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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 9 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    fyi, forum health moderator @Sheryl has lately identified a government hospital travel clinic in Bangkok as being a confirmed source of the newer monovalent, XBB-targeted COVID vaccines from Pfizer. I've also confirmed the details with them, and will be doing a separate thread on the subject here shortly.


    The only catch is, unlike prior no-cost government COVID vaccine offerings, the travel clinic COVID vaccine requires payment that all-in should come to about 2,500 baht per dose. But the good news is they're making the newer Pfizer vaccine available to all foreigners, both resident expats and also foreign tourists. (FWIW, Thais are being required to pay there also as well.)


    The beginning of the discussion of this is located in the following thread below. But as I mentioned above, I'll also soon be doing a separate, standalone thread on the subject.




    Thank you John 

    Unfortunately I am in Khon Kaen  and as I said I will be going to the US where it should be of no or very little cost. But I appreciate the information and I am following the Thread and if it becomes available in Khon Kaen  I will still consider it and chose not to wait until I went to the US.  

  2. 10 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Well any appeal is going to be at least 1 year out before it’s heard and by that time the majority judgement will have been collected. Any possible election success has zero effect on state judgement. Any state judgements will not/can not be stopped by possible federal election success.

    The only way to stop the clocks are by DJT finding a total of roughly 460 million as a bond and he claims he only has 100 million.

    He is desperate trying to find a way but needs another 360 million to stop the clock, that is the only way to do it.


    That is a nice thought.

    As you might know I am no trump fan. and I hope he gets what's coming to him,

    But let me ask you this, 

    What happens if trump pays the judgment and then case is reversed in appeal? 

    How is then trump made whole? 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Nemises said:

    The guy is only in his ‘60s, hardly too old to be exercising. So exercise definitely would benefit his sleep. 


    I actually get a fair amount of exercise. I ride my bicycle 3-4 times a week 5-10 km , probably less now that is starting to get hot, perhaps I will start going to the pool and doing laps again soon. 

    We have a 1 rai play farm. garden , so I go there almost every day. there is always something to do.

    We were at Do home  yesterday to buy some electrical components I needed, and I saw they had a Nautilus like excursive machine for sale , and we have a big airconditioned room downstairs ,  me the wife are thinking of buy in it, and setting up a gym there. I do need to increase my muscle mass that burns more calories.

    Anyway we can all benefit from more exercise. I was always in very good shape, and I don't like what I see in the mirror. 

  4. 53 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    1) delay, yes but the clocks are not stopping.

    They do if he is elected. or if the judgment  reversed on appeal.

    56 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    win the appeal, well yes he could but by then he will have no money left. He doesn’t have the $460 million to stop collection of the judgement, so the judgement is going to be collected starting in about 25 days.

    I don't think it will be collected in 25 days. if the appeal moves forward, I am sure he will find a way to delay collection until after the appeal is heard. 

    59 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    get elected president, that is not going to stop New York State collecting the money. As president he has no power over the state court judgement. He has power over federal courts but not state courts 

    It would change the whole ball game and accommodations will be made for the good of the country 


    1 hour ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    He has said he only has 100 million in cash and liquid assets, it is extremely unlikely that the court will grant a stay on collection without him posting the full $460 million. 

    I am no legal scholar, but 100 million could buy me one .We will see. 


    By the way , did you hear about the Supreme court's decision to hear the presidential immunity issue" 

    Some might think it i a good thing. but it is not!! the majority is running interference for him. 

    They will not hear the case for a couple of months and have expanded the scope to include so many issues that is extremely unlikely it would come out of the superman court and litigated before the election.

    It is best explained in the video below by a Harvard constitutional law professor. 



  5. 8 minutes ago, G_Money said:

    Yeah right!


    Tell this to the families killed by illegal aliens.


    Noticed your link isn’t from Madcow, Overbite or AC/DC, Whoopy or Joyce.


    You’ll never hear them speak of crime by illegal aliens.  Doesn’t fit their agenda.



