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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. Always hear the "ladies" shout at the background haha. It think it means something like stop it, stop it...

    The only discernible thing I could hear sounded like "เอาไหม? เอาไหม?" ("Ao mai? Ao mai?"), which means more or less, "Want some of this? Want some of this?"

    And I think it was the guys doing the kicking that were saying it, not the ladies. But I could be wrong.

    LOL, no you made your point absolutely clear here! :)

  2. For Democracy, I assume everybody is aware that the death penalty aint no good.

    Agree.And Holland has come a loong way in this drug "issue" Or? :D

    Not much, you know soft drugs is legal here. The police is still very active against drug plantations here. But our law just is " to protective ". For a murder somebody would get maybe 10 to 20 years, that's it. Maybe he is even on paroul earlier. For drug crimes, it's even milder. A few years back a guy not for from my parents house here, was caught having a barn full of 11.000 plants. Now he's living in his house again :) , and I guess with alot of $$ on the bank account as well.

  3. i know 3 cbr 150's that are doing 160kph, speedometer not gps...but since no bike is 100% accurate, its compareable to other bikes...all riders are under 80 kilos.

    This coming from the guy that claims his 150 can smoke a liter bike... :):D

    A 125cc race bike can yes, but take alot of $$$$$

  4. If you go for a long distance where you expect to go at high speed/full throttle for longer periods of time, increase the oil flow, i.e. either set the oil pump to a higher level or if you run pre-mix go for 1:25 (which i did with my Zundapps, all the time).

    1:25 is not even used on a 50cc race engine! :) 1:50 is about the normal. For what you describe I would say 1:45. :D

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