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Posts posted by Gaccha

  1. I think the best part is escaping the neoliberal capitalist mechanisms of producing the docile, productive, fearing subject. Its inanane architecture points out the winners (the docile, productive ones) and the losers (those with lives).

    I feel privileged to have escaped it since becoming an adult. But it still amazes me that TV members go to inordinate lengths to big up their-- neoliberal-defined-- status. Their full-time jobs since retirement are status anxiety and reputational damage control.

    So, while the OP, vaguely speaks of the "relaxed people", I think this is what he might be grasping at. As an economist recently said: manufacturing is not an area of competitive advantage for the Thais. Or in my language, the Thais don't behave as the neoliberal capitalist demands. Or on the other hand, maybe he just means they really are relaxed people...

    I feel privileged at my lengthy time in Thailand.

    Didn't understand a word of that, but your happy, so, cool. :rolleyes:

    I can understand how you feel. A deep point can require certain concepts that if unfamiliar can leave the reader bewildered.

    I think the core points are understanding the concept of a neoliberal regime. This concept is the notion that there is a specific way of doing that has developed in recent times that is associated with the free flow of finance.

    This regime pushes the costs onto the individual persons. So, for example, each and every person must be made to be concerned with their health, the risks they take, their financial provisions. This way of pushing responsibilities down the chain allows more profit further up the chain.

    The Anglo-Saxon settler states (the USA/Canada/ Australia/UK etc.) are the prime examples of this logic.

    The ideal worker is docile-- they work long hours expecting little reward and without complaint-- they are productive-- they work a lot-- and they are fearing-- they must be constantly worred about what happens if they fall sick/retire/lose their jobs/get in a car crash, and so on.

    The society is put in place that encourages these ways of thinking. Although the typical liberal view is to imagine the laws of democracies as to be basically negative-- you can do something unless we say otherwise-- in fact, the sheer quantity of legislation that infests life in these advanced economies, is intended to shoehorn every person (lets call them subjects) into this one life.

    The Thai life cannot be described as a success from this regime's point of view. The subjects just don't make good factory workers. It follows they have no "competitive advantage" in this area (*this term is a technical term widely used in economics). So they are a 'failure' by this viewpoint. And many of the farangs living in Thailand are similar 'failures'.

    But I point out the tendency of farang on this forum to almost desperately set themselves out as 'winners' despite the definition being defined by such a nasty regime.

    Now this is complex. Look to the work of Ong (at UCLA, I think) for more on this notion of an anthropological analysis of Neoliberalism, and for the productive,docile subject read some Foucault.

  2. I think the best part is escaping the neoliberal capitalist mechanisms of producing the docile, productive, fearing subject. Its inanane architecture points out the winners (the docile, productive ones) and the losers (those with lives).

    I feel privileged to have escaped it since becoming an adult. But it still amazes me that TV members go to inordinate lengths to big up their-- neoliberal-defined-- status. Their full-time jobs since retirement are status anxiety and reputational damage control.

    So, while the OP, vaguely speaks of the "relaxed people", I think this is what he might be grasping at. As an economist recently said: manufacturing is not an area of competitive advantage for the Thais. Or in my language, the Thais don't behave as the neoliberal capitalist demands. Or on the other hand, maybe he just means they really are relaxed people...

    I feel privileged at my lengthy time in Thailand.

  3. >snip<

    However, personally I enjoy mimicking farangs butchering the Thai language, it's become somewhat of a hobby. Quite often when I speak to my wife in Thai, I do so in a upper-class English accent, lengthening the short vowels, pronouncing the vowel sounds the way a posh English person would, aspirating the final consonants, losing all the tones and using English intonation patterns. It amuses me no end!

    You would laugh yourself to death if you heard me... those vowel lengths and tones...

  4. This is what Thais call พูดเหน่อๆ 'phut noe noe' ... often attributed to Farang, Luuk Kreung and young girls around Siam that are trying to sound 'inter'. The ช ช้าง moves back in the mouth, along with many other consonant and vowel sounds.

