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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. The contrarotating turboprop might be the future.

    Back to basics.

    The new turboprops engines can fly 20% cheaper and with nearly the same speed as jets,

    It is murmured that a lot of builders are thinking about the change to turboprops.

    Maybe the end of jet powered airplanes?

    No way turboprops fly with the same speed of jets :)

  2. The future is sub-orbital:- why fly days through atmosphere (burning copious amounts of fuel) when you could fly up, and use the earth's rotational momentum to do majority of the work - travel around the world in a fraction of the time!

    What excuse does any corporation or government have for spending, or gambling, ridiculous sums of money (amounts they could never hope to pay back on their own), on luxuries while having someone else's freedom of lifestyle as collateral.

    Meanwhile people are starving and struggling for dignity... that not cross minds when they spend foolishly?

    Government bailouts should not be legal - companies who make bad executive decisions should be held sole accountable... then less companies/governments would make the unwise decisions then - accountability 101.

    That is true. But money making always comes before efficiency. I beleive NASA is experimenting allready long times with scramjets. Go up in space an go down again. About concorde and A380 comparisation: 2 engines of A380 produce the same thrust as all 4 concorde's engines with afterburner on. Ow yeah right, the concorde was poluting :)

  3. You and the likes, who try to influence the Thai ways, are the reason why farang are becoming increasingly impopular in Thailand, why we will never have the right to own land here, and why farang never will be granted the same rights as Thai. Thais do not like the fact that we are here if we do not embrace the Thai culture full heartedly, they merely only tolerate you because they can make money out of you. No wonder you dont like their ways.

    This is a major reason why Thais and Thailand haven't capitalised on their assets and chances to stablise/improve their standard of living for the masses (which they are obviously troubled about as they wouldn't be facing off in their red and yellow armies if all was hunky dory in the realm). Given that most of the development that has taken place in Thailand has been the adoption of western solutions - be it transport in the shape of cars, buses, trains planes and motorbikes, shopping in the form of convenience stores, supermarkets and department stores, eating in the shape of fast food outlets, international cuisine or clothes in the shape of dress shirts, ties and suits, dresses, t-shirts, sneakers, jeans and education in the way of EPs and international schools, Thailand has realised that it can be advantageous to pay heed to those who are non-Thai. Kop khun :)

    In other words, they like it, but are to stubborn as a nation itself.

  4. Concorde is not an Airbus product. Airbus had nothing to do with it's retirement.

    No Concorde wasn't an Airbus product but the consortium that built it later became Airbus, and one of the reasons it was retired is because Airbus was no longer willing to service it or provide the parts for others to do so.

    Do you ever look anything up before making statements?

    I think he probably did.


    I was lucky enough to fly on Concorde once from London to New York, fantastic.

    Problem with concord is, it's should be made economy class. The old engines which use afterburners, can nowadays easily be replaced by an newer model, without afterburners with the same thrust levels or greater. Offcourse there are Thousands of other people having things like:

    - It's not allowed to fly supersonic over land ( But fighterjets do daily? )

    - It's maintenance costs are very high

    - It's not economical

    - and bla bla.

    So it's never gonna be back anyhow.

  5. So if this is such a problem, why the superb safety record of these aircraft?

    Sure it's safe, and electronic control should be more reliable then mechanical. But the one problem is with the software, if the computers recieve false information, they tend to correct it by it's programmed script. In this case probably in a dive. But a computer is just a computer, and not a human.

  6. I had a hot water shower added to the outside shower at my in-laws house a few years ago, and it seems they do not use it unless it is really cold out. They use a concrete water tank that holds about 1/2 cu meterof water. This morning when I took a shower there had to be at least 500 mosquitos in the room. They, falsely believe I think, that they will use more water/electricity/money by using the pressure shower.

    How do I go about converting them without causing a problem??????

    You can't :) ! Anyhow, I think that placing a big tank on top of the roof and letting it get warm naturally by the sun ( enough in thailand ) , and then a pipeline to a shower somewhere around the house, works fine! Pressure automatically and it's good warm :D , just also put an automatic filler pipeline to the reservoir on the roof.


  7. Does she know that it is her birthday - most Thai girls don't, so I would shut the <deleted> up and do nothing unless she mentions it.

    Even if she mentions it, tell that birthdays are not celebrated in Falangland but you will make a 500 Baht donation to the Wat of her choice to celebrate the event.

    That should get you quintillions of brownie points :)

    Thai girls not know when is their birthday?? I never met one who did NOT know. Give me a break. It's a great opportunity to cash in. Maybe 2% might know or care when is my birthday.

    I believe they know offcourse, but it's not celebrated in Thai much.

  8. Airbus made the SO wrong mistake by retiring the concorde and instead built the a380. I hope the a380 lands on a scrapyard! I want to go back to the future. Concorde flew for 27 years without one single accident! , The one in Paris wasn't caused by the concorde itself but by debrie on the runway throwen up by the tires and hitting the fuel tanks.

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