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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. Anyone who KNOWS what any currency is going to do will be VERY wealthy. It's simply a wait and see thing. The "experts" didn't do a very good job predicting this mess we are now in.

    Could it be that the concept of currency is coming to an end? Gone are the days when a currency was backed up by hard gold in the UK and USA - not sure what keeps currencies viable apart from smoke and mirrors. Perhaps we will see a return to some kind of trade in goods and services as a way of exchange.

    Cash is fading away and pure virtual money is left.


    Do you know what that means? If all money eventually becomes digital, it is open to viruses! And then... :)

  2. :) I find the breathing step works instantly for total body relaxation! It's like undergoing a massage!

    Combinate the breething step with this music (for instance), you will be in wonderland quickly:

    1. Practice deep breathing. If you're having trouble trying to sleep, try a deep breathing exercise. For example, lie on your back in bed and breathe in deeply for four counts, watching your stomach rise, and then breathe out for four counts. Your goal is to breath in and out about six times per minute. Do this for about ten minutes (60 breaths) and then switch so you're lying on your right, and repeat the breathing process. Another way to go about doing it is this:
    2. Take a deep breath using one nostril closed,

    • Now exhale with the nostril that is closed, during this exhalation, close the other.
    • Repeat these steps using the other nostril. Do this 60 times (at least 10 minutes) and you will feel very dizzy/relaxed.


    1. Imagine yourself sinking into the mattress, starting from the very tips of your toes. When you loosen all your muscles, it gives the effect that you're sinking in. In your mind, begin to "acknowledge" everything around you that all your senses are experiencing. For example: Say to yourself (not out loud), "I hear the clock ticking. I smell the lotion I just applied to my hands. I feel my legs' weight on the bed. I hear my spouse/partner breathing. I see different shades of black. I hear the dog barking in the distance. I hear myself in my own mind talking.", etc. This should help to clear your mind by slowly acknowledging everything and subsequently dismissing it. Stay on your back, sunk into the mattress until you feel it is time to roll into your desired position.
    2. Pray or meditate. Whatever is on your mind is probably there for a reason. When you pray, do it the way you are supposed to. Keep your focus on the one you pray to. Dismiss whatever it is racing through your mind, and forget about the situation. If meditating, visualize yourself addressing your thoughts and resolving them. Or, meditate on a calming word or phrase. As you do so, it helps you to lower your heart rate and relax your muscles, making it easier for you to lay down and fall asleep. Many times this will work because you no longer have that burden on your mind and you can relax enough to fall asleep.

  3. I found this reaction on youtube, found it kinda funny:

    It's funny how some guys only care about size of their penis...

    This is really interesting. I really really want to know how big it is, how it was created and if it's infinite. Well it must be, it cant just stop can it?

  4. Lets hope so,I,ll be 46 by then and I,ve had enough already!By the way Datsun 240Z,when I were younger I owned a 280Z targa,one of the best cars I have ever had,the bond mobile has it was known.Very unpredictable going round bumpy wet corners though.Before the end of the world,whats your

    thoughts on the shit handling.

    I think you mean a 280ZX. Problem is with the suspension though! :)


  5. Women often say that men confuse them and that they are unsure what a man is really looking for. They have tried to please them in the past and it hasn't worked so no, the man can concentrate on pleasing them or leave. If the media is to be believed, many women don't care what a man is looking for anymore because they have been empowered by their own sexuality and are comfortable in their new role as sexually liberated career woman in charge of their own destiny. In which case, as long as the man wants them, that is fine.

    It doesn't matter whether that view is actually true or not. What is true is that the modern man is increasingly struggling to find his place in the world. The Armed Forces and Space programs quite rightly have very highly qualified career women working in their departments and in most aspects of industry, women excel. The old male bastions are crumbling and with them their innate self respect as well as their understanding of how they should act and what they desire.

    Any woman reading this may say well it's a problem for men and they should deal with it. Absolutely, but you cannot expect miracles instantly. Generations of history dictating a man's role and function cannot be decided and altered in the space of 20 years without some fallout. Few can argue against the excitement felt by women as their empowerment continues but at the same time, one must expect issues to coincide with this. And one of those as I said is the question of understanding what the modern man is looking for.

    Men have started to evolve and are starting to grasp the fact that their role may not be as it once was. "Starting" is the operative word because this does not mean that there aren't large swathes of the world where men insist on being the breadwinner and women should still remain at home rearing children. It is going to take a long time to change the world. However in our western cities a change is in full swing. Men know that to find a mate they are going to have to work harder than ever before and they are aware that women call the shots far more than ever before. But this doesn't essentially change what a man is looking for.

