractor/Bike/Big Bike/Quad: Revision work/rebuikd/maintenance/service etc.

    - Piping work, building and construction work, steel frame work.

    - Welding TIG/MIG/AUTOGEN/ELECTRODE and sheet metal work. ( Boats/ Cars )

    - Everything else you might come up with.

    - Eletrical work, for instance wiring industrial.

    - Waterpumps, aircons etc.

    Specialised in almost everything, I have learned this all from home and both work experience.

    You will not be dissapointed. I have never had any customer come back to me here in NL, I hope this says something to you. Offcourse I'm a foreigner, and not a Thai national, who will do it for a much less salary, but you will have much better satisfied customers.



  2. You have this one, or the older one?


    If it's drum brakes, replace the braking cable, and mainly the pin ( with the lever attached ), which operates the brake pads in the drum, get's stuck or moves bad by rust, this causes the sympton you describe.

    And than I mean this pin ( red arrow ):


    Yellow: Lever operation field

    Blue: Cable holder

    Green: should be a marker spot on the drum, to check wear and adjust new brake pads to proper settings for lever operation.

  3. Is there any chance that you are pumping the tank dry or to a low level that is allowing air into the pump inlet , if yes - you need a low level cut-out wired into the pump power supply.

    Indeed, I think this is the problem, the tank water level, needs to be kept at a minium for the pump to substain under water pressure. If air comes in, it's over, and you can start from the beginning.

  4. You can't cite lack of proper training as the fault of the FBW system. Plenty of aircraft crash using cable and hydraulic controls too, and if the pilots don't understand the the mechanism it's not the fault of the controls but the pilots themselves, and their training. The control system did not fail, the pilots did.

    Again and again I have challenged you to show me evidence of a single crash caused by a fly-by-wire failure and you cannot, despite having the most extensive source of info in the world at your fingertips. The best you can do is cite a few examples where inexperienced, poorly trained, or irresponsible pilots caused the crash of an aircraft.

    By speculating and guessing you do nothing but contribute to the unnecessary fears that already make flying difficult for many.

    I'm not shy of pointing out aviation safety issues as I've pointed out many here over the years, but creating worry based on no solid evidence doesn't do a thing for travellers except mislead them.

    So if you have evidence then show it already, people have had to read enough uninformed gossip.

    Airbuts is pretty smart - built in system to ensure that when one of their planes goes down, it never shows up in the little black box as FBW fairlure. Unlike streams of hydro fluid all over the wreckage, it's easier to hide a few x's and o's. :D


  5. i completely agree with hyena.

    i have similar experience with my in laws.

    my mil asked me how much sinsot i would give and i told her that was entirely up to my wife.

    they agreed to not do the whole dowry thing at first but the family would lose a lot of face so we decide to the 100k + 10 baht gold (+ wedding rings including a nice little diamond.. hey i am farang)

    they paid the (huge) party from the sinsot and what was left they gave back to us.

    wife's family happy -> my wife happy -> me happy

    the gold i have gave her is here in the safe and already doubled in value since we got married :D


    sinsot != buying a wife.

    sinsot != paying for sex

    The real test is, if she is still your girlfriend if you say no to all, and adopt your western values. rolleyes.gif

    i suggest you look for a western woman :)

    inter cultural marriage is not for you.

    It is, just have my own opinions and values to. If my GF would come here in NL, I'd build her a Thai house, eat Thai food, isn't that adopting? Do you see me building a dutch style house in Thailand?

  6. your culture (like mine) is the christian culture with christian values where love has to be free of charge.

    :):D ......Try telling that to the Catholic church....one of the richest "business'" in the world as well the US bible bashers with their private jets, limo's etc, yes they are selling the great Christian value of "Free love"....pigs ar*e

    No, that's the freedom:

    - of speech

    - to vote

    - to play the competition

    - where the goverment has not much influence on the business life

    - where there is a good social system and security

    - do I need to go on?

    Everybody is geven the same chances, I could be earning big bucks to here. This offcourse still you have to make it your own, but there are almost no limitations, try to do that in Thailand. Although most 4 seasons western countries are awefull to live in, offcourse I prefer the tropical Thailand and friendly people. Although this also can be found here, If you want to see it.

  7. Add another 75mm layer of Q-con block with 50mm rock-wool (50kg/m3 density) should reduce sound transmission by 60dB.

    Drywall does not have the mass as Q-con block. Suitable for improving insulation against heat, but not sound.

    I used packing for eggs, the paper like stuff.

    Glued those to the inside of a double wall of wood sheeting, at my side.

    Worked very well

    That packing has a proven sound deadening effect, and is much used in sound studios in Holland, and elsewhere I guess.

    Yes, it works very well, but you can also buy the 1 x 1 m matts I believe. Anyhow, Rockwoll or Glasswoll is good for isolation, but not the sound much. Who needs isolation in a hot country?

