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Posts posted by Gaccha

  1. Medical studies reveal that it is a 'disorder'.

    Please show a source. (For even one of these studies.)

    Thank you.

    ....There is no Truth....

    So, uhm, you're lying?

    If there is no foundational Truth (note the capital T) then how can it be a lie?

    What I am saying is the truth.

    This is perhaps not the forum to explain this. It is **staggeringly complex** but you need to look at the epistemological arguments made by Wilfred Sellars and Wittgenstein's argument of 'hinges'. These books are not books that can be read at the departure lounge at Swampy.

  2. Medical studies reveal that it is a 'disorder'.

    Please show a source. (For even one of these studies.)

    Thank you.

    Saraburioz is unwittingly right on the money, but his shallow reflection on this subject allows him to be a victim of a medical regime. He is right to say medical studies 'reveal' it to be a disorder (he got the scare quotes the wrong way round). The Messianic vocabulary of 'reveal' is exactly what happens. Allow me to explain.

    1. Science (and hence medicine) are privileged as the font of Truth (note the unquestioning capital T)

    2. the social forces enact disciplining measures to ensure a narrow path of the docile, submissive subject for the neo-liberal capitalist nation-state

    3. medicine is the ultimate tool to define and then abnormalise acts outside of this narrow path

    4. the various states of gayness are rendered abnormal and medicalised

    There is no Truth. Just moments where through a nexus of power and knowledge certain ideas become dominant. Currently ideas that legtimise the docile family man are marked as the most desirable as they assist in the production of wealth. The psychiatric area of medicine is the ultimate touch point for the sanctioning and desanctioning of individuals' behaviours. Medicine gets to decide if you are right or wrong. It depends for this on a society that fetishes a broad truth regime called 'science'.

    For an extraordinary analysis of the way certain viewpoints emerged (while, as it happens, others did not) in the cauldron of medical regime verbiage, take a look at Foucault's The Birth of the Clinic and the History of Sexuality Volume 1. Both these works are regarded as some of the greatest works of the last 50 years. By way of contrast, the work Mr Saraburioz recommends is not even a classic in its own lunchtime.

    Case dismissed.

  3. There used to be a place near Big C (across from CentralWorld) that always got recommended on these forums but unless I am mistaken it has vanished and a public square now sits in its place.

    Where should I go for travellers checks in Bangkok? I will probably buy Yen denominations. Need a quick response as need to buy tomorrow... (is the airport okay for this?)


    :jap: :jap: :jap:

    (also, does anyone know if a TMB Debit card works in Japan....?)

  4. I am ridding myself of a one year non-imig visa by leaving Thailand without a re-entry permit. I then intend to return on a Tourist visa (by application at the Thai embassy in Tokyo).

    Am I right in believing a tourist visa (60 days for the UK national I think) mean I do not need the onward flight?

    If I use the tourist visa exemption route I would have to buy an Asia Airline ticket at around 100 pounds, but the tourist visa appears to cost 30 pounds. So a day spent at the Thai embassy appears to be the best bet.

    Am I missing anything?


    :jap: :jap: :jap:

  5. As recently as 5 years back, Japan was like a mobile phone blackhole. They used a different system that was virtually never used in any other part of the world, I think it was CDMA. This meant travellers there had to rent a mobile at the airport.

    So while someone with a UK ohone could use it in Thailand, France and... Afghanistan, it could not be used in Japan.

    Have things changed...? I am guessing my old Nokia phone uses a different system.

    Thank you in advance.

  6. Paiboon have yet to release their dictionary as an Android App (it is currently available as an iPhone App). But they do say they are working on it. When they have I'll buy an Android phone.

    The other thing to get is Anki for Android, the flashcards system. I think on Android it is free (in contrast it is around 10 dollars for iPhone).

    Those two Apps will become the main feature of your life. You will live and sleep them.


  7. Ok,I did some more research on my issue,keep in mind that I'm not native English so in my own language it would be much easier to explain,and I will need orthotics as I have flat foot.

    Maybe a moderator can adjust the topic title so not that there is no confusion as this topic has nothing to do with diabetics.

    So my question is really,can those Orthotics purchased as one fits all or do they have to be custom made and where to purchase or have them made

    Go to Central and look at the Scholl insoles catalogue. They have a variety of insoles. Certainly one type is for arch support.

    You can also buy the insoles at the hospitals after you meet a doctor to discuss it. They have the proper silicon stuff.

  8. Please re-read FBN's post (#10). While you almost certainly do need (modern) pharmacological treatment, quite possibly with an anti-infective of some sort, you may do yourself more harm than good by trying to self treat. You need a proper diagnosis from an appropriate specialist. Please see one.

    This is true.

    But with regard to the diarrhoea if very little comes out and it stinks then you can bet your house on giardia. And if you've got that it is very difficult to spot with tests, and the antibiotics are often not effective.

  9. Just saw them today at Central stores shoes department. If not in the men's, check the ladies' shoes. There are Scholl insoles that are described as for diabetics. They'll be the ones you want. One thousand baht.


