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Posts posted by BugJackBaron

  1. for tone practice, learn to speak by asking random taxi drivers the location of institutes in Thai

    (sa tit demonstration school for example) when they understand you , you have the correct tone.

    It is clear to me that some people will never get the tones.And some will sound almost like a Thai.

    Many lessons are a waste of time and money. You have all the resources you need right here.- and on the web.

    • Like 1
  2. No need to argue about a baguette and some sorts of pastries. BUT - what about some nice sour dough or whole grain bread? I think Thailand wins by a good margin thanks to its German bakers. Big C Extra is also pretty good. Perhaps not all locations but most.

    My wanderings in SHV ended without much success in SHV. PP and SR were better and I found some of the cheaper places surprisingly good in SR as they had this 50% off past 6 PM (or was it 7?).

    I have no doubt that some really good places are around but at a price. This means they sell treats rather than daily staple. I know of good bakeries in Isaan (e.g. Nonkhai), in the North anyhow and the urban centers are well covered. Cambodia lacks this artisanal producers. Interestingly, I found it surprisingly hard to come by a decent Croissant. Bottom line: While Cambodian has this phantastic French tradition is has been weakened while in Thailand the strong tourist and expat presence sustains numerous small shops and also some nice pastry/bread departments in the major supermarkets.

    I think the same holds true for locally produced sausages, hams, and within limits for cheese.

    I remember ther Blue Pumpkin offering some good croissants. Except for in Chiang Mai and maybe Pucket , I have never found quality bakery stuff here though there is some OK stuff (like at foodland). But not great. Yes, you pay more than staples but that is going to be true anywhere in rice-based Asia.It is still less than you would pay for a croissant at, say., the Bangklok bakery in Nana.

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  3. I have been in 2 luckys, (not the new one, but the one at the Sorya mall in PP and Siem Rep), villa an foodland have more western products

    Please, once again read what i wrote

    Outside of the main 3 cities, PP, SR an SHV ( Cambodia) is very behind the times,

    Plus for many of the goods they are more expensive than Thailand as much of their goods come from Thailand.

    I would rate Lucky as comparable to Tops supermarket but much better than Tesco or Big C ( except for the meat products)

    I tried Lucky in Pnom Pen and thought that for the money the pastries were far tastier than in Tops or Big C. I think it was a beef one.

  4. you will find if ur living there ( i did for 10 months)

    • it is not cheaper to live
    • the selection of places to live is very limited compared to Thailand
    • the local/street food is not nearly as good,
    • electric, internet more expensive
    • not as varid choices in the supermarkets for western food
    • Medical care far below Thailand
    • Traffic in PP on main roads is same as Bangkok
    • the politcial sitiuation is very bad right now in PP since last elections an even getting worse now with the Garment worker strike

    Yes visas are easier if ur under 50 and are not working legally

    yes, drinking and smoking cigs is cheaper

    You are so kind to even take time to explain him anything...

    Maybe you forgot what these forums were actually designed for? Imagine someone actually getting helpful advice from the more experienced vs. condescending sarcasm.

    Like i said, i lived there and travel there frequently by car and i have seen most of the country as i have a Cambodian gf living with me here.

    We own land there as well.

    Outside of the main 3 cities, PP, SR an SHV is it very behind the times,

    • you will not find any supermarkets selling western goods
    • No 7/11's or any type convnvience stores ( something u find everywhere in Thailand)
    • The selection of accomodtions is very poor compared to Thailand. I would image there are more houses for rent for Farangs/Barangs in Phuket than all of Cambodia ( not talking about the 2nd,3rd floor walk up chinese style shop houses with the bedroom without a window, where most people end up living in Phnom Pehn)
    • Condo's are being built in PP and SR but for the most part are over $800 for a decent 2 bedroom one
    • Roads a few years ago were getting better to very good BUT now most are really bad ( the road from SR-PP was great 4 years ago now its shit)
    • Personally i find it dificult to eat in a restaurnat and have people approach me for money
    • Much more begging and poverty in ur face than Thailand
    • Politcial situation grows worse an worse each day
    • Country run by a mad man with no regard for the locals
    • Poor selection of schools for western kids outside PP ( Northridge is the best but will cost you more than the best school in Bangkok)
    • Very poor medical care and almost non existent outside the 3 main cites
    • Poor transport throught the whole country ( cambodia u can only fly 3 places only, no trains )

    Debunk the more engish bookstores Bullshit

    • good temp accomodations for $100-200/month in the 3 main cites but outside that u will be liivng Khmer style
    • Visa easy, $285 or so for a 1 year muti entry
    • Drinking, smoking cigs (both of which i do not do) cheaper
    • Bars cheaper
    • OK,nothing to write home about, western food $4-7/meal
    • easy to work but the salaries are small compared to Thailand
    • Used Cars a bit cheaper, gas more
    • More hummers. lexus, 4wd BMW's, Audi's than Thailand!!
    • Plenty of cheap hotels ( under $10) but dont expect Thailand
    • Great for photography!!!
    • Some great islands to visit
    • Cheap cable ( they steal True vison form Thailand)
    • Electronics a it more than Thailand but not the selection
    • you might think more english spoken, but its very very limtied ( try an get anywhere in PP by moto even though he says he speakes english without you knowing where your going)

    I like Cambodia to visit but not for living Cambodia

    End of the day, yes u can live cheap in Cambodia BUT u could live cheaper in a nicer place with access to more western goods nearby in THailand

    Its a personal choice

    I have heard from at least two English teachers who worked there that teaching TOEFL pays about the same as Bangkok but the money goes further

    Not sure about school salaries as this sounded like private work.

