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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. I totally agreee.......................mate
    QUOTE (trvlbum @ 2009-07-23 17:42:56) *

    Maybe the foreigners are starting to feel that deep lack of respect for foreigners that the thais can no longer hide behind smiles. It starts at the airport and ends in the airport and runs all down the track from the taxi driver to the wives boyfriends.

    No COUNTRY in the Entire world allows a foreigner to stay for a year

    on a tourist visa!

    Yes, but that is done on purpose = longer stay = spending more money. But the rest of the rules is made this way, falang can do nothing but spend the money.

  2. Maybe the foreigners are starting to feel that deep lack of respect for foreigners that the thais can no longer hide behind smiles. It starts at the airport and ends in the airport and runs all down the track from the taxi driver to the wives boyfriends.


  3. Thailand is the only place I drink beer and I still lose a couple of pounds when there. Must be something to do with the heat as I don't get as much exercise either!

    I guess so, it's also make you sweat alot and loose weight.

  4. Spicy food is good for your metabolism too. I eat whatever I want when in Thailand and always lose weight.

    I also think this is particly because you sweat alot. I could eat alot of fastfood there, without gaining any weight, instead I lost weight.

    I never, ever eat fast food! That is if you mean fast food in the traditional sense. Many of my favourite dishes can be prepared and cooked in 15-20 mins. I'm a gym junky though so I burn off a lot there. Which is great as otherwise I'd be fat as the proverbial...

    He he okay :) ! Sometimes I like fast food. But mainly also no thanks. I love rice though, some I'm cheap :D

  5. There are too many threads on ThaiVisa of a similar nature, mostly being conjured up by newbies, who suddenly disappear and are never heard of again.

    Odds are that these are trolls with nothing better to do, so to avoid being suckered in by this, I think it is best to steer clear of these type of threads.


  6. Hello,

    been living with my Thai gf here in bangkok for a few months although we have dated for over a year. Today went to her parents house because her mother wanted to speak to us. Should point out that she is from a poor family.

    They told us today they want 100,000 or 200,000 bhat plus gold because we are now "something".....this was all in Thai..but gf explained it as "kind of engaged".

    I quietly thought ...<deleted>?.... we are not engaged and are still at early stages of living together in a full on relationship.

    I have read that dowrys still exist here for marriage but has anyone heard of a custom of giving alot of money to the parents just to date the daughter. my gf could not explain it well. Also a little bit flustered because her family has not been especially friendly so far but today were all smiles. hmmm.


    As stated several times the custom of payment is for marriage, not dating. However, that being said, there is no law against breaking with tradition. I never paid anything to my wife's parents prior to marriage or after. It was simple - my wife had lived on her own for many years and believed that OUR money be saved for OUR family. Therefore no dowry. She was the only young Thai that I found that shared my beliefs. For me it would have been a deal breaker.

    That being said, it's really what your gf's position is in all of this. If she is encouraging you to pay, I would tell her it's not your way and that if that is what she believes is correct, then it's good that you found out now, and have a good life. You don't want her to live with guilt by not following through with what she believes in and thereby complying with her parent's wishes, and you don't want to live with resentment should you cave in and pay. So best to part amicably at this point in time if no resolution.

    what u r experiencing is quite normal,many men from all over the world come to thailand and fall into the trap of paying the relatives for the thai girl ,the bar girls quite often send most of their money home ,my wife is finished with her mother who demands all her money and would pressure her enormously to get money off me to give to her beloved son who would and still does drink and fight with his other spoilt by their mothers mates and wont work ,i had to get involved in a brawl to protect this little weasal which he and his mates started ,and he paid me back by beating up my woman with his mate ,the mother sides with him regardless ,now i dont know if i can control myself if i see the dog again ,i ll be back in thailand in a week to finalise my girls visa ,who i have told dont worry i am your family now you me and her 9 year old daughter ,and forbiden her to give any money to any relative who supports her mother or brother ,but o.k.d it for those who do good ,you cannot buy love and respect my girl works 12hours a day for a lousy 6bucks aud i have seen guys build new homes for their thai girlfriends mothers new cars new motorbikes thick gold chains ,seen the girls go out hitting the piss at clubs ,not only old fat bald blokes paying for it but also young good looking blokes paying for it too ,my girl finished with her mother who only saw her as an atm ,and for that i ll happily take care of her ,maybe you might find your answer in my little story

    Your a good guy, and that girl is smart.

  7. It continues to be a source of amazement to me how Farangs who hail from countries' with mature electoral-based democracies will become apologists for the anti-democratic practices they witness here. The intellectually challenged dolts from the NE seem to have a better grasp on the "rightness" of representational Democracy than do some of the people on this board. I sure would like to see some of you so-called democracy-enlightened Farangs attend some of the events of the pro-democracy Red Shirts. You would be greeted warmly, not encounter militarized perimeters and be among a cross-section of Thai society with similar political pursuasion. This is especially true of those Farangs who so often parrot the English media negative agenized Red Shirt commentary.

    I would be interested in seeing the pro-democracy red shirts, unfortunately, the only ones around are the "bring back Thaksin", the pro communist republic, and the homicidal thug, who have no interest in politics but love violence, ones. Again, unfortunately, I am uninterested in causing violence, killing innocents or threatening to destroy lives and homes, so I don't have anything in common with their leadership too. I'm sure I would be greeted warmly though, those LPG tankers put out a lot of heat.

    For the slower witted members of the forum, I will repeat: Thailand is a parliamentary democracy (well, it's supposed to be, but in reality never has been). The people of the country elect the members of parliament. The parliament elects the PM. Got it?

    Speaking of parrots, you may want to change the "english media brainwashing negative red shirt anti Thaksin" record. Basing an entire political ideology on it is causing it to wear a little thin.

    I don't think a true parliamentary democracy can come to Thailand without the use of some excess force. Thai people are 300% brainwashed into their own system. To get that out, who knows what it takes. :)

  8. Stingray ; to avoid the work of changing the fuel pump, I advice you to make a measurment device, with different adapters, to measure the fuel pressure. This you can diagnose if the pump is defect or not. Most engines have a measurement point on the fuel rail for this. It's actually very simple to make from something like this:


  9. On common-rail engines it's not good to use bad quality fuel. For the older diesel engines, it doesn't matter.

    The injectors might have dirt inside them. Injectors can be cleaned, not necesarry to replace, although in Thailand, I do not know if they clean injectors. Best to also replace the fuel filter with it, and she should run fine again.

  10. There is a mistake in your topic title:

    Why Are Westerners (men) So Focused On Sex?

    This is the correct one:

    Why Are men So Focused On Sex?

    Oh and on-topic: I met more Thai man cheating and flirting with other women than I did back home. So I guess if you lock it up and are not open about the subject, men probably cross the line easier to get some!

    It could better be: Why are western men so open about sex.

    Because all men think the same, but cultural differences make them less open about it. :)

  11. Can somebody explain me, why the parents always need cash or gold in return for their daughter in Thailand? ( Not all )

    There is such a custom here,as well as in Gulf countries(million dinars - any takers?)

    If you want to be paid - find woman in India,they pay handsome dowry for their daughters!

    Yes, I realize it's a custom habit, but what's the reason they need cash or gold? Is this retirement money or something? I can imagine almost every farang, spitting the coffee, when hearing such an anouncement, in the west the mother of the daughters family would be happy she has found a caring man, and never ask money, because she knows they will need it all themselves for their own living maintenance very hardly.

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