    Okay so what is a man seeking?

    • First of all a man is seeking a love-interest. This may surprise many women but men like to love and they like being loved in return. The problem is that many women come across as impassioned and cold. It is not easy to find a loving woman and it is very noticeable how many men try and hang on when they think they have found their Miss Right.

    • Men are seeking a woman who is attractive to them. Women may despair that men can be so shallow and that looks could matter so much but be careful. Men aren't necessarily looking for a catwalk model and many men don't like women who weigh 80lbs. But men do want a woman who takes pride in their appearance (though not excessively). Men are proud of having a girlfriend who looks good and I don't believe any man who says otherwise.

    • Men are looking for a trustworthy girl, someone they can have faith in and someone who will be there for them. This may sound like an odd thing to say, but the fact is, some women are not trustworthy and many are not faithful either. So many in fact that men are increasingly wary. That kiss at a Christmas party may not count, or the flirtatious behavior with the gorgeous barman and in fact its all great fun and part of a woman's character. But reverse the situation and as a woman, you hate him doing the same. A man can never forgive a woman being unfaithful and so he is looking for someone who he really does trust.

    • Men want to make a home eventually and are looking for a woman who will be a willing sharer in home life. Women with a sociable lifestyle are attractive because they can be relied upon to keep the social diary running in a long term relationship.

    • Men are seeking women who are feminine gentle and kind because deep down the qualities that make a woman a great mother are an attraction in themselves. I am not suggesting that the man himself needs mothering, though some do, it is more the point that men seek the attributes in women that point to someone who would make a great mother to future offspring.

    • Men want women with a great sense of humor. Women often come across as uptight or too bothered by too many small details. You will sometimes hear mention of a girl who is 'one of the boys'. What this means is that she is able to fit in with their humor and is sociable and fun to be with. Such women are extremely attractive to many men. Men want to have a good time and relax when not working and so their ideal partners are women who are able to do the same.

    • Men are looking for women who retain their femininity and and are caring and kind. In recent years, aping men may be a female fashion statement, but it doesn't make them attractive. Whilst every woman in the world burps and farts and has the right to drink pints of beer, it doesn't necessarily attract them to the opposite sex. Women can get angry and say well men will just have to get used to it, but the issue is that they don't. They can just choose not to go for women who act in the same way as their drinking buddies.

    • Men want someone who is supportive. Many women are quick to criticize men in their behavior, career and set about trying to alter them and mould them. This is a crucial mistake. Men can be manipulated yes, but they see their partnerships as support systems. The best relationships work both ways in terms of support. Where a woman is not able or willing to give that support and is too quick to criticize then she may lose her man.

    • Men don't like angry women who shout. They want a woman who can debate and converse and is able to discuss. Communication is king. A fiery passionate temperament may have made you interesting and challenging on day one. But by day 500 it holds no glory whatsoever.

    • Men love a challenging woman, someone who keeps them on their toes. Men are generally lazy in relationships once they feel they're in secure territory. When a man is challenged so he does something about it. If you want to keep your man interested, keep him challenged.

    • Men are generally more reserved about sex than women. This is my experience is a fact. Men know what they like in bed and tend to stick to it. The adventurous sexual appetite in most men isn't there even if they are convinced it is. Men in reality are quite conservative. Sexually adventurous has nothing to do with having lots of partners and more to do with the things they will try with the same partner. In most test cases I have conducted, it is the man who looks for a quiet time in the bedroom and the woman who ultimately becomes bored.

    • Men want a woman who will commit to them. Though increasingly this is hard to find, it doesn't take away the wish. Men want a girlfriend who they can share with and trust and be open with. Commitment is not a one way street and therefore men are struggling to find the levels of commitment they found previously. But the need is still there.

    • Men don't want to be alone.

    This column can easily fire a great debate. The fact is, a modern man is seeking a reliable, sexy, single girl with whom he can have a long term relationship with. He wants to have fun, share his life and ultimately settle down. There are a few long term bachelors but not that many. The problem guys have is that the world has changed. They don't necessarily want to have children and settle down straight away, but it will come. They do seek self-respect even if they are not the primary breadwinner and they seek respect from their partner.

    While women become increasingly strong in their new roles in society, it is worth remembering that it takes, and always will take, two to tango.


  6. (a) Go the system and spend XX years in a sh!tty thai prison...because YOU ARE guilty:

    Are you really so stupid to believe that you will spend years in prison for stealing a handbag or any other petty crime ?

    Not if they can shake money from ya! :)

  7. There is a movie due to hit the screens on this subject, I will wait for the DVD to be released, think it's due out in August 2013.

