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Posts posted by Gaccha

  1. Despite my age I am quite old fashioned. I prefer paper.

    Some works are here as new versions that are very readable: http://www.earlymoderntexts.com.html

    I recommend Hume's Enquiry.

    I simply get them printed out as books at 30 satang a page.... Meaning when I want to read them they are not quite free.

    I get the other books from the university libraries (e.g. Clausewitz) and the libraries will photocopy as complete books within the library. I never borrow as I want to scribble my thoughts on them. Costs around 75 satang a page (including cost of book binding). This is all legal.

    Next intended read is Nietzsche's Dawn.

  2. Weber spends a great deal of his book on the Indian religions on the political economy of alms-giving. There were scores of similar religions at the time. And the various adaptations for all of them were the tactical responses to the point made above: how do you get other people to pay fire you to get enlightened.

    From this thread you would think the Buddhist tactical assemblage was fixed from time immemorial. Au contraire, it shifted its position offering rewards of merit to the as-then-regarded irrelevant non-monks.

    Weber reminds us of the importance of money in the generation of Buddhism.

  3. Just finished Machiavelli's The Prince. Quite a let down. I expected stunning insight, instead I got discussions of forts and mercenaries.

    By way of contrast, Clausewitz's On War was superb. He is more quoted than read. And those who quote him just don't get it.

    I'm now reading De Tocqueville.

    I am not sure I've had such a cheap run of books before. All free.

  4. Who guards the guards?

    Several times the moderators have apparently lost their moderation privileges from unfortunate behaviour.

    In the event of a complaint on this, is it possible to bypass moderators and go straight to the top (George)?

    What threat do moderators pose? Can they see my real name etc.?

    Thank you.

  5. SBK mentions the pay equality trope. No matter how many times this is pointed out to be nonsense it will not die. It should be called the 'phoenix defence'.

    The figure given is normally a 17% pay differential, based on a strict comparison of pay levels for each sex. But if it is adjusted for full time workers on equal experience the 'discrimination' disappears.

    Young women, who have not moved their priorities to child rearing, earn more than their male cohorts. In both male-dominated and female- dominated occupations, applications made by women are enormously favoured.

    This is privileging through the language of 'rights' and 'equality'. The disconnect between the academic position and the female-centric press is beginning to be untenable.

    As SBK rightly observes, we should read more on these issues to find the brute truths. I really hope she takes her own advice.

    • Like 1
  6. Well they managed to get soi 23 reopened... It was open yesterday, and busy.

    ....but why did they say they needed to go to the bank to do this...? I thought the problem was the landlord's cutting the power... I thought they had already agreed a new businesses strategy with the banks about a month ago. Something very fishy. And it's not the Tom yam gon...

  7. Well I am. The policy is a government response to the hysterical nationalism of Thai equivalents of the knowledge incapacitation nexus of daily mail/daily express readers.

    For somebody like me, rich but 20 years from a retirement visa I must do something to stay here. As it happens, I work and so have a work visa, but that only accounts for 11,000 Brits... What are the others doing? It is not immoral to find loopholes in a system designed on bigotism and prejudice.

  8. Well, one academic argues the genealogy for this trope is from a smiling air hostess picture of Thai airways from decades ago.... But a Thammasat prof specifically refutes this, claiming it goes far back.

    But the Thai was only fabricated a couple of centuries back and there must necessarily be benign western contact to get that image so it can't be too old....

  9. Well, the alternative is the Grand Theft Auto-like Thai roads, not the sleepy B roads around Bournemouth....

    We should look at the stats before saying it is not worth the risk.... Otherwise, it is blind hysteria that is guiding you.

  10. That is jolly good news.... I love the canals and would love a way to zip past the traffic.

    The link in English doesn't seem to give any info. Do you know if there will be a counter-direction flow in rushhour, I.e. east to west?

  11. My favourite is when they ring after the appointment time from their apartment to say they'll be late because of the traffic... Yet they've not yet set off.

    It is lack of respect. They would not be late to meet the Queen of England.

    I have cut off so many potential Thai friends because of this.


    Not turning up for job interviews is routine here possibly because of the 0.5% unemployment rate. They can always find other work.

  12. If Thais or better young Thais are lazy was a simple question, I don't want to insult anybody no matter what nationality. I just ask this to find out if there are more owners with similar experiments so I know what I have to look for. I owned a company for over 10 years with 14 peoples but this was never happen to me.

    Thanks stigvinck for the tip!

    A pretty Thai girl in CM that can speak good English and has a driving license will be expecting a wage of 20k+ a month. If you are expecting them to have a degree as well add another 5k a month.

    If you pay less, or expect long hours, you won't find anyone that will stick at the job longer than a week.

    I don't think the Thais are lazy, I suspect you want too much for not enough.

    big big difference between expecting and what is offered.

    I think at a stretch you can expect lets say for example a pretty hotel receptionist in a 4 star hotel, degree in English a pre requisite in Phuket to get circa 15-20k in high season with service charge comissions, but same girl in same hotel in Chiang Mai, maybe 12k tops.

    not sure who you know on 25/30k; we are talking the level of bank managers/lawyers/teachers with oodles of experience.

    However that being said I hope to God my beautiful,fluent English speaking,28 days a month, 14hrs a day, reception manager, and bed partner doesnt see this post or i will have to raise her into double figures!

    LOL I assure you that 25-30K pm is "chump change" for a lawyer. I rent from a lawyer and he is fabulously wealthy. He spends more than 30K a month on weekend golf trips.

    You would think so.... But *astonishingly* a friend at Baker & Mackenzie 3 years PQ was on 50k a month.... I make that 1/12 of the salary of his brethren in London.

  13. In 2005 there was a flurry of activity with new canal routes. One from sathorn to Dao khanong in thonburi, another from memorial bridge via bangkok noi canal to phet kasem soi 20. The boat was numbered 20. You can find internet conversations at that time full of the innocent enthusiasm of a bygone era.

    Can I have a definite yes or no as to whether they were cancelled. I think they were but just want to be sure.


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