  10. One of my most memorable nights was going with two on-duty police officers to the 24 hour club near Chula Uni (is it Spicy?) that doubles up as a chinese restaurant. Rather well looked after by the club. And at least the police took their tops off so they blended in; though they were not as well blended as the free whiskey.

    Attention for newbies: always take your sunglasses. You'll need then when you walk out of the club at midday.


  11. My recommendation is off the beaten track (i.e. Sukhumwit), and with good reason. Go to Saphin Taksin and head up past Robinsons and be swamped by dozens of tailors. But only one there really is a tailor (I think).

    The OP wants a tailor, not a 'tailor'. He wants somone who will chalk up the suit, that on the first fitting still will not have arms. He wants to see the tailor cutting the cloth in the shop. A real tailor.

    Victor Tailor is here:


    Mr Victor is not a salesman by nature. His style is an anti-salesman. He appears to forget that he wants to sell you a suit. You might have to persuade him you want to buy one.

    I had him on recommendation and my demands were high. I wanted a 1930s style suit with the fishtail back, and inner buttons for braces. I wanted a very certain type of fit. I provided 4 pages of drawings for just one suit to show him want I wanted. When I saw the jacket, waistcoat, trousers on first fitting I had a rush of exhilaration it was just so good.

    A picture of a fishtail back (unrelated to my recommendation but you might want one too):


    The price? It was not negotiable. The complex cashmere suit came in around 9,000 baht and the wacky suit came in at 1,900 baht.

    For amusement only please see the picture of wacky suit (the second suit I requested):


    Suitably Mr Victor has no internet homepage and does not use e-mail. This is old school. All credit to him.

  12. Seriously, your event sounds quite different from the OP's Wife's. I guess your date might have dosed you with a Flunitrazepam-like substance, maybe via an adult beverage. Although it is amazing that they can find this stuff, administer the right dosage for a larger foreigner and haven't killed anyone. Maybe a lot of these people are pre-med or go to pharmacy school?

    Virtually everyone who claims to have had their drink drugged, after testing, turns out to have been really drunk or had used some other recreational drug. Alcohol is the real drug that you have to watch out for to avoid being preyed on by criminals.

    Right. When I volunteered policed in the UK, the police patrols were each given an instant rape drugs kit because of the media panic stories over Rohypnol.

    Not once, not a single time, not ever, was there ever a single detection of any rape drug. ...But all the young ladies had been drinking a rather large amount of alcohol.

  13. Jim,

    How do I get Thai script on Scribus. Currently it drops the complex script items (the dots and dashes on top and below). I've looked around and see there is a Linux fix, but what about for a PC?

    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry Gaccha, I can't help you with that one. I only use Linux - I don't even have a Windows or Mac machine to try and solve it on...

    Okay Jim, no worries. I've pulled the text in as an image and then drawn the changes I wanted. A poor fix, while the world resolves this.


  14. Why does it matter what race the man is?

    What are the laws in Thailand? I implore you to investigate and take action. Surely Thailand takes care of its citizens in this respect, right?

    Why should someone be judged differently than a Thai just because they are of a different race?

    The laws in Thailand are no wedding, no responsibility from the man.

    Thais are of the opinion that if you want to have a baby with a man, you marry him first.

    Under Thai law the baby has no father unless he agrees to marry the lady.

    Lady has sole custody and responsibility.

    Under UK law you are allowed to trap a man into responsibility by getting pregnant.

    But she has no access to UK law as she has no UK VISA ad won't be able to get one.

    Theoretically she could apply for Legal Aid in the UK from Thailand, as officially you are entitled, BUT the UK Legal Aid organization will give her the runaround, then find an excuse not to.

    (I know as I have tried in the past)

    I actually believe the Thai laws are just, in this day and age, it's a womans body and a womans choice.

    Men play no part in a womans choice to produce a baby.

    You are going to love this, I mean love this.

    The law in the UK is even broader than you think. If your wife in the Uk gets pregnant by another man then you, the husband, are by law liable for maintenance payments...

  15. What you want is an orthopedist specializing in feet. Try the following at Bumrungrad:

    Dr. Bavornrit Chuckpaiwong

    Specialty: Orthopaedics (Bone) - Orthopaedics (Bone), Foot & Ankle Surgery

    Orthopaedics (Bone) - Orthopaedics (Bone), Sport Injuries

    Language Spoken: Spoken: English, Thai

    - M.D., Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand, 1998

    Board Certifications:

    - Diploma of The Thai Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2002

    - Diploma of The Thai Board of Family Medicine, 2003


    - Foot and Ankle, Havard University, USA, 2005

    - Foot and Ankle, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, USA, 2007

    Special Clinical Trainings:

    - Trauma & Reconstruction, Catania University, Italy

    Special Clinical Interests:

    - Foot and Ankle Surgery

    - Sports Injury

    Day Time Location

    Sat7 13:00 - 17:00

    Thanks Sheryl!

    I would imagine that Bumrungrad will bankrupt me. So I will check the other hospitals along the same lines, unless you already know some specialists elsewhere...

