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Posts posted by Gaccha

  1. Perhaps it's just in American English that "a gay" sounds awkward - also, this phrasing is used in the U.S. primarily by prejudiced people, in my experience.

    No. The Guardian Newspaper reference guide specifically says it should be used as an adjective unless absolutely necessary. Of course, using it as a noun is offensive, since it implies there is nothing else.

    A joke by a famous British comedy duo perfectly makes this point.

    A man is led away from a court house. A journalist breathlessly says "the gay murderer Harold Evans was....", before he is interpreted by Evans. " No. I am a murderer who just happens to be gay".

    The more right wing the newspaper, the more likely they will use it as a noun.

  2. Now, please hear me out on this...

    I know there are plenty of transgendered and crossdressers, but I've never come across a transvestite.

    The word is reserved in the medical literature for men, who identify as heterosexual, who are aroused by wearing women's clothing.

    I appreciate you are not going to be sure unless you ask and get a lot of details. But in Japan, I saw many men who seemed to fit the description. They would walk alone, have no interest in men, and their behaviour was a failed female mimickry.

    I just find this intriguing. Does a heterosexual Thai man pretend to be gay in order to secretly get aroused over women's clothes.

    Have any members of the whole forum * ever slept with a ladyboy/ crossdresser etc who wanted them to dress as girls, indicating a clothes fetish attachment?

    ( *I note this topic is in a sense not gay at all, but I hope my feeling the forum is more a queer forum than a gay forum will allow the topic to remain here. I further appreciate not many gay members will have slept with any such straight men with such fetishes.

    I also note there is an apparent contradiction in asserting a crossdressed man could sleep with another man and yet take themselves to be straight; the literature suggests they will only sleep with men if dressed as girls and are aroused in the thought of themselves crossdressed. Boy is life complex.)

  3. I have a kasikorn bank virtual credit card.

    I have heard Air Asia will not allow at check in unless card is presented.

    I can find no mention in their terms & conditions or any reference on the internet.

    Has anyone ever done this?

    (For those who have never heard of virtual credit cards, there are several topics started on it)

  4. I've left a child to die, saved two lives and almost died twice in a period of 4 years...

    But it's the leaving-a-child-to-die incident that disturbs me.

    I was walking late at night on a major road, with no other pedestrians around. And I saw a toddler wandering around looking pretty relaxed. But I didn't react. I feel I've become incapacitated by the notion that risk is of a higher level here...

    I just walked on. I walked past, and then saw an old lady rushing out her house. The look of horror on her face and her rush to grab him was like a slap to my face. My heartrate jumped. What on earth was I thinking. I then saw another child, perhaps younger than the boy.

    I suppose my mind was on other things. I figure Thais do have a high tolerance to risk, I am not a parent so I don't really know the cognitive levels of kids, and I also fear that with an act of intervention there may be a scene with a foreigner messing around with their child.

    I experienced this when I saved a kid's life at CentralWorld. The mother looked shocked that I was holding her child. She had not seen how much distress he was in; he had come within moments of falling 5 floors to his death....

    I am glad that the Thai man saved me from a hidden contraflow truck on sukhumwit by pushing me to the ground. He could so easily have just walked on...

  5. So it all boils down to marrying for money not love.

    Here we go again.


    It is a question of the extent of subjectification into a dominant ideology. If accepting of this Althusserian material ideology then the marriage becomes a question of 'love'.

    The further a person moves from the socially fabricated reality, the more doubts and sense of material concerns will arise.

    ....or it could just be for the money.

    • Like 2
  6. There was one trick on Virgin from London to Tokyo that no longer works.

    I would ask for the legroom front seats knowing they are prioritised for passengers with babies. They would give me the seat but tell me I might lose my seat at the gate. On boarding the plane I am asked to move to a crushed seat. I ask if they are "downgrading" me...

    This trick no longer seems to work. But 3 11 hour journeys were rather pleasant.

  7. The same bands (see post before mine) tend to get mentioned again and again. The reality is they are still corporate induced sentimental slosh. The political economy of music publishing offers an explanation: 2 labels completely dominating in a highly conservative media industry.

