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Posts posted by Gaccha

  1. I am confused.

    I always thought that if I buy pre pay true move at 7 11 then I can use it for data connection. I thought I could access data when there is only a phone signal.

    Yet when I found myself in the boonies with no wifi access I found my credits gave me no data.

    So much confusion. How can I access data for my smartphone beyond Wi-Fi access? can I use my credit to access true Wi-Fi? what plans are available for data? is there a distinction between 3g and other data access in how I access?

    You can see I can't work it out. Thanks.

  2. Canopy, I have the same feelings, but my feelings extend to the Thai-English dictionaries available. I stand amazed they are such poor quality. Their users appear to have such low expectations. If only more could look at the Canon Wordtank Japanese-English dictionary of the year 2000 to realise what we should expect. It just is not good enough having dictionaries with no example sentences and so on.

  3. I developed a peptic ulcer from NSAID usage.

    I have taken Omeprazole at 40mg for 17 weeks. The literature indicates 95% of ulcers are cured at 8 weeks.

    I am guessing it might be owing to Cafergot usage, that I have only just noticed is classed as a 'Severe Potential Hazard' because of "Methylxanthines are known to stimulate peptic acid secretion".


    I am in a bind since without the migraine medicine I would be in real trouble.

    I am looking for a migraine medicine of about the same cost that has no such danger.

    (Sheryl,) Any suggestions?

    Thank you!

  4. 00:46 Guard holds farang with bloodied eye

    00:48 Guard releases farang from grip

    00:50 Guard grabs again

    00:53 Guard hat knocked off

    1:09 Guard puts hat on. Guard still not holding baton

    1:28 Farang pushes into Guard

    At no point on camera does guard doing anything except attempt to grip with one arm the farang. The farang does not target any one individual and shows no sense of injustice towards the one guard. From this video, the only reasonable conclusion is the farang is acting hot-headed and knows it.

  5. "At unemployment rate of 0.5 % makes it an employees' market."

    Can you explain how this number was arrived at? I don't think it can be done with any certainty.

    This website puts the figure at 1% for last year:


    But the real figure is probably lower. Take a look at the Bank of Thailand figures:


    I'd say 0.5 % is on the money.

  6. I want a nice but cheap phone.

    I only want it to run two devices: the Paiboon dictionary app and the Anki app.

    I want Android.

    The Paiboon specs require at least Android 2.2 and:

    "Because our app includes more than 18 hours of high-quality sound recordings, we require about 380 megabytes (380MB, or 0.38GB) of free space on your device's SD card. To see how much storage you have available, run the Settings app from your device's home screen, then choose the option containing the word "storage" (e.g. "SD card & phone storage"), then look what it says under "SD card...Available Space." This must be at least 380 megabytes (380MB, or 0.38GB). Due to a limitation of Google's Android operating system related to keyboards, the tiny 6 megabyte (6MB, or 0.006GB) core of our app must be installed on your internal storage, not your SD card, so you need a small amount of internal storage as well.'

    The Anki appears to have no special specs:



    My price is around 5,000 baht (if you tell me 7,000 baht with a good argument then ok).

    I was thinking an HTC since the Samsung seem awfully expensive and the 5,000 baht Galaxy has an inadequate memory for the Paiboon app.

    What would you recommend?

    Would you recommend buying second hand, and where?

    Is there anything else I should know?

    Thank you very much in advance. I appreciate there have been close questions to this, but I have anxiety over the exact nexus of the need for a certain Android system, the specific SD memory size and the internal storage. I have not found a way to check these pieces of data out with certainty.

  7. There was a case a couple years back of Tesco Lotus using criminal defamation laws.

    And then there was the junior Bangkok Post journalist who found herself trapped in Thailand because once a defamation case begins they are usually not resolved for a decade or so, and yet foreigners are often not allowed to leave the country if they are deemed a flight risk. She wrote of her experience in the Colombia University journalism journal.

    The Criminal Defamation Laws here are dangerous. Truth is not an absolute defence.

  8. You can take it to the post office and mail it to Bangkok without taking it apart.

    I find that very hard to believe? And why would I want to do that? Then I would have to go and buy a box or something

    its true

    i sent a motorcycle to Surin for less than 2000 baht insured

    they just made me empty the tank and tagged it

    it arrived 5 days later and was picked up at the recipients local post office on production of ID

    you can send all sorts of things, fridge, washing machines etc etc

    Why don't we just mail the train, then it would get there much more quickly and reliably.

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