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Posts posted by BugJackBaron

  1. So who is going to explain the healthy innuit of the 19th century living on a diet of

    fermented fish and animal fat?

    Yes, it was documented by Steffensen and no it is not "just genetics" as sailors

    who adopted their diet had fewwer problems(like scurvy) than those who did not.

    It is the confounding variables that could easily cause the increase in cancer. Example:

    Do people have fries and soda with that burger? Yes, then how do you know they are not to blame

    for any increase in cancer statistics?

    It's a myth

    Inuits had cancer.

    Actic Greenland mummies dated 500 years before western contact, show they had cancer on paleo diet.



    Nobody said they didn't get cancer. They were not supermen. What they didn't get was scurvy.

    Cancer has many causes after all.

    The fact of the matter is that their health decayed after adopting a diet of Western processed foods.

    This is well-documented by Price and others.

    • Like 1
  2. So who is going to explain the healthy innuit of the 19th century living on a diet of

    fermented fish and animal fat?

    Yes, it was documented by Steffensen and no it is not "just genetics" as sailors

    who adopted their diet had fewwer problems(like scurvy) than those who did not.

    It is the confounding variables that could easily cause the increase in cancer. Example:

    Do people have fries and soda with that burger? Yes, then how do you know they are not to blame

    for any increase in cancer statistics?

  3. La Baguette

    Opened a couple of days ago. No free Wifi so I smell a greedy owner.

    Coffee starts at 100 Baht. Seriously?

    Everything not less than 80 Baht.

    Big and spacious.

    Where will the customers come from? Little Russia? The courthouse?

    I've been there 4 times at lunch hour and just about every seat taken.

    This is a serious business serving high quality with a well trained, snappy staff.

    Chef salad with turkey, duck and prosciutto ham = 340Bt. / Large croissant = 50Bt. / Crepe with spinach, mushrooms & cheese = 245Bt. / Sandwiches 245Bt. / Milkshake = 140Bt. / Water 50Bt.-100Bt.

    It's common for this to happen to a newly opened place as people are curious. Sunrise Tacos and La Pomme both started out strong.and the former

    went out of business.The question is will you will get in a couple of months or so "regular customers" or at least a stream of naive tourists.

  4. Not open for lunch I noticed.

    I've gone by several times hoping to see them open at noon.

    The new place, LaBaquette has been getting my lunch money.

    sometimes closed for dinner too. As for La Baguette, I can't bother with an expensive

    place that doesn't even have the courtesy to give free Wifi. Greedy B8**((.

    • Like 1
  5. Best not to eat dead birds !

    Man is a natural hunter & carnivore. He needs his meat and so does his missis. Rabbit food munchers are simply victims of commercial health crap.

    I can't even bring myself to comment intelligently about such a mis-guided (and completely wrong) comment. Natural hunter & carnivore... jeez... read some books and educate yourself before making ignorant comments. Just to get you started though (can't help myself)... every single carnivore produces its own equivalent of vitamin C... has too... humans don't... that's why we get scurvy if we don't get enough. Don't get me started on the length of colon, length of 'eye' teeth, etc etc in carnivores as opposed to humans! And before you make an assumption... no, I am not a veggie/vegan... just an informed eater. Educate yourself mate... much better than making a fool of yourself, and knocking those who have (for whatever reason) decided not to eat meat. DOH!

    Er farming and agriculture came after we were hunter/gatherers. Look up paleodiet.

    BTW guinea pigs don't produce their owmn vitamin C. You may also ask yourself why the Inuit in the arctic never got scurvy despite a diet of fish and animal fat. Look up Steffensen . who lived with and adopted their diet and also had no health problems because of it.

  6. It would be great if they had also a place where you can have a drink, eating their sandwiches, watching the people go by, with the airco and the nice background music.

    It's called Chok la dee (something good?) and is open 24 hours. They have nice background music

    like Ramstein and ac/dc . And cheap wine.

  7. I see with my crystal ball......Foodmart will have to move to Pratanak Hill or the far end of the new beach 2nd Rdlaugh.png

    A Starbucks and Burger King will magically appear next to it within a year..... thumbsup.gif

  8. Yea, Let's stay on topic ! Note that the opening of Foodland will I of course cator not just to Jonmtien residents but is well timed

    to serve all the new condos opening in Na Jomtien and Bang Saray in the next couple of years.

