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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. have a tug before when you take a shower. i am not trying to be funny but that should help a little.

    Sound advice. You don't want to be going in with a loaded weapon if your trigger happy.

    Yeah, I would go with Geekfreaklover's advice. Second time, you can do longer before...

  2. "This is because in my heart I still feel married and only divorced to save my wife and her family the shame and trials of actions against myself. I hope to try and find more time soon," he wrote on his Facebook page.

    If a divorce somehow saves his wife and "[her] family the shame and trials of actions against [him]" in some people's eyes, then this is one of those Asian values things that I'm just never gonna understand.


  3. buddhisme, like communism and democracy, is a great idea in theory.

    in the real world however...

    thailand is one of the most buddhist countries in the world but still people are (much) more materialistic than in the west.

    money is everything.

    perhaps they follow a different buddha? :)

    money is everything in the west to, but in poor countries which are in development, it's plays a bigger role, and is still seen as the most important.

  4. Thanks Southpeel. I'm not looking for offshore oppertunities. :D The problem is I can do almost everything, this is mainly learned from my dad, but that doesn't count in the real world, they will look at the piece of paper and experience, what counts to get the job. For far as the paperwork, i've done mechanical engineering ( 4 year, mbo ) and bike engineer ( 2 year, mbo ). ( mbo, about bachelor? ) I've got alot of great job oppertunities in here, but they won't bring me to Asia, nor Thailand, where everything is almost master nor university degree needed.

    I've worked with ( as far I can remember ):

    - Stork, Industrial Service BV, Veghel

    - Smith Transformers BV, Nijmegen

    - Electrabel Suez, CG13, Nijmegen ( Powerplant )

    - Diverse bike shops, car shops

    - MHB Metal window frames, Herveld

    - Corus Steel Piping ( Tubes ) BV, Zwijndrecht

    - Mars ( Masterfoods ) BV, Veghel

    - Many more places...

    It was not so hard to get the jobs, but it took some time to proof myself. Smith has been the last company, still work there. But they can't transfer me to Thailand, because their is no need ( not yet ) for big power transformers their.

    Well, it's just a pain in the ass right now, and I'm only 23, which makes it more hard. GF is in Thailand, but has no idea what I can do :) . And they longer have to stay apart... well you know :D . But I can't go the blind route again, can't risk anything.

  5. When I arrived in Thailand a rented a car I thought I better learn how to say Left (Sai), Right (Quar) and straight ahead (Dong Bai) in thai. A lot of good that did me. She kept saying Quar when she meant sai.

    Then when travelling through Udon Thani on her motorbike I had to learn my own way pretty fast coz she would tell me too late when we should have turned. So I kept asking everytime I thought me were close and saw a street if I should turn there. It was a bit enoying but at least i stopped missing turns.

    Also another funny thing she does is let me start riding her around on my first day in thailand. She knew I was a total beginner on a motorcycle (6 hours learning 1 year before on an empty village road) She wanted me riding her everywhere on the city streets of Udon. Well I am happy she did as I learnt to ride pretty quickly. On the second day if I was riding too slowly (the same speed as those around me) she would tell me to go faster. A brave lass to be sure.

    But now I feel safe and able to zip around anywhere. Dont know about Bangkok though. I cant see this type of thing happening in a western society these days. She pointed out the Thai road rules as I violated them "Dont overtake on the left as they might by turning into a side street" - Noted, "Drive faster, i'm hungry" - oookkk, "I not wear helmet coz no police tonight" - i see.

    After getting booked once for her not wearing a helmet and her excepting me to pay her fine i said "next time you can pay the ticket" It wasn't hard to get her to wear a helemet after that funny enough :)

    So much fun. So different.

    I said how are you, you going out today?

    She says, no cannot hab big cock too much las nigh!


  6. dont waste your time or money.

    want to be a tiger and blow big?

    get the following:


    horny goat weed



    acetyl l carnitine




    yohimbine hcl

    on top eat well good multivitamins exercise and you will be a tiger. your testosterone will increase, your blood flow will increase, your loads will be much bigger and intense etc.

    :) ...uhm.................yeah :D

  7. Imagine, just for fun, that you could have ANY alcoholic drink (brand name is preferable, but genre is acceptable) for the rest of your life. Don't worry about cost, you can pretend it's either free or the same annual cost that you're paying now. However, that is the ONLY alcoholic beverage you can drink for the rest of your life! This includes at social functions, drinking alone, afternoon sessions and big nights out.

    It's not easy for most of us, so I'll start with a real cop-out and say Guinness.

    Of you go, guys, but please remember it's ONE and not more with excuses.

    Absolut and Schweppes manao soda

    Any vodka straight. You don't see Russians adulterating vodka with any other shyt.

    Deff Vodka ( водка ; Russian ) indeed. The most pure form of alcohol, without any additives.

