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Posts posted by Gaccha

  1. Doesn't the financial cost of the wedding & the dowry fall upon the man?


    In any event, this article seems to be suggesting a return to a system not unlike the Victorian times in Europe when the men had to pay a huge price for breaching an engagement. 


    Even some compensation for a man breaching contract by not marrying is unacceptable in modern times.  She could walk away at any time and find somebody more generous... and foolish. 


    All is fair in love and war. 



    • Like 1
  2. 16 hours ago, merijn said:

    Good luck getting a official taxi from the airport to Patong for 500 baht.

    The published and only excepted rate is 800 Baht to Patong from the airport.

    I think you meant the exact opposite of what you wrote.


    You probably meant "The published and only accepted rate is 800".


    Some tourists have literally just gotten off the plane,  other tourists have both literally and metaphorically just gotten off the plane. It sounds like you are the latter.


    Let me say this gently: it is fairly easy for them to spot a Mark.

  3. 14 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

    @Gaccha - You mentioned in another thread that you have 2 Samsung S20's.


    As mentioned, I'm interested in the 

    S20 FE 5G with Snapdragon 865.


    How recently did you get the 2nd one?


    Do you have exactly the model and chip I've mentioned?


    Battery life?


    Anything not included that you wish the phone offered?


    Did you get a 2nd due to an issue with the 1st, or you liked it so much and wanted a backup?



    Very interested in your feedback.


    I bought the second as a backup around 4 months ago. No issues with the first phone: I'm using it to type this message. The battery of my first has lasted far longer than any phone I've ever owned. No issues.


    The S20 is actually superior to the new S versions. 


    The FE is 2,000 cheaper than the version I have. Why make the compromise? The high-end version is already far cheaper than its original price when I bought it four or five years back. 


    This is what I bought:




    And I bought it from a very credible seller:




    I use around 650 Apps on my phone. Obviously a "normie" who only uses their phone for Facebook and checking e-mails doesn't need such a powerful device. But it's now so ridiculously cheap...


    It was a no brainer for me and my needs. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 34 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    Could be they're tying to keep away the buy a coke and sit all day kinda guy



    They are strictly targeting the multi-millionaires who park their private jets at U-Tapao, and the only way to do this is keep those seats empty of notorious soft drinkers.


    Then the millionaires can experience the erudite conversation and a view of one of the health miracles of the World: the walking dead of Bukhao.

    • Haha 2
  5. Last week, it was needed on my visa extension. I had to go off and get a photocopy. 


    But my understanding is they don't require presentation of it if you never got it. I know the 90 days address no longer has a mandatory line for it.


    Obviously, it's slightly stress- inducing since procedure requires a police report if it is lost.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  6. All I could think was, in the voice of the Yorkshireman Monty Python set: "Luxury". 


    If I don't pre-register online for Bangkok Immigration, then the wait is 6-8 hours for my "expert" work visa.


    The only goodside is the wait is so long all the photocopy shops have closed and the Police have to do the photocopies themselves for any extra copies they request...


    My last visa took a "mere" 2 hours because I registered in advance. 


    "The youngsters of today, they won't believe you"



    • Haha 2
  7. "1. Bus to Ekamai (or hop off at first BTS stop), BTS to Wat Phra Sri Mahatat, then bus to DMK. "


    4 bus options. Around 35 minutes. Traffic can get very bad on that East to West Road. 



  8. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    He does not suffer from depression, he suffers from anxiety/panic attacks.





    I appreciate that, I just want to disabuse him of any fears of using the drug from reports of users of it on the internet. 

  9. I suspect you are going to end up on Setraline. It's dirt cheap and it'll do the job. 


    I took Setraline for an off-label reason, unrelated to mental health, so this gives me some unusual insight into its effects.


    The problem for a depressive is the very thing the drug is trying to help (their mind) is the very thing feeling and critiquing the experience. Reading the complaints about it on the internet, such as the withdrawal symptoms and general side- effects, I can sympathise but they are misplaced. They are exactly the hyperbolic, catastrophising common to depressives. So please don't pay them attention. 


    It will relax your mind, stop you fearing the worst, but also will fatigue you and prevent you from getting a full night's sleep; you're going to be taking lots of naps instead.


    Prepare yourself and go for it. It'll give you a chance to change your lifestyle (no sitting around, lots of running, walks) and then you can gently taper off it.


    I'm saying all this on the condition a doctor recommends the drug for you. But at around 150 baht for 2 weeks... it certainly beats therapy or skiiing in the Bangkok Alps. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. 10 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    That is correct.

    Been doing my 90 day reports early online for some time without a problem when applying for my extension.

    A little off topic, but this reminds me of the bad old days before there were any online options. Then, I had to carefully calculate the 90 day strategy so when the visa extension came up I could do the 90 days on the same visit.


    Because the transport to Chaeng Wattana was far worse than it is now (there was no BTS extension etc), it was 6 hours of travel there and back just to do the 5 minutes 90 day notification. 

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