  8. Do Thais use the word 'sorry' when walking into other Thais...? I think they do. But sometimes they appear to pause before using with me as if doing a quick translation in their heads....

    So has the word "sorry" become Thai?

  9. What's strange is Tesco et al are prepared to sell the cheap tosh.

    The other thing is how there is either cheap rubbish or ultra brandnames. There is a giant gap of good quality no brand goods. Just a walk around Tokyo (e.g. Tokyu Hands) will reveal just how enormous this gap is.

    A Chinese 7/11 umbrella in Japan costs the same as a Chinese 7/11 umbrella in Thailand. Can you guess which lasts 3 days?

  10. Thailand was 'internally colonised'. That is, the superpower of Thonburi took one little mini-kingdom at a time until it grew to a size where its boundaries could be disputed with the western powers.

    So the question of this thread cannot be answers because it presumes stable concepts of 'state','sovereignty', and 'boundaries'.

    Read, as a start, 'Siam mapped'.

    My pleasure.

    • Like 1
  11. Sane issues occur in the UK but from different epistemes.

    The fire alarm went off at my apartment block and nobody could switch it off. The fire brigade arrived and switched it off. They said we were lucky there was no real emergency or else they could not have come for several hours. I mentioned that nobody knew the code. They would not give it for health and safety reasons.

    Eventually, I extracted the code off him by telling him I would turn it off only if I was certain there was no fire, and that I was a volunteer police officer.

  12. The last 2 pages of the thread revolves around the conflation of meanings in the word 'normal'.

    Simply because something is what the majority does, does not necessarily make it what is right or natural. The implicit meaning of natural in the word normal is creating the 2 pages of tension. This is a very famous point done to death in philosophy.

    Yet there is more to it. The assumption made is that unlike 'gay'--since this thread manifestly proves this point--the word 'straight' is conceptually at some core level definable to find the majority of people fall within it....

    The vanilla sex implied in 'straight' is an extreme minority sport. Most want more; they want to fondle breasts, or play with whips or fist, or whatever.... But they are disciplined by extraordinary levels of social norms to at least appear to be 'straight'.

    And this brings us back to ladyboys.... If the male desire is towards cute looks and soft whiteskin, and not focused on the genitalia, then the ladyboy is a perfect target. If the genitalia comes first then a beached whale in Bradford is preferable.

    • Like 2
  13. Nuffink. My missus will most likely peg out before me. And for the rest of the world it will be just the same as it is now, who the hell is GarryP.

    That`s the same for most of us.

    I'm nobody! Who are you?

    Are you nobody, too?

    Then there's a pair of us -don't tell!

    They'd banish us, you know.

    How dreary to be somebody! How public, like a frog To tell your name the livelong day To an admiring bog!

  14. OP: It's only fair to ask how you met your Thai wife in Australia, circumstances, what was her background prior to you meeting her? e.g. had she been sponsored to Australia by someone else prior to you meeting her etc

    EDIT: The forum members, if they wish to do so, can then analyse, dissect & comment on your relationship as all the other threads have done on this topic - over to you...

    She grew up in a convent ( so thoroughly opposite to me) And she was an english teacher. I was introduced to her through friends of mine.We have been together coming on seven years now

    So let me get this straight. Your Thai wife who you met in Australia grew up in a convent in Thailand became an English teacher. And you have been together 7 years after being introduced by friends.

    Is that all correct?

    Why. How was she in Australia?

    sent from my Wellcom A90+

    That's easy to answer: she was teaching him English.

    • Like 1
  15. that my friend is the first answer to the question that i have hadclap2.gif

    So can we now say that it is a bisexual act for men to have sex with ladyboys or women

    just like it would be if they had sex with men or women.

    There is no other word in the dictionary that can be used.

    Gay is men with men.

    Straight is men with women.

    Lesbian is women with women.



    Simply because the word exists in the dictionary does not enhance the 'truthiness' of a topic. If it was so, rather than reading David Hume, I would look up 'cause' in the dictionary.

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