  8. More scary:

    Interesting 240Z (by the way I have owned 2 240's and are still in my top 5 cars ever to have been built), but consider that if a species with the ability to travel through space, deal with entering the Earths atmosphere, then dealing with gravity and then leaving in a vehicle that had enough thrust and fuel to provide that thrust and return to their own planet....do you not think they might have built something along the lines of that technology, not just lumps of rock stacked up on top of each other? (albeit amazingly done).

    IMO if I could build a spaceship, I wouldn't <deleted> about with rocks!

    Any thoughts?

    The problem is, Egyptian and Mayan culture for instance, reported about " disc objects and alien pictures " on their acient wall drawings. In those wall drawings it showed clearly the " aliens " ruled the egyptian people. But shapes like the pyramids are found in every culture, but just a bit different from the egypt one we take as the basic. In Bosnia there is also a pyramid found, which is buried under thick layer of mud, but you can clearly see it ( search google ; bosnia pyramid ). Makes me think, all civilisation in that time, used the pyramid design? There is still no proof, nor understanding how those people, could build such vast objects, with their bear hands, and some tools they build. Those stones are weighing tons. We are missing big parts of our history line....

    It's even showed the egyptians had electricity... ( A stone pot, with some acid in it, and a metal in the middle, it showed about 3 to 4 volts ).

  9. You live in Thailand and a bit of a belly is no big deal with the girls, actually read somewhere it was a sign of wealth or something . if its just a pot belly you will survive . Obese is a different story. I drink sang mig light and its done nothing for my belly but love the taste

    No WAY man, woman need an sixpack :D ....

    Just joking :) , but yeah beer makes you fat, because you drink large quantities of the stuff. But drinking the spirits, won't make you much fat, but kills the organs way quicker than beer ( only if you take straight shots, not mixing )

  10. Expect the Thai jobsites, I'm more looking for foreigner(expat ) job sites, mainly specialised on engineering ( not in construction, nor building ). Anybody can recommend me some sites to look after? I've done quite alot of mails/phone calls, but there is almost 95% non feedback or return reaction from Thailand, or companies that are based their, this get's me really..... :):D:D

  11. Did I miss something about oil seeping out the bottom? These bikes are designed to be simple and very durable, so things are kept simple, including lubrication. Basically the whole engine gets lubed by the engine oil. This means the clutch, alternator, pulse generator (that lump on the flywheel), cylinder head, timing chain and valves. They call it a 'wet clutch' because it sits in engine oil. The alternator needs some lubing, specifically its bearings, and bits of oil fly all over the place within the engine, including the alternator. Thus pouring oil in via the timing hole will hit the flywheel (used for the alternator) and drip down into the bottom of the engine, where it normally lives. The alternator windings are actually static, with the flywheel providing the movement; its different to an alternator on a car where the magnetic metal bits are static and the windings rotate. Anyway its normal for oil to fly round everywhere in the engine, including hitting alternator windings.

    You might say a bike like this does not have a clutch. Not true. It does not have a clutch operated by hand. When you shift gear, you probably finding the shifting requires some effort. This is because part of the shifting actually disengages the clutch via a lever. On a Suzuki Smash there is the traditional clutch operated as mentioned, plus an rpm based centralfugual clutch consisting of three fingers that swing out and hit a housing as the rpms increase. This centrifugal clutch allows the engine to idle without moving the bike forward (sitting at lights, junctions, etc!). Honda Waves/cubs/etc are similar.Hope this makes things clear.

    PS: Just rebuilding an NSR at the moment; need some new bolts for the clutch as they have stretched and are in danger of snapping :)

    I have had alot of m/cycles in my life but never had one where the alternator and windings gets lubed with the engine oil.

    Yeah, same same. Never saw that in my life. Must be new. Centrifugal clutch by the way is old as hel_l, used in Puchs here etc, bikes from the 70's.

  12. well, dutch people are racist morons.

    You mean have some kind of feeling of nationalistic pride? Who wouldn't have? I thought as foreigner we are threated this way in Thailand right? :) But then again the Dutch people are tolerance on foreigner and gives them the same rights on the working market. Not for nothing most of the foreigners that immigrate here, study high courses right away.

  13. Not all auto mechanics are crooks and robbers. When I was running the family auto repair business woman where treated fairly as men.

    But keep in mind some customers can be difficult and occassionally dangerous! Problems with woman drivers can be as follows :- drive with handbrake on, fail to bring car in for disc pad change when brake application squealing is unbearably loud and complain when they are told new rotors are needed as well as pads, engaging 'Park' whilst still rolling, putting off engine service......for years!

    But it's not my job to educate em, just clean up their mess!

    :D Yeah, it's amazing when they complain, when they get the big repair bill, for discs and pads hehe. :)

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