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Posts posted by Gaccha

  1. Looks like a fine idea. Exactly how Japanese write Japanese....

    Btw, no need to write legalese all over your website. Declaring copyright has been redundant for some time. And I suspect it is not trademarked in any national or international system, so there's no point in sticking "TM" everywhere.... ;)

  2. If they don't know it's Indian food then they like many of the plainer dishes, and I would think would get used to the stronger alien spices. Muslim Thai food is different, many Thais from other regions are fine with many of those dishes.

    But they aren't willing to acquire unfamiliar tastes when they don't have a good impression of the associated ethnic group.

    Same with Arab, Persian, Turkish/Greek, African etc.

    Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, French are fashionable and therefore worth it to them to go to the trouble of getting used to the unfamiliar stronger aspects.

    I think Bigjohnny's comment above pretty much nails it.

    The Thai's I know who have been encouraged (or often in the cased of our wives) forced to enjoy more than one gastronomic Indian in general like Indian food.

    The Thai's I know who have never tried it don't like it.

    Both 'groups' would agree that it smells, both would likely agree that Pla-Raa smells, but thats acceptable, much in the same way we in the west tolerate the whiff of blue cheese.

    Strange how the Japanese curry is popular here, I find it remarkably Indian !

    Japanese curry is an adaption of a British dish that was an adaption of an Indian dish. Since it uses curry powder it has a very distinct taste.

  3. A non-standard keyboard arrangement? Why would anyone want to use that?

    Because--incredibly-- just like the english QWERTY setup, both of the most popular Thai keyboard arrangements are made to incapacitate your ability to type fast....

  4. ....not all in there 20s are fit and well. I am sometimes in such pain I have to hold my chest. Standing up for a person because they are older does not always make sense. I disguise the pain... So they must think I am a jerk when I don't stand for them....

  5. Anyways, i read somewhere recently that Thailand is rabies free

    Thailand is no 3 in the world for rabies cases. (Google is your friend)

    Can't see Thailand in the top ten on any list of rabies prevalent country, you will need to show me that one. I do see that it is not considered rabies free though, wish i could find that article now about the pet passport consideration as per my post that you conveniently snipped.

    Human rabies:

    " As of 2007, Vietnam had the second-highest rate, followed by Thailand; in these countries, the virus is primarily transmitted through canines (feral dogs and other wild canine species)." (Wikipedia)

    Learn to use google correctly.

  6. Yes, he is at peace. He is in a better kingdom now. The kingdom of heaven with God. May God bless you sir.

    there is no peace to be found in suicide, the ultimate act of a tiny coward. Learn something. Study. Meditate and pray, but most of all, try to improve yourself and stop behaving like a human parrot.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Albert Camus observed that since it is clear there is no god, and that life is an absurdity, the biggest question of philosophy is whether we should commit suicide now. There can be a happy suicide.

    Camus describes an actor:

    "In those three hours he travels the whole course of the dead-end path that the man in the audience takes a lifetime to cover."

  7. That is very nice of you. We can chitchat over the weights.

    This is a strange situation. The banks required the money-making pinklao branch to stay open. The landlord is obviously trying to jump the debt queue by breaching a court order. I wish we knew the current legal actions. Presumably calwow is seeking an emergency mandamus action.

  8. Tried out every variation of the APN settings.... To no avail, so off I went to the shop. And it was tough. 2 hours and 40 minutes later got 2g working.

    They had to upgrade true software, literally clean the sim card, check the data plan, format the phone ( I.e. metaphorically clean the phone)...

    Turns out that after buying pre paid at 7-11 you have to convert some of the credit to data by sms to a true number. I did not know that.

    Thanks for help.

    **posted quickly from phone**

  9. Thanks for the great info. I think I have determined the first stumbling block... The phone's APN are probably set up wrong. I used up 4hours yesterday trying to set them right but to no avail. My phone has 3 APN configured. An internet, a Wap and a mms. Please could somebody list the settings on their HTC... Before I lose my marbles.

    Thank-you to everyone. Once I connect I will read up on the data plan.

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