    Is there any audio recording of this you have...? Thanks.

  5. Influenced by the way farang movies are dubbed into Thai, perhaps?

    A good thought. The same people again and again do the dubbing.

    Here is an excerpt of a pirated audio of Apollo 13 when Lovell wants instructions back from Houston. I say pirated in that there is no official audio dubbed version but the pirated versions only contain an audio. Comically, to mimic the sound of radio transmission they seem to clasp their hands over their mouths.

    Still, it gets the point across of the slightly absurd voices.

    this is what you are going to do.mp3

  6. I've lived here a bit more than five years (this time), taught in a govt school for two years--lived upcountry and in Bangkok. I speak Thai well and my hearing comprehension is very, very high (not bragging--I've been at it since before birds evolved on the earth)--my point is, I have never, ever, not even once heard the phenomenon the OP is referring to. I've had students mock me (universal phenomenon, based on my memories of my own student days), but I've not ever had them mimic my Thai. They (and all Thais) have, of course, laughed at my mistakes, to ease my embarrassment (doesn't work for me and I suspect most other farangs, but they laugh at themselves and each other just as hard--it's just a cultural thing). I'm not saying the OP hasn't heard what he/she has heard. Just stating the fact that I haven't when I would think, if it were happening around me, I would have heard it.jap.gif

    Ask them to mimic a foreigner, and then you'll know. That they won't say it can't be done, will remove any ontological doubts. Then the issue just becomes analysis.

  7. If they can't find the bacteria in your urine how do you know you have bacteria in your prostate? Is it still inflamed? To cut to the chase, when an examination is done, does it hurt? If it is no longer swollen--assuming it ever was-- then you are making some real wild guesses. There are just so many possibilities. Managing prostrate problems and other urinary problems is an art, not a science.

    By all means come over to Bangkok and dabble with antibiotics. They are available over the counter at every pharmacist. You'll not need a prescription.

    But my guess is this. Your body suffered a nasty infection, and is taking a long time to recover. Your bladder, not your prostate, is the problem now. It will probably take an insufferable year. There are some superb new drugs on the market in the last few years that may well eliminate the pain and relax your bladder. Vesicare is where you should start. Give it 20 days-- 1 a day. If it works then keep using it for around a year and then stop and see if the pain has all gone. Try and persuade your family doctor to give it you.

  8. Young Thais (say, 10- 25 years-old) often mock farang speaking Thai by putting on a certain accent/sound that in their view sounds like a farang speaking Thai.

    The accent cannot, of course, sound anything like any farang accent since it is as preposterous as an Englishman doing a generic "foreigners' accent". They do it even when the farang speaking Thai has an excellent Thai accent. So it must be so heavily inculcated into the Thai mind that the enormous gap of reality and mimicry is not registered.

    So what do they do to produce this accent. Well, I'm not really sure. But, to my ears, it sounds like a deepening of the voice, a bizarre undulating tone, and-- the part I am most confident about-- a lengthening of the vowels.

    But I would be interested to know if anyone has listened further. I would love to know of idiosyncracies that make the mimicry more Thai than they would care to believe. Ultimately, I want to copy this mimicry and reproduce it to Thais.

    Thank you.

  9. It is a top 15% in World rankings university (just look at random rankings on the internet). The British and Americans are used to having the very best so they will unfairly compare it with their Ivy League and Russell Square universities.

    It is clearly not the best in Thailand, and the quality of the students shows this. But there are a fair few Westerners doing BAs/ MAs there, as the university has developed niches. As a Westerner you are likely to get a GPA of 3.95 or above and find the work easy. With a 3.95 you will get work, especially if it is in a niche of Siam University.

  10. It figures the only sensible replies are coming from women.

    To the men who think that everything is paid for, get over yourselves please. If you can't attract a decent kind woman who is interested in you personally maybe you need to take a good hard look at yourself first to determine why that is since there are certainly many decent kind women out there.