  9. Answering JessefFrank above.

    true enough, though they are often found in malls. Starbucks is found in rich neighborhoods in Bangkok or ones visited by tourists such as NaNa. There was one Starbucks in Pattaya near walking St. that failed a few years ago so they are probably just ebing cautious about opening in a new area.

    KFC would probably survive here now as there are far more people than there were then. Look at the Continental bakery. McDonalds can set up shop just about anywhere due to their price point. There is one on Sukimvit close to Thappraya Rd. Not sure how well that one does.

  10. Easy explanation. Jomtien is dead after 6pm. Those kind of businesses can't survive on a clientèle that only exists for 10 hours a day

    That isnt so. Lots of people at the night market in Theprasit and also at the one way down Beach Rd, and no shortage anywhere along Beach Rd in the evening, even in low season.

    I would have thought that MacDonalds/Starbucks places would do better somewhere along Beach Rd rather than up on the hill near the court where people seem to go past on their way somewhere else. The same applies to that Pomme place which I think is also badly located.

    I recall many years ago there was a KFC on the corner from Beach road. Is that still there or has moved due to not enough business ?

    It closed long ago. Maybe it was just mismanaged. Chains such as KFC are usually attached to malls and there are none here. Not even a Big C. Jingthing wondered about Starbucks and it too is usually only found inside malls in Pattaya and Bangkok. Shoppers wiho can spend 2000 baht for a pair of 200 Baht Crock shoes can certainly afford the minimum charge of 70 Baht for a coffee at Starbucks.

  11. 3-4 dollars and hour?

    Try $30 an hour.

    One hour classes after school, ten kids at 100 baht each, that's 1000 baht. Five days a week, that's 5000 baht, or 150 bucks for a half day's overall work. I know some who are doing that, plus a few hours each on Saturday and Sunday. And they're paying $60 a month on the rent.

    I also know people who teach two hours a day, one-on-one for 500 each adult. Attorneys and doctors and such.

    Beats the hell out of Mickey D's.

    EDIT: Reading post #2, yes miserable. But the smart ones use their position as a teacher to open doors for said private lessons.

    Okay, I stand corrected. Makes sense now.

    Just so as not to mislead anyone, let alone get some burger-flipper in Buffalo all excited and jumping on a plane, it takes time and contacts and ability to make this kind of money in an ongoing manner. The parents of these kids aren't the typical Thai parent (the 500 baht per hour one-on-one lessons). If you can't teach, they'll catch it and you'll be off down the road. And probably blacklisted to boot.

    It's also against the law in Thailand.

    There are no work permits issued that allow foreigners to teach private lessons, off school premises or out of school hours.

    Get caught and you will be jailed and deported.

    Thai teachers of English still do this in Starbucks in Bangkok. I have never heard of a foreigner doing this as the logistics alone would be tough. There is extra work doing classes on weekends at institutes but the simple fact is that unless you want to work 7 days a week, you will not make much more than 40000 here as an English teacher.

  12. I pointed out to the lady in charge the illegality of there not being a ++ on the 99B sign outside but I'm not sure that she understood. If they haven't fixed it next time I will drag the manager out from wherever he hides and explain to him.

    Well, if it was 99 and no charges I would leave 20 Baht tip, with the charges you already paid for service so you can leave nothing (or leave the 4 Baht if you don't like small change) so you are no worse off. This works out well until the price increases to more than 140.

    You are correct that it should be advertised properly though. Been to Ali Baba like 3 years ago and they added the VAT even though it wasn't mentioned anywhere in the menu so I made a big fuss. Had to pay it anyway sad.png

    Legally, you didn't.

  13. It is opposite the Decorum furniture store or about 150 meters west of the Colleseum. Baht bus service has greatly improved on Thepprasit but I don't consider the location walking distance from the 2nd Rd. intersection (not with groceries anyway).

    How can you say that Baht Bus service has greatly improved on Thepprasit since it is still not a recognized route so you still have to wait until a "taxi" Baht bus comes along

    If it were there would be a queue near Sukumvit and near Second

    Wrong. I've been taking the Baht Bus from Sukimvit and Thepprasit for a long time and it is actually easier, during the day anyways, to use this route than to take it from Sukimvit and North road down to Second road for example.