    I do. We use insulation in LOS to keep the heat out. Only insulating the ceiling properly reduces aircon costs with 30%.

    A proper insulated room reduces powerbill with 60%, or lets say 1.000 baht a month if you want to keep 25 degrees inside.

    In a villa without aircon, average inside day temp went from 31 to 28 degrees only by insulating the ceiling at 14.000 baht.

    Okay, If you look at the aircon part, I would agree with you. :)

  8. Seriously, I just found out gasoline works the best to make your wond close quick! I had a burn blister, which I cut open, to get the trapped fluid out, i cut away the membram and there was the open flesh. I desinfected it with special stuff for it, it did bite, but then I tried gasoline, JEEZ that did bite! But they wound is now clean and closed!

  9. Add another 75mm layer of Q-con block with 50mm rock-wool (50kg/m3 density) should reduce sound transmission by 60dB.

    Drywall does not have the mass as Q-con block. Suitable for improving insulation against heat, but not sound.

    I used packing for eggs, the paper like stuff.

    Glued those to the inside of a double wall of wood sheeting, at my side.

    Worked very well

    That packing has a proven sound deadening effect, and is much used in sound studios in Holland, and elsewhere I guess.

    Yes, it works very well, but you can also buy the 1 x 1 m matts I believe. Anyhow, Rockwoll or Glasswoll is good for isolation, but not the sound much. Who needs isolation in a hot country?

  10. If there is air in the system, the pump won't work, and running dry is not good for the pump. There are pumps specially made for this problems, and can run dry to, but they cost some money:


    Best thing to do ís to make sure there is nothing in the "suction" line from the tank to the pump, and the water in the tank can reach the pump. More water in the tank is more pressure on the pipe lines. Best to install a minium water level meter in the tank, then the water inlet feed for the tank will automatic go on, and shut off when full. So 2 meters on the tank.

  11. Source: EnergyBulletin.net

    Antarctica, the new hot real estate

    Zoe Cormier, the Star

    There's oil and gas in the Antarctic, too, which global warming may open up. But as the U.K. and others stake claims, scientists wonder what it would cost environments there, and ultimately the planet


    LONDON - As Russia, Canada and Denmark roll up their sleeves and flex their muscles over the Arctic and North Pole, planting titanium flags on the ocean floor and planning new military bases around the Arctic Circle, a similar drama is unfolding at the opposite end of the Earth.Britain is considering submitting data to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) that would give the U.K. exclusive economic rights to over a million square miles of seabed off the coast of its Antarctic territory. Australia has already put in their own claim to the seabed off their Antarctic territory, and there is little doubt the other five nations that claim a slice of the continent - Norway, Argentina, Chile, France, and New Zealand - will do so as well by a 2009 deadline.

    ...The motivation lies deep under the sea floor: minerals, oil and gas. It is now nearly impossible to drill in Antarctic waters, mainly because the weather is so severe.

    But there may come a day when oil rigs start firing up - perversely because global warming, caused in part by burning fossil fuels, is rendering the Antarctic environment more hospitable to exploration.

  12. i used to think that i can live alone and never do need anyone as i can jolly well control my emotion as well

    of cos that is till i met my wife and i knew i want to spend my life with her and the how we got married in 6 days thing blah blah blah go search my old thread if you want to know more .

    anyway .

    as much as age maybe the problem for some . real understanding come with age .

    is not easy to understand someone , and is even harder to open oneself to let others understand you .

    the very brave choice to meet people is one great step .. giving yourself the window to more possible event in life .


    " the answer is in the walk , taken the path it will show "

    all the best .

    Miss understanding is the biggest problem, or not wanting to understand. Offcourse you never know someone really, but I must say this differens on a person. One is very open about itself, while the others just let's it out slowly.

  13. Thais typically only know about Thailand and they haven't a clue except for what friends say but it doesn't mean they're not smart. Asking for sin sot is calling your bluff. The real test is if your gf will take your side for some of it; actually negotiate.

    The real test is, if she is still your girlfriend if you say no to all, and adopt your western values. :)

  14. love and money can't mix in the west.

    it's a taboo.

    don't get involved with a thai woman if you can't leave your christian indoctrination behind.

    Because we have been LEARNED from young age. Hope next generation Thais does it.

    so everything you learn in your culture is good and everything people learn in their culture is bad?

    you sound like a fundamental muslim.

    No, but logical thinking, says me that most things Thai people think isn't good at all. They are poor for reasons you know :) . I don't say the people, but the system, is not good in Thailand. I can't change much, and I won't see it happen tough in my life.

  15. Palm oil is not good indeed. Better to use olive oil.

    That's what we use, olive oil. Also canola for cooking. The problem is you start searching around the web long enough and for sure you'll find experts? critical of these oils, and all oils. Don't know what you're supposed to use.

    Butter mainly, it's used alot here. But different style of cooking etc. But butter is not healthy

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