    People are killed by all sort of people and yes some by illegal aliens,

    Research shows that the crime rate by illegal aliens is significantly lower that the general population, so if you are indeed concerned about crime against you and yours you might want to replace all americans with illegal aliens :laugh:


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  6. 51 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I understand that, so why did you mention the extra 3 million voters Democrats have?

    Were you talking about something else?

    January 5, 2016    Registered Democrats   7,438,655   Registered Republicans   4,767,259

    October 3, 2023  Registered Democrats  10,353,432  Registered Republicans    5,286,269

    I understand you are not American and might not be familiar with the changing demographics in the US 

    But as you can see there  were almost 3 million more democrats 2026 

    and 2024 there are  now over 5 million more registered democrats 


    In addition Comey is no longer head of the FBI 




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  7. 2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Thank the deity that actual voter numbers are meaningless with the Electoral College then!

    That is not true. 

    A candidate still has to win the number of votes nessacery to secure the electors in each state,

    Hence trump's  attempt to introduce fake electors and steal the 2020 election. 

    6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The founding fathers foresaw just such a situation and wrote something in the constitution to prevent it.

    Not sure what situation in my post the founding father foresaw and introduced the electoral college. 

    as far as I know the electoral college was introduced so that  states with small populations were not marginalized in the elections and got no attention from the  candidates because of their small population they did not provide a significant gain in the popular  vote . Otherwise smaller states would not have joined the Union. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, cdemundo said:

    You would think but...

    He has a solid core of dyed in the wool followers, then those who are voting against Biden, those who are voting against any kind of liberal/leftist agenda, then the culture war voters who think Trump will bring back the 1950s.


    I thought as you do the first time he ran but he won of course.

    So did I , the first time, and as such I could be wrong again, and who knows there could be another Comey type surprise a week before the election. 

    So you could be right.

    But there are significantly more registered Democrats than republicans. Without looking it up right now I think about 3 million. So I guess as you also seem to imply it might come down to motivation  and voter turnout .   


  9. trump knows better than anyone else where he is at at this point.

    The interest in the judgments is irrelevant. Regardless of if he pays it now. or he waits until the amount is 10 billion, the outcome would be the same.

    He would be left with ZERO

    So he has three choices IMO , one is to delay, the other is to  win the appeal, and the third to get elected president. Two choices really , The delay is only to enable the other two.

    I would love to be a fly in the wall where his strategy sessions take place. 



  10. 1 minute ago, GammaGlobulin said:


    Which is to say?




    You do not understand how this image was created?


    Or, you do not understand how this image can represent the remnants of the beginnings?


    What are you saying, exactly?



    I am not implying anything , would you not agree that before you explained anything to anyone, never mind a 10 year old , you would need to understand it yourself. 

    So learn as much as you can about the subject , and the answer would become obvious.

    A piece of advice , you are not going to do this here. 

    For a 10 year old , before I start explaining the number 12 , I would start explaining the number one ,the number two, and the concept of zero and how it applies in that instance. 

    But you really don't care how to explain cosmic background noise to a 10 year old do you? 

    You want to talk about the subject and you thought this would be a good way to do it. 


    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Mike Lister said:

    The spirit and intent of the new ruling is to close loopholes and create a level of playing field.

    All new policies have unintended consequences. 

    IMO the expat remittances taxation  will in the short run have a negative affect in increasing revenue from those sources.  

    It is possible that once implemented it would turn out to be a non issue for most expats as they will fall below the taxation threshold when all available excisions are considered and we will all continue our financial situation as we always had, 

    But right now we have reduced the amount we transfer each month to that of my SSI pension only and supplement it with savings we have  here. When we go to the states this spring we plant to fly back with the maximum amount allowed without reporting. 

    Hopefully by next year we will all know exactly where we stand. 

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  12. 3 hours ago, flyingtlger said:

    With the right lawyers, they can get way more than 50K, especially because Disney is named as a defendant.

    The Mouse doesn't want this kind of publicity.....

    If they are  found negligent and liable. the award can be a lot more,way more than $50k

    The way it is calculated . aside from pain and suffering, the life long earning potential of this young lady is considered in the award to the husband. 

      Having said that, no amount of money can make this right . How tragic!!

    My heart goes out to her husband, her family and friends. 


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