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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 40 minutes ago, jvs said:

    So what is a good age to retire from politics?

    I hope you did not suffer too much because of this age thing with President Joe Biden.

    (can you read between the lines)?

    A good age to retire is when you realise that someone can do the things you you want done better than you. 

    "I hope you did not suffer too much because of this age thing with President Joe Biden. "

    I appreciate your concern about my suffering. but the amount  of suffering remains to be determined  in November.

    "(can you read between the lines)? "

    Whether I can reed between the lines is dependent  on the writing and not my reading skills.   


  2. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Not at all, I lived in California during the time she was district attorney in San Francisco and attorney general in California, and I disagreed with a lot of her policies.

    Is there a politician that we don't disagree with some of their policies?

    Who would had been your first choice that you would totally agree with. Kamala Harris  was perfectly positioned to be the first and realistically, at this point the best choice. 

    Politics is the art of the compromise, to get to dance you have to first make it to the dance.All the pie in the sky will not get you there, Obama compromised Biden to the Clintons to get to the dance. 

    1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    I also question how effective she was as vice president, though an argument could easily be made that very few vice presidents accomplish all that much.

    And that would be a safe argument. IMO if Kamala did not accomplish much , its the fault of Biden . Power is an elixir that is hard to give up. and plays tricks with your mind. You enter in all sort  of rationalizations as to why you and you along is indispensable to the job.

    The cemeteries are full with people who once thought they were indispensible.Yet the world went on. 

    IMO it was a tactical mistake of Biden not to engage Harris more, he should had considered the possibility that  at his age, he might be a one term president. In fact when he was running against trump he said that he would be a one term president and "a bridge between trump and normalcy" . but as i said Powered is an elixir and hard to give up. 

    1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    unless somebody else is selected, which looks very doubtful.

    Someone else , is imposible!! actually physically impossible.First there is the Issue of donations,. Money is the oxygen of American politics. 

    Second there is the Issue of getting on the Ohio state ballot, third there are the 103 days constrain  until the election, and  fourth there is the issue of  a campaign infustracture, that harris has inherited from Biden, but nobody else has.  

    Harris is the best possible choice, I am afraid there is no other, She will make a fine president.  

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, BigStar said:

    No. But the Repub candidates did have televised debates. None of the 13 possible candidates polled well enough to lure Trump into debating any of them.


    Yes indeed with about 100 days left until the election and a week until the deadline to get their candidate in the Ohio state balot, the democrats should hold televised debates to choose a candidate.

    If your side's argument weren't so sad they would be funny. 

    Actually they are not even your argument, you are simply regurgitating trump's talking points.    


    And don't tell me that Biden did not have one, He was a sitting president, he run unopposed same as trump did for  his second term. Every sitting president except on in 1852  has gotten his party's nomination .


  4. 1 minute ago, novacova said:

    Yet here you are in full support and agreement of your dear political leaders conducting an open and blatant coup. It’s fascinating to watch folks heard in a direction of which they have no idea what it’s sum is.

    If there is any indication that you don't hear yourselves talk,  0r that even if you do, there is definitely no communication between your brain and your mouth. 

    Imagine, a trump supporter accusing the Democrats af a coup. 

       Diabolical  how Harris  got Biden to fall apart at the debate so that she could instigate this fiendish coup of hers

    .Diabolical !!:cheesy:


  5. 7 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Well it sounds like you certainly hope not, but I think that there's a very good chance of that happening. Believe me she would not have been my first choice as a centrist democrat, but I will take her.


    I will take anyone over Trump.


    I would take Pauly Shore over Trump. 

    Why would she not be? How is she less qualify than any of the rest choices, or are you also buying into the trump narrative?  

  6. 1 hour ago, novacova said:

    For the left it’s just a dog and donkey show, given the fact that they’re autocrats and dictate their nominees and their constituencies have no say,

    Are you guys for real?Do you even hear yourselves talk? 

    was there any doubt who your nominee would be?Do you know who the cochair of the RNC is? There is even talk of renaming the RNC to the trumpNC 

    How much does Romney , Pence, Cheney   have to say in the big tent of the RNC?

  7. 1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

     First was an agreed compromise in Feb 2022 before Boris and others scuppered it for his Churchillian fantasies. This will be the second - hopefully, peace will come, and a buffer zone agreed upon - Ukraine is lost and can only hope to retain parts. I think they will agree on a buffer ruled by neither Ukraine nor Russia - a de-militarised zone.

    You are absolutely right about the Ankara peace summit where an agreement was reached to end the war but then it was nixed by the Brits, and by Brits I mean Americans because the UK would do nothing in these matters without the consent of the US. 

      Ukraine was nothing but canon fodder in an attempt to weaken Russia. 

    I realise that I don't know everything that Biden knows that lead to that decision, but from my perspective an evil decision.

    I have said it many times in this forum, and have gotten flack for it, But in the end when all is said and done Ukraine will get the same deal that it could have had even before the war started, and certainly at the Ankara summit. Only now with the additional loss of a generation of Ukrainian youth, and destruction of the country. 

    Sad very sad, 

    With friend like those in this forum and elsewhere who supported this war, who needs enemies?

     Zelinski should be hung from the highest tree for what he allowed to happen to Ukraine . 

    • Confused 1
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  8. 12 minutes ago, novacova said:

    Reading comprehension challenged? Take another read…

    I think they will convene a virtual convention to circumvent to Ohio state ballot issue, But what is a convention? If not function where the delegates convene to nominate a candidate, and if a candidate is nominated  beforehand, what then is the purpose of a convention? A place to make speeches? 

  9. 31 minutes ago, BigStar said:


    I think you misunderstood about "cancel the convention." But you're right otherwise.

    A Convention is  where the delegates convene  (hence the term convention) and nominate a candidate. Otherwise it is simply a big show.

    To your defence the DNC might be doing exactly what you propose.

    and convene a virtual convention,IMO  for the purpose of  releasing DNC funds to the candidate  and insuring that the candidate is in the Ohio ballot.State law previously required this step be completed by Aug. 7. but the Ohio legislature had issued a one time exemption for Biden so that they can have the convention the 19th , The fear i think is that the Republicans will try to say that this exemption was only for biden and since biden dropped out it would not apply , of course this is absurd .  But they DNC  might want to close that road. 

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