    • Like 2
  5. Even the single gogo bar here has gone way downhill and needs new management.

    Yes, this is due to the Russian cheap charlie influence.

    That go go bar is in violation of zoning law and is police owned. Go go is not allowed in Jomtien only drinking bars. The neighborhood has been trying to get the dam thing closed for years as it plays loud base music to the early morning hours. Yes, those cheap charlie Russian families apparently don't want to patronize the place.

    That's strange as I can only hear music inside it or near the door - I must be getting deaf.. The music coming from across the road at those country bars is far louder.

    You might be surprised at the number of Russian people who are curious and go in for a drink. This includes couples and single men. Be that as it may,my comment was more directed to the poor service and management it has seen recently

    I'm not sure if the police still own as I heard the original owner died last June.

  6. I agree that as a group the Russians are boring - the women are not available and they are often oblivious to others.

    It was more fun 10 years ago when the ones you met were obviously mafiosa types.

    For me, the worst thing about Jomtien now is the traffic. Hannamard intersection STILL has no proper walk lights and is really unpleasant to cross. Despite the traffic, we still have no decent supermarket , shopping mall or even a starbucks. Which of course adds to the traffic as people have to go into town for those conveniences. Despite that,, Rompo market is dying and is nowhere near as fun as 2 years ago.

    Even the single gogo bar here has gone way downhill and needs new management.

    Yes, this is due to the Russian cheap charlie influence.

  7. Hare Krishna.

    I saw them on walking street 2 nights ago. They were chanting and selling the Baghavad Ghita at 100 baht a pop.. Yes, they seemed to all be Russians.

    I have nothing against them though they are an odd bunch.

  8. I dined tonight in a Jomtien restaurant you probably passed on your trek.

    Although there were plenty of Russian diners, the plus side is that many of the Russian ladies were absolute stunners.

    So it's not all bad news with the Russians.

    Downside is almost none of them are available. It's couples and families only.

    Contrast the European backpackers of the North

  9. I agree with Jingthing here. It is very hard to find really good Western food here. Some Thai food is good .

    Much more likely is that you will feel ripped off on a random western food meal in Jomtien. On the other hand, Rich Man , Poor Man also does some things quite well and Simon's fish n chips is worth a visit.

    i am at rich man poor man per recomendation on soi 9 the chips are very good. The meatloaf special is not memorable, the vegetables where steamed only with no seasoning. Here is the kicker the bill is 320 b and I could have gone to a better quality restaurant for the money. There is no air con on and a fly lands on me about every 30 seconds

    Yes, not everything is good - I thought the pork chops were horrible. On the other hand, the fish with garlic and

    wine sauce was superb. The soups and pies are very good too. And where else can you get a turkey sandwich + soup

    for under 200 Baht?

    Like many places, it is hit and miss.

  10. I agree with Jingthing here. It is very hard to find really good Western food here. Some Thai food is good .

    Much more likely is that you will feel ripped off on a random western food meal in Jomtien. On the other hand, Rich Man , Poor Man also does some things quite well and Simon's fish n chips is worth a visit.

  11. May help if you specify where on the island you stayed years ago, as many of the huts has been replaced with resorts, often 4 or 5 star. Samui is peak-season at Xmas-New Year period and some years it may be very difficult to find accommodation if not booked in advance.

    All I remember is that it was a beach and within walking distance was a beach of pure whuite sand and in the distanced was the "bar beach" with a long pier (or maybe street), massage joints and stuff. It was a one time visit round 2005 and I think the beach was not too far from the ferry dock.

    You can probably guess which one it was.

    From your description could well be Lipa Noi, sounth of and close to Nathon, and with Raja car ferry pier in sight. The sea view will include a number of small islands or rocks to the southwest (left).

    Can also be Bang Rak, where the smaller passenger only ferries for Koh Phangan and Koh Tao piers; however then you will have the big sister island Koh Phangen in sight.

    Both areas you may find bungalows at your price range, but not beachfront at Bang Rak (not sure about Lipa Noi). This time of the year you shall expect 1500 to 2000 baht for a beachfront bungalow, however there may still be some “old fashioned back packer bungalows” – fan and no hot water – for less than 1000 baht. I know of some at Maenam Beach.

    The weather is a bit windy and clouded for the past couple of weeks, so hard to say how many people may stay at the island this season, but it seems like less than last Xmas, where almost everything were full; however Chaweng Beach area is as usual extremely crowded in the peak season.

    Cheers, I'll have to google Maenam beach. Is motobike rental still 300 / day?

  12. May help if you specify where on the island you stayed years ago, as many of the huts has been replaced with resorts, often 4 or 5 star. Samui is peak-season at Xmas-New Year period and some years it may be very difficult to find accommodation if not booked in advance.

    All I remember is that it was a beach and within walking distance was a beach of pure whuite sand and in the distanced was the "bar beach" with a long pier (or maybe street), massage joints and stuff. It was a one time visit round 2005 and I think the beach was not too far from the ferry dock.

    You can probably guess which one it was.

  13. Foodland has some things that you cannot get at any other supermarket in Pattaya. Goat milk for one. It has "deli items" that

    Tops will never offer and a convenient bakery with tuna croissants and pies. For the money, they are not bad. And of course the

    Chok lae Dee diner is cheap and convenient and would offer an alternative to Kiss in Jomtien. So I hope they come here but when I asked a supervisor at Foodland if this was happening, he replied

    that he hadn't heard about it yet. Proof of nothing really, as he might not be in the know. But not encouraging either.

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