    The reason? They don't wait until it is full of people before heading down to Theprraya Rd. Generally speaking, I wait no more than 15 minutes.

    The one going the opposite way will leave when they have at least 7 people .

    After Lotus closes I think they stop but that might change when Foodland opens.

  14. I still have mine from 2003-10-08

    Try using your "My Conversation" button on the left hand side that shows you how many you have, me just over 700.

    Hope this helps all of our members.

    Win thumbsup.gif

    I tried that . It shows 103 conversations . It displays p 1 of 3. I click "next" and it says "web page unavailable"./ :(

  15. Pommes on Thappraya has a sign up now: CLOSES AT 6 P.M.!

    Not sure if that's a temp change or not.

    Even when open it rarely seems to have customers. I cant see it lasting long in that format.

    Down the road from there La Bocca has a sign up offering 10% discount. Few takers there either and again I'm not really surprised.

    That 10 percent discount is for lunch only. I doubt that will draw them in there either for lunch ... it feels more like a dinner spot.

    Pommes, yes I wish them good luck because I guess they're going to need it.

    Perhaps an off season thing closing at night?

    My suggestion to them which I made before -- do a complete FRENCH CREPE menu (savory crepes). Nobody is doing that in town and the place looks perfect for that concept. Yes they've got dessert crepes but I am talking about real French savory crepes.

    Another thing they could do ... source ACTUAL bagels either from a special local baker or sourced from the few spots in Bangkok that do them (talking real bagels, done traditionally with the BOIL, not just bread with a hole) ... and do a complete BAGEL sandwich deli menu with those bagels.

    Such special bagels could command a premium price as nobody else does them in town.

    Do both of those things, get the word out, and they might just have something.

    Actually, I'm not sure they even have the desert crepes. When I mentioned that there were a lot of things not offered that were on the menu they replied that a new menu might be coming in a month or so.

    I remember in Phucket Town, bout 7 years ago there was a guy from Brittany who did the real crepe thing.

    Fantastic. Unfortunately I don't think he lasted. I have not seen anything like real bagel or french crepes even in Bangkok. But we can dream.

  16. Sorry to disagree about the freezing thing, I'm a biologist and while it is true many bugs will be killed by freezing, it is equally true that many happily survive. I dont know about this particular bug. Also the moisture in the wood freezing and expanding is also a very real issue and could damage the chest.

    However, wrapping it in a big sheet of plastic and letting off an insect "bomb" inside the bag is a very good idea. You should leave it wrapped up for several days just to make sure and yes do it outside. Insect bombs are generally available from 7/11 shops or Home mart shops.

    The Ice-lab at Bangkok hospital in Pattaya offers to freeze you solid at -110 C for 3 minutes. (it's therapeutic they say)

    Only the toughest of the tough bugs could brave this surely!

  17. On the rare occasions I've looked inside Foodland I found it way overpriced, even more so than all the other supermarkets here.

    I would eat Eggs Benedict at their cafe though, if they have one at that branch.

    I enjoy their specialty items such as oat and goat milk and find them to have the same price as in Villa Makret.

    The Chok La Dee all night diner will be a welcome alternative to the really bland KISS in Jomtien market.

    The bakery they have alo offers some unique itemss such as pumpkin pie.

  18. On the same topic...

    It seems all the market sellers have the same price - no one will negotiate even a few Bart lower.

    I tried it a few times for the same shirt. Even one that had a mark on it - the may or may not have been removable?

    They certainly stick with price solidarity - but they lost sales from me...

    In China they always have a "last price", until you walk away for the second time....

    Bottom line is they are prepared to make more profit from you (& the owner?)

    But you cannot get a bargain, even when they are desperate (A few weeks ago there were less than a dozen people "Lookers"

    in Mikes and others - at any one time...)

    A few actually advertise the [lowest/asking] price

    They scowl at you for going lower - but you get an ever widenning smile - the more they rip you off.

    "No Sale" bye, bye

    Mike shopping certainly does negotiate but not on all brand names. Thai markets usually don't but their stuff is cheap anyways.

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