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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 59 minutes ago, ryandb said:

    That's what people do when they can't argue the point, Trump is a 90's Democrat by policy standards but if you want to think he's the devil and lose sleep over whether it is his or Biden's budget that'll be lining the pockets of the MiC and the corporate elite go right ahead. 

    You are trying to argue that he is the same A-hole he always was, and I agree on that point 

    But Dude!!

    He was a Democrat and now he is a Republican . What is there to argue? When you said " It's almost like the Democrats changed not Trump. " 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, KhunLA said:

    A quick chimchi noodle soup w/eggs.  Packaged chimchi from 7-11, the wife didn't finish while O&A, along with last 2 eggs in frig, and rice noodle.  Quick & easy ...



    Wife makes good chimchi, but after a couple weeks of being ready, (she makes way too much), it's too sour for me, and she's stuck eating the rest, and usually in a soup, as a bit much for her also, I think.

    I love Kim Chi Jjigae stew, but it does not love me,. Still I make it every once in a while, 

    Funny story.

      I was at Macro and decided to get some Kim Chi to make my stew.

    They sell chopped up double bags of it by where the milk and things are. 

    Anyway when I got home it looked a bit strange , I read the bag and it said Kim Chi papaya . So what the hell!! I made it and it was not bad, but not as good a cabbage kim Chi. And now I had a leftover bah of Kin Chi Papaya  

    So next time I was at Makro I decided to to get some real kim chi and got a double bag of it. 

    A few days later I  was in the mood for Kim Chi stew , went to the refrigerator took out a bag.

    It was Kim Chi Papaya,  so I thought ok put it back and get the double unopened bag  of the real Kim Chi I got a few days ago, didn't even think to look at it I open one bag and it still looks strange. I read the bag and it is Kim Chi papaya. 

    Now I am really confused. Look back in the refrigerator , yep papaya, look at the new bags, Yeap Papaya also !!

    Not sure how , but I somehow bought two more bags of Kim Chi papaya , so now I am the proud owner of three bags of Kim Chi papayas. 

    Any one interested I am willing to part with them at a very reasonable price :cheesy:



    • Haha 1
  3. I have lived in several countries. I have never seen a more negative  about their host country bunch of expats!!

    Seriously!! never. 

    One would think you are inmates, held here against your will. 

    There is another thread from some guy " I have enjoyed my time in Thailand, but..."

    with a list of grievances to get the dogs howling. Most of which existed before said guy got here.

    So is it Thailand or is the guy who did not bother to learn about Thailand before coming here , and now "surprise surprise" !! 

       Yea go ahead with your confused emojis. Like I am surprised you are confused. 

    • Confused 1
  4. 1 minute ago, eumenades said:


    Not to mention their history of producing good writers. I travelled on a Russian ship once and everyone was nice to me. 

    I am  just re-reading One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Solzhenitsyn. I read it in my youth and did not get as much out of it as I am getting out of it now that I am older. 

    Also true with many  of the classics I read in my youth. 


  5. On 3/22/2024 at 8:27 PM, eumenades said:

    Some posters are quite right when they say the new Russians here are sullen and reserved - a nice way of saying they might turn out to be isolationists, amidst our mixed farang community of British, Americans, Germans, Swedish, Chinese, Singaporeans and others eager to get cheap street food and take inexpensive holidays when the occasion arises.

    Is it a wonder , that they are given the attitude towards them ? Would you happily associate with people that have such attitude towards you?

    Many western Europeans and Americans commit appalling acts every day , and we make fun of them , "Boys will be boys" , when something bad is done a Russian it's because Russians ar A-holes. 

    If I was a Russian I would want nothing to do with any of us, In fact I am not a Russian and still my involvement with the expat Community is very limited. 

    Because of some social situations I have had the pleasure to have met many Russians , and I will tell you this,

    They were all very nice people. 


    • Confused 3
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  6. 13 minutes ago, malibukid said:

    HBO, Netflix produce some outstanding series.  Sorpanos, Breaking Bad, Feud, Better Call Saul

    As I  perhaps inarticulately tried to say, that it might not be that the movies are bad, but that they seem bad to some people  and some age groups, because that's not what we grew up with and are familiar with. 

    No doubt, some good stuff on many other outlets also.

      The many different outlets are also a problem because it dilutes the client base and consequently the  budgets involved. 

  7. I don't even know . what the function of the UN is  other than to justify actions. It is like a police force run by the major criminal families. 

    Any decision made can only be ratified if approved by one of the families. 

    So what is it it's function? I guess one can say it is a place where all member states have a representative and backroom deals can be made. 

    But I fail to see , even the value of that. If one of the five families that can veto any decision wanted to make a backroom deal with any of the marks , I am sure they could easily find them where they live.

    I guess the optics are nice. 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  8. Not boring. Boring  to you if you are a certain age.

    " This statistic is significant in understanding the movie-going habits of North American audiences. It highlights the fact that a large portion of moviegoers are from the 12-24 age group, indicating that this demographic is a key target for movie studios and distributors."

    https://gitnux.org/movie-audience-statistics/#:~:text=This statistic is significant in,for movie studios and distributors.


    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, MrPancake said:

    I don't get it.

    The money is there so WTF ?

    You are not the demographic (I assume you are older) movies are made for. Like anything else the primary concern of the producers is to make money , and out age group is not the Group that goes to the movies a lot. 

    So they want to spend as little as possible, and make as much as possible.

    No different than if you were a movie producer,


    Finally  , they seem to be running out of ideas. Pretty much everything has been made. 

    I have not watched a movie since I don't remember when. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  10. 26 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:


    I've never understood this way of thinking. 


    You paid 10% service charge. If their boss keeps that, they can quit if they want. You shouldn't feel compelled to pay more

      First we need to understand that quitting is often not an option for many people with mouths to feed back home. 

      Second if my desire for good service.

    By the grace of god , of happenstance , I have been lucky enough to be able to afford little things such as paying 10% more to insure better service.  Especially here in Thailand where a bill at a local restaurant for 2 people  can be as little as 1,000 baht . It would be a sad day in my life when I can't afford, or if I could afford as I am sure most of us here in Thailand can, be defencive over 100 baht . 

      Third and most important. The number one rule when dining out, is:

    You don't mess with the people who prepare and serve your food :laugh:

  11. 1 hour ago, mistral53 said:

    Really? Most American muscle cars were sedans parading as sports cars, with 2 tons of an iron clump under the hood,

    I guess it all depends on what is sport for you . 


    1 hour ago, mistral53 said:

    But hey, we were all kids at some point, but most of us moved on, had real jobs, maybe even family......... but not all did 

    Not sure what you mean by that. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Home made birthday cake for one of the kids.



    That really looks Professional!! One thing I have never made is a layer cake.Wife's B'day is in may. I like to make her one, 

    Any suggestions for a good vid on YouTube . I like to make a layer cake , so I need ti learn how to make the layers and the frosting. 

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