    Thanks... :)

  16. This all comes down to the recent Western centring of all human life experience around the children of a nuclear family. Every burp or fart or gurgle by the children is applauded and given its own diary entry. Going out for a meal with parents and their offspring is a pointless activity as every interesting conversation is stopped by the parents so they can listen to their vile children's rambling incoherence.

    This has not yet reached Thailand, so when the child-centred, saintly Western parents bring their children this provokes a clear breach in the social norms. They simply shouldn't be there. Children should not be observed, heard, seen, discussed, mentored, or partake in any social activity of adults.

    This tedious centring of the child, focusing on it in breach of the norms of civility and good conduct is just not acceptable here. And if there was a God, then I would thank God.

  17. Slander is a crime in Thailand (not merely a tort).

    The Truth is not a complete defence (unlike the UK).

    Many a man has ended up arrested on arrival at the airport for saying things, in say, Switzerland, that resulted in a court action and a guilty verdict against him, without him even knowing.

    Be cautious. Or is that cook-tious.

    Telling the truth is not yet an adequate defence in the UK for libel as there is a draft bill seeking to amend this at the moment. Not sure about slander though.

    Please provide a case or statute to back your opinion on this. I currently don't accept it.

    It isn't my opinion, it's fact, so it's not open for you to accept or reject.

    Read this article published in the Guardian on 15th March 2011:


    and pay particular attention to this part:

    "The bill includes a new statutory defence of truth which will replace the current common law defence of justification. It also includes a statutory defence of honest opinion replacing the current common law defence of fair and honest comment."

    If you want a case reference then look it up yourself. I'm not your research assistant.

    Your emotional response is not needed.

    Your first line indicates you are not a lawyer.

    Writing "It isn't my opinion, it's fact, so it's not open for you to accept or reject" is plainly ridiculous.

    I did not reveal initially that I am an English lawyer as there are consequences in revealing my position. (I am required to now state that my opinion on this matter should not be used for anything beyond party chit-chat and that legal advice should always be sought)

    When I spoke of your "opinion", this is a common opener in legal argument. Legal argument is a special type of argument. It seeks various ways to form a 'legal opinion'. This discussion is on a point of law, simply saying it is a 'fact' simply begs the question, it is a recursive loop. The law itself decides what is a fact.

    You must offer a case as some sort of precedence or a statute. The Guardian article said nothing in support of your opinion.

    As every lawyer knows, every single time a journalist writes about a legal case they get it flatly wrong. The only exceptions are the ex-lawyers, such as Joshu Rozenberg.

    Truth is a perfect defence.

  18. Slander is a crime in Thailand (not merely a tort).

    The Truth is not a complete defence (unlike the UK).

    Many a man has ended up arrested on arrival at the airport for saying things, in say, Switzerland, that resulted in a court action and a guilty verdict against him, without him even knowing.

    Be cautious. Or is that cook-tious.

    And you have documentaion of these arrest.

    I'm afraid so. There is currently a Swiss filmmaker who a decade after making a documentary that very briefly mentioned something to do with some businessman in Thailand, was arrested on arrival in Thailand for a family holiday. He is now enjoying the monkey house for a decade plus sentence. Remember, there is no suggestion what he said was not true.

  19. Slander is a crime in Thailand (not merely a tort).

    The Truth is not a complete defence (unlike the UK).

    Many a man has ended up arrested on arrival at the airport for saying things, in say, Switzerland, that resulted in a court action and a guilty verdict against him, without him even knowing.

    Be cautious. Or is that cook-tious.

    Telling the truth is not yet an adequate defence in the UK for libel as there is a draft bill seeking to amend this at the moment. Not sure about slander though.

    Please provide a case or statute to back your opinion on this. I currently don't accept it.

  20. Slander is a crime in Thailand (not merely a tort).

    The Truth is not a complete defence (unlike the UK).

    Many a man has ended up arrested on arrival at the airport for saying things, in say, Switzerland, that resulted in a court action and a guilty verdict against him, without him even knowing.

    Be cautious. Or is that cook-tious.

  21. Sheryl & Co.,

    When surfing around 3 years back, the surfboard through a gust of wind violently spun and smacked into the bottom of my foot. It caused a mild pain and discomfort leading to a very light limp for around 3 days.

    About 3 weeks later, walking to work at a fast speed, I experienced an extremely intense pain in the same location. I could not stand on the foot. I immediately suspected a metatarsal stress fracture on the second toe's metatarsal. I knew the hospital would likely not use a cast so I didn't attend A&E. After around 10 weeks of limping it healed up. I was confident of a good heal because there is good blood circulation to this particular metatarsal, and it does not put up with the pressure of the big toe's metatarsal.

    Since then roughly every 6months I get a mild pain that lasts around 2-3 weeks that forces me to limp slightly, avoid sports. There are no swellings on these occasions. It typically recurs when I step on an uneven paving slab at the sharp point, a problem in Bangkok.

    My patience is wearing thin and I want to go and see a specialist to try to stop the recurrences.

    But should I go to a Sports injury specialist or a Foot specialist. And which specialists are good in this field. Please can I have names, contact details and locations.

    Thank you very much in advance. :jap:

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