    :) All life end 21-12-2012!!

    Yes, quite - hence my humorous reply [at least I thought it was]

    Well, I got the irony of it. :D

    Me to, just trying to be serious :D

  8. Plus of course, the embarrassment of knowing that anyone who marries a Thai woman will be thought of as marrying a hooker!

    This image is now ruining my relationship with my Thai girlfriend, thanks to my discriminating parents. It was a disaster since I decided to took her to The Netherlands. I decided to keep it quite, can't fight my parents. I will work a while to get money, and get the heck out of here. Yes, it's nice to have an advanced economy here, but there's no love anymore. It's only greed here. What's life worth if you need 300k euro for a small house to buy, and even need a loan for the freaking car? Work yourself to death until 67 and hopefully " retire " happily. :)

    Same in the UK, sadly. My son cannot afford to buy a house and has to settle for renting one at £450 a month. He goes a bit green around the gills when he knows what I am paying here 3k Baht a month.

    At least I would not discriminate against him with a Thai or any other woman for that matter.

    Strange though. I always thought of the Dutch as being relatively liberal minded regarding race ( except for a neighbouring country :D ) Obviously not everyone thinks the same though.

    That is starting to change slowely :D Offcourse I'm not "normal" because in their eyes I'm going to a 3rd World country, while I have " everything " here. :D

  9. I'll be working offshore 6 mths on 6 off, and need somewhere to stay for a couple of years so i dont have to pay UK tax, it was going to be LOS, but now im looking into the possibility of Singapore.

    Reasons being Thai women arent what theyre cracked up to be, the only ones available to most Farang are whores, freelancers or girls that think i'm going to sponsor their shopping activities so they can look HISO to their peers, and im of an age where i need to think about settling down. I dont wish to be hassled when walking down a street all the time, most of BKK is out of bounds as i cant speak the language so i end up going to the same tourist trap places that are full of undesireables. And as the OP said the undertone of feeling i get that farangs are resented and not wanted here.

    Wow, what a poor experience of Thailand you must have had. If you have only been to the tourist traps, I can understand why you might think this, but you are truly wrong.

    I totally agree... Some of my best experiences in Thailand have been in the "back streets" of BKK, I have never felt unsafe walking about & have always been treated well by all Thai's. I love finding places far off the beaten track of general "tourist traps"... One of my favorite places to stay in a Village, near Thali Noi in Songkla Province, where "whities" very rarely venture... I will be heading there for my forth visit next week & know I will be welcomed by the villagers (Rice farmers, mostly)... hard working "down to earth" people... My decision to retire & move to Thailand was a result of several trips I had made here.

    I spend more time with Thai's than the "farangs" who seem to think sitting in the bar all day, is all there is about life... they are really missing out on soooo many great things you can find & do without bar hopping & woman hunting in a bar!...

    Yup :) Love the countryside to, very easy minded folks.

    I remember last year, was waling in some sub urb of Bangkok, went into an 7-11 to grab a beer. Some local workers came in grabbed a beer to, so we both had a laugh at it !

  10. I ain't packing it in, no chance. Been here 6 years and i'm just getting started. My reading and written Thai is up to Prathom Level 2 now, so i still have a long way to go before i can understand as much as i want to. But i do think that is one important thing that most people coming to live here don't take into enough consideration - to learn about the language and culture, and to accept it for what it is and try to respect it too. You might find more enjoyment by embracing it than shunning it. Anti-farang sentiment??? Yeah maybe if you're a p+*ck you'll get that, but not cos you're farang, just cos you're a p+*ck......

    I agree, I had never had any problems with the Thai people. If you respect them, they respect you. But I also think, the whining from the farangs is difficult to stop, it's just something that is printed in our culture, even I have difficulties with it, but I have to slap myself on the head ( expression ) to not do it, everytime I feel I want to. :)

  11. Plus of course, the embarrassment of knowing that anyone who marries a Thai woman will be thought of as marrying a hooker!

    This image is now ruining my relationship with my Thai girlfriend, thanks to my discriminating parents. It was a disaster since I decided to took her to The Netherlands. I decided to keep it quite, can't fight my parents. I will work a while to get money, and get the heck out of here. Yes, it's nice to have an advanced economy here, but there's no love anymore. It's only greed here. What's life worth if you need 300k euro for a small house to buy, and even need a loan for the freaking car? Work yourself to death until 67 and hopefully " retire " happily. :)

  12. Face facts ; if the law aint changes, not much more falang is gonna come for work/living, only for retire and holiday.

    The current law is made 99% Thai first, it's just one big discrimination!

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