    As for the original issue, well I must say I am surprised that you are interested in a woman's opinion since it won't be kind. It seems that you look at this girl as nothing and treat her as such and then wonder why she is angry. As for advice, well, you made your bed, lie in it.

    Exactly, Heather.

    Reaping what you sow. Kharma credits, etc.

    Least to mention the blatant and catty self-importance and shallowness of this individual.

    Lady heather looks to be on the side of truth and considered thinking, and yet she is not. The academic position is on the side of the men who think everything is one way or the other, paid for. Indeed, the use of the word 'cheap' to describe women quick to be bedded is no accident.

    This groundbreading piece of academic research takes the issue from an economic point of view.

    Sexual economics.PDF

    I think it misses out on explaining the brute material realities (the evolutionary biology literature handle this), and the political posturing of the "immaturity of men", the unwillingness of men to settle down (the Political Economy literature deals with this). But take a look-- it is a mere 75 pages long or so, and even delves into the nature of prositution as a low-order substitute.

    But let us look at Lady Heather's reaction (for it is more than a response). The venom is only half-hidden. She starts by narrating a binary of women (the Madonna versus Whore) but in her language of the "decent kind" woman. The narrative then argues this woman is not after a payment (for they will be interested in "you personally").

    Then the moment of the revealing is encountered. Lady Heather twists back on her own position to demand from the OP a payment in kind for the decent girl.lady heather witheringly argues "look at this girl as nothing and treat her as such", but this necessarily means he must pay. For what is more than nothing. He does not wish to give her an emotional connectivity. He--as all men-- wants sex. He does not seek emotional attachment, this would be a cruel by-product. The woman demands this. This means the sex act is more highly desired by the man than the woman. She then, exacts a payment from him.

    It is precisely because the OP is resisting this payment that so upsets LadyHeather. She cannot even consider the possibility of the woman actually giving out as a gift. There must be a-- contractual-- give and take. That contract can be a marriage or a one-ff eoncouter. The difference between the two is simply the number of men involved.

    The ultimate irony of all this, is the men moaning on this forum probably do not even believe what they are saying, but say it from a resigned cynicism brought from past failures (such as marriages). Yet they are spot on. But they are also the ones who will leap into marriage again.

  11. >>Bouncing topic to ensure more Thaivisa users' awareness.<<

    Attended Mobile Immigration today at Khao San. No other customers.

    They can do most things: e.g. extension for work permit/90 day notification/ retirement visa stuff etc.

    The last date scheduled is mid-December at Bumrumgrad Hospital. It will only get extended if you start using it.

    Chaeng Wattana: remote/expensive to get to/ difficult to get to

    Mobile Unit (Bumrumgrad and Khao San): 11 minute walk

    Ring 1111 Immigration 24-hr hotline for dates.


  12. --Today, when I did my in-person 90-day reporting at the mobile Immigration set-up at Bumrungrad Hospital, I signed two sets of those photocopies... one set clearly for my retirement extension. But now that I rethink it, the second set probably was for my re-entry permit... and NOT for my 90-day reporting...

    The What!!!???

    Can anybody use this service? What costs are there? Is it always at Bumrumgrad? Are there anymore of these?

    Ever since the 'One Stop Shop' banned regular users for its extremely convenient location, I ahve had to make the epic trek to Chaeng Wattana. Are you saying I can just pop over to Bumrumgrad???

    Thank you in advance. I am now praying to thine Gods.

  13. Disturbing trend of sensible university uniforms

    It was-- I suppose-- only a matter of time until the female youth were corrupted by Canadian police advice.

    The Thai female university students has taken the plunge and can be seen wearing ankle-length skirts in numbers never seen before. Possibly upwards of 10% are seen to be wearing these skirts. Have they learnt nothing...?

