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Everything posted by sirineou

  1. I hope they don't mute the microphones so that not only Harris, but we we can all hear what an A-hole he is.
  2. Learn to read. Polling Stone never said he is folding I said it! And, he is not folding. He folded! Folded like a lawn chair.
  3. " Rollingstone Logo It's On Trump Agrees to Debate, Rants About Harris During Unhinged Presser " "ABC quickly clarified that both campaigns had agreed to participate in a debate on Sept. 10 — not Sept. 25 — which had been scheduled before Biden dropped out of the race. " https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-agrees-debate-rants-harris-mar-a-lago-1235076452/
  4. Not at all my friend. If hunter id guilty, he should go to jail like other guilty people. I am sure it's an opinion you also support , right?
  5. In one's life there are many different stories. This my friend is a different story. But hey, I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject, if the story I was telling fell apart as spectacularly as the one you were trying to sell, I would be changing my story too. Now watch as this story you are trying to sell also crashes and burns. Walz served his country honorably for 22 years 22 years longer than your bone spur draft dodging trust fund baby of yours. After 22 years of service in 2005 he honorably retired to run for congress and serve his country in another capacity. In 2006 he defeated the incumbent republican, in a predominantly republican district in a landslide. And went on to be reelected 6 more times. Then he was elected governor of Minnesota by another landslide 12 percentage margin and then again reselected four years later also by a large margin , How do you like them apples??
  6. Probably the same as when trump received 10 million from the Egyptian goverment. Hey here is an idea! perhaps they can share a cell together.
  7. End of story. "By the time Walz left the military entirely, he had achieved the rank of command sergeant major, one of the top ranks for an enlisted soldier. But personnel files show that he was reduced in rank months after retiring, leaving him as a master sergeant for benefits purposes. " https://apnews.com/article/walz-national-guard-military-ae43d684bf1319e535f9f620552155d7#:~:text=By the time Walz left,master sergeant for benefits purposes.
  8. That's funny Stating what I said only in different words and then accusing me of not knowing what I was talking about.
  9. Thank you for the above. From what I learned about the subject, though what you say is true, I don't think it applies in this instance. In this instance it is a condition that one has qualified for but is contingent to the individual performing certain tasks.(continuing education) So Walz had reached the level command sergeant major upon retirement, but maintaining that rank was contingent to continuing education, which since he left the service to run for congress and since he was retired, he did not complete. Thus for benefit (pension) purposes his rank was reduced master sergeant . The republicans are simply grasping at straws.
  10. Not sure what you are talking about , I thought i explained it adequately .
  11. You are in luck, The khon kaen immigration office is excellent , very professional and helpful. When you get here, stop by the office, To the left of the door as you enter there is a receptionist that checks everything before you go to an officer. They all speak very good English. Just stop by, say hello, explain what you will be doing soon.ans show her what you have so far. They are very helpful, they will give you a list of what you need . We did everything ourselves, for my extension based on marriage which is a bit more complicated than a retirement extension and we knew nothing, They walked us through the process and made it seem easy. I cant say enough good things about them.
  12. You do not " rise " from NCO to Commission. you chose to advance if you qualify, must be 18-40 years old I think,A US citizen and must have a four year college degree. He was certainly qualified but for whatever reason he did not want a commision, if he wanted one he would have had one. Most likely because he was teaching at the time. No shame in NCO, they are the backbone of the armed forces. Better an NCO for a VP than a bone spur draft dodger trust fund baby for a president , wouldn't you agree ? only 89 days
  13. I agree, That Freud guy, probably got his diploma at the morning market, Einstein, from a local bartender, Immanuel Kant, sausage factory. And don't get me started about Ivan Pavlov and his salivating dogs, what an a-hole teasing innocent dogs,
  14. Not only the left my friend. Look at what the Republican party has deteriorated too. You support a guy who among other things went after John McCain, a bone spur trust fund baby , that denigrated an American hero, And you call yourself a patriot? are you even American?
  15. Not irrelevant! It is not nessacery for election. . but highly relevant.
  16. We all have, I voted for Bill Clinton, The country did well under his administration, but what an A-hole he was!!! He sat there on TV looked starlight at me and said. "I did not have sex with that woman" then he went back with his infamous ""It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. " Where he could had said , "Hey , i was having problems with the wife, cute little thing threw herself at me , and I went for it. I was wrong, me and Hillary have worked our problems out , and we are now stronger than ever." I would have respected that. but he took me for an idiot, and I lost all respect for him, Never mind that he destroyed that poor girls life, What an FN A-hole . and lost respect for Hillary for staying with him. If when she lost it was to anyone other than trump I would had celebrated. She let him destroy that girls life for her personal Powder, What a witch. Can you imagine what this girl must have went through ? It has been reported that Monica Lewinsky Considered Suicide on several occasion. I am a father of a beautifully 28 year old daughter right now, can you imagine how the parents felt? How I would had felt if it was my daughter, how you would have felt if it was your daughter? I have a daughter and
  17. As opposed to your boy who has never won the popular vote. the people who elected him to Congress in a predominantly republican district , six times, disagree with you, and the people who elected him governor by a landslide both times , disagree with you . But hey,, who knows better? the people in his state who know him ? or some guy in Thailand.
  18. You are right . Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, run against Trump, so I was wwwww.. wwww, wwwrong . I almost hurt myself saying that .
  19. To stop beating a dead horse. Walz , served his country honorably for 22 years, he left the military in 2005 and run for congress by ousting a Republican incumbent in a heavily rural district in 2006. He again honorably served his country in the house of representatives until 2019 when he was elected Governor of Minnesota by a landslide , he was reelected to second term again by a wide margin , and in 88 days he will be the Vice president of the United States.
  20. First trump run unopposed, the voters in the primary had a choice of trump, trump or trump. When Biden withdrew endorsed Harris, and he released his delegates . The delegates voted for Harris . What do you expect ? that the democrats would run another primary with 100 days to the election, even though Harris had already secured the support of enough delegates, and was unopposed? You guys might be stupid enough to support trump. but much to your disappointment we are not stupid enough to form a circular firing squad .
  21. err, wrong again , do you even know how delegates are appointed? it is an interesting subject and similar to the electoral college in the general election. Harris was selected to be the candidate, in a similar process that tramp got the nomination.
  22. Do the math. How old is he? How old was he in 2005
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