    For months now a movement around the globe has explained that what women wear does not mean it is a 'come on' to men. They started this campaign after a Canadian cop told women that if they dressed like 'sluts' then they were at risk of rape. It seemed common knowledge in Thailand that he was wrong. And there did not seem to be much need for Thai students to start a mass campaign of slutty clothes wearing.

    And yet, here we are now facing one of the greatest crisis in a generation among Thai youth as they seek to re-impose sanctimonious and dangerous conservative reactionism on their fashion tastes. One can only imagine where it will lead... certainly a decline in male tourists. But possibly worst: an attack on the very notion that what you wear is not a signal to others.

    I can only hope the feminist campaign group in Canada is on high-alert for this provocative counter-strike. There are many questions left unaswered: is the Canadian police bribing Thai university students? Is there anyway male farang can get involved to reverse this trend? Can the old, craggy (and frankly rather fat) farang men in the villages of Thailand look out for this trend reaching them?


    Fig. 1: A photo of a dangerous fashion trend, the ankle-length skirt.

  14. Are you talking about an immigration change of entry from tourist to non immigrant in the one year extension of stay process? Or are you talking about a new entry with a non immigrant B visa from a Consulate? If you are currently making reports believe the only reset would be return to country from a trip outside.

    The only things that count as a new start of 90 day address reporting that I am aware of are:

    1. First application for extension of stay using TM.7 (but reports would not have been required before). If making a conversion first that application may be used as the start date but have not seen any report that it is (but if not you stay more than 90 days prior to the TM.7 application in many cases).

    2. TM.47 report to Immigration 15 days prior to 7 days after a due date.

    3. Entry into Thailand using a re-entry permit equals day one of new 90 day count.

    My apologies for lack of detail.

    I left the country in order to kill a year extension (non-multiple) Ed Visa (so that I could apply for a work visa). I returned from Japan on a visa on arrival 30 days. I applied and got the work visa (non- B) and having received the blue work permit, intend to apply for an extension.

    The non-B speaks of a 'admitted', but presumably this is simply an admittance into the framework of the non-B regulatory system.

    I would like the happy conincidence of the 90 day address notification with the extension of work permit request as the desks at Chaeng Wattana are around 35 metres from the other.

    Thank you in advance.

  15. 90 day notification and change of visa

    Does the visa change restart the clock?

    I am pretty sure the answer is no, but does the change of visa from tourist to work (Non-B) restart the clock on the 90 days? The Non-B is described as 'admitted', which sounds a bit like a re-start.

    Also, what is nowadays the latitude for the 90days? Is it 2 weeks before expiry and one week after?

    I want to time the 90 days so I can carry out the extension to the work permit on the same day.

    Thank you in advance.

  16. Looking around Pattaya last month, I'd have to say numbers 2 and 3 are not myths.


    There is your first misconception....to assume that Pattywhaker is typical of Thailand. Oh I'm sorry was that supposed to be Pattaya instead of Pattywhacker.

    No, I got it right the first time.

    The same misconception goes for the presumption that Bangkok, Phuket, or any other Farang tourist trap city is "typical" of Thailand.


    And not forgetting the misconception that the gigantic city of Bangkok is a mere Tourist trap.

  17. Interesting that the list is largely based on the fact that not all Thai women are bargirls and conclusions about them should be based on observations of and misconceptions about bargirls -- but it is also premised on the absurd and offensive notion that all Farangs are of the same type (ie the ones that view all Thai women as bargilrs and/or have interest in and knowledge of only bargirls).

    Shallow. Boring. Unoriginal.

    Of interest only to people who are at least relatively narrow-minded and have a very superficial knowledge of this place, I should think.


    I suppose if they have just fallen off the plane then it might raise a smile. Every Thai girl I walk into is middle-class and an office worker. But that's the point isn't it: we all live in our own constrained circles. If you come here as a retired blue-collar worker you are not oging to be hanging around with doctoral candidates and execs, you are going to congregate with other foreign men with similar experiences.

    Those circles tend to part from this earth relatively quickly or head back to the West, leaving there little opportuinity for insight and reflection to develop. And this will reinforce the false beliefs. And so the circle jerk of nonsense goes on.

  18. seems ok to me, westrern economires in a very bad way, exchange rate poor ans other destinations offering better value for the money. have not noticed to many bars closing, they are usually reopened straight away.

    must admit i have been ex pat for 10 years but like many others thinking of relocating else where in Asia where i feel my money would be better appreciated, and not have all the hassle of visa's and farang cannot do this and cannot do that. they killed the goose that laid the golden egg

    NaRak,, being an expat here for 23++ years I can only say, your money is appreciated but you don't have any, that's the way I see you. And I'm going to be sick of all "farangs" like you who moan about .. killing the goose that laid the golden egg... grow up man and do your thing and don't complain, because first of all, this is Thailand meaning Thai peoples country and not yours, they make their own rules and not rules you are looking for, it's just ridiculous what 90% of you guys are complaining about instead making up their own life here...

    Of course we know all this which does not mean that some rules and regulations can be annoying

    like e.g. censorship of the internet or this 90 day rule. I think there is a widespread feeling of Thais

    do as we like or get lost which is easy to say for them even if it means lighting your bedroom brighter

    than the sun with advertising light, having a shootrange just around the corner or whatever because

    if you have a suggestion for alternative destination say it.

    Actually there is none. That LOS is in the tourist industry dating back to the Vietnam war

    gives it a lead over any other country considering factors like farang-compatibility, climate and a mad

    running realestate sector. And of course most of us loathe the thought of going back to the country

    of origin taking into acount a mentality we discover when looking in the mirror or of course the climate

    My view is that there are probably more Farang in Pattaya today than there has ever been. The place is evolving like all places. In Pattaya's case from a former US serviceman's RnR spot in the 60s/early 70s to a play area for Middle East construction guys from the mid 70s. The Gulf Arabs and Germans discovered the place about the same time as the construction stiffs although until about the 90s they tended to stay in their own little enclaves.

    Seems like the Chavs discovered the place in the 90s about the same time as the big real estate developers. The chavettes started coming in the 00s and about mid-decade the bus loads of Indians and Russians.

    Eventually the Thais will take the place back and there has always been a weekend boom in BKK Thais down to Pattaya. That trend will build as the strengthening Thai economy eventually replaces low budget tourists with higher budget natives and tourists.

    Interesting. Even though 'the chav' was not uncovered until 2003, they were already roaming the area of Pattaya. Why did nobody notice... 555+

  19. ป๊า is a borrowed Chinese word means "daddy".

    ฉันก็ถูกป๊านากายาม่าเจ้านายของฉันที่เป็นยากูซ่าซ้อม - I was rough up by my master daddy Nagayama, he is a member of of the yakusa.:jap:



    ...why do Thais translate the distinct 'k' sound of Japanese as a 'g'.......

  20. ALERT

    The bleaching process if done at the dentists uses a laser to quicken up the process so the teeth can be whitened within 40 minutes or so.

    This should be distinguised from direct laser treatment, which is what everyone on this thread is talking about. Just saying this so you are not shocked when they wheel out the laser. It is mildly painful, a bit like pins randomly jabbing your teeth in the last 15 minutes.

  21. And what-- one year later-- is the answer to the topic question?

    Is it still Tattoo? And is the price the same...?

    Whatever phone it is, what price can it be got at MBK or CentralWorld?

    Thank you!

    The Tatoo is now obsolete, and has been replaced by HTC by the Wildfire, and now Wildfire S, I don't know about MBK prices but here in Chiang Mai it's sold 8900 bahts at HTC shop... looks to me like an honest Android phone... The Wellcom A99 is another possible choice for the same kind of price.


    Thank you very much. Much appreciated.

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