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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. Obviously a lot of what was said on the election trail was and always is rhetoric, on both sides. The intelligent people that voted Trump always understood that. They will give him leeway, they trust in him and his objectives.


    Those that took him as a joke, seem to have taken everything hes said literally. First they deride him because of what he said, now they try to deride him for not delivering what he said, before he has even taken office!


  2. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Has any president elect in history admit his entire campaign was a massive lying con baiting sales job just a few days after being elected like trump has?

    The man baby sure doesn't respect the people or even his supporters. Everyone that isn't him or his family or crony circle is a loser in his eyes.


    Man baby is funny coming from you!

  3. 7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Bull. I have not once questioned the legality of the results. But now that our entire government is under control of dark regressive right forces including a strong man demagogue leader that has openly threatened the free press in a Putin like manner normal politics won't be enough to fight this evil. A resistance movement is needed. It's already started. I am not advocating or condoning violence on either side.



  4. 15 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    More about the RESISTANCE that is growing.

    Early days now. 
    Lots of people have lots of ideas.

    Not sure how it's going to shake out.

    Personally, I think we need one or two charismatic and young NEW leaders to make this really spark.

    Still kind of amazed that the word RESISTANCE seems to be really happening.

    When I first used that word myself (before seeing it in media) I even thought well, that's kind of BOLD, perhaps too over the top. Normally you would just use words like protest, dissent, opposition.

    RESISTANCE implies something much more serious, like the French resistance in Nazi Germany. 

    Make my words here, this is happening ... RESISTANCE.




    Pathetic, really. You were all for Democracy, right up until the moment you lost!!!!!! 

  5. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    What I'm seeing started to happen is that tragically the USA has elected a madman ... and it's going to rub off BIGLY on the entire society.  The world is used to seeing the USA as a haven of STABILITY. That isn't guaranteed to last forever. We did it to ourselves. 


    You should take an antidote, in the form of Fox news, to be taken 1 hour twice daily.

  6. Jingthing I could never ignore you. Just too much entertainment. Your food and bahtbus topics were good. But you are posting on a whole new level of crazy now. Seriously though I am worried for your mental health. Take a chill pill dude.

    Sent from my SM-A510F using Tapatalk

  7. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Speaking of used car salesmen.

    This just in.

    A trump campaign rep has stated that the wall is not happening.

    It was just a slogan for SALES purposes for the campaign.

    Con man. Con man. Con man.

    And so it begins even BEFORE he's inaugurated.

    The biggest SHAM president of all time.

    Can the people take him to court for FALSE ADVERTISING? 


    A wall, as in a strong non porous border. You bet it will happen!


  8. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    I am OK with the electoral college system although after the Bush vs Gore fiasco, I had to think about that. As long as everyone knows the rules going in, it's fair enough and does have the advantage of small states getting any attention at all. Instead, they get TOO much attention, but no scheme is perfect.

    That said, in cases where a candidate WINS the popular vote and loses the election by electoral college, I do think it is very LEGIT for the losing side to aggressively assert that the winner did NOT win a mandate, and thus to unify the nation, NEEDS to offer more compromise than they might have wanted. That's what's happening now, and it's totally legit. I don't think trump will respond to that, but it's worth trying. 


    Of course you would have the same view if things were reversed. No thought not!

  9. 6 minutes ago, Grouse said:


    I wouldn't bet on it


    Go and bet on us staying then. You can add that to your exchange rate losses!


    1 minute ago, Grouse said:


    MPs are bound to vote in what they consider to be the BEST INTERESTS of their constituents. That may not be what a majority ask for....



    You are a never ending cracked record.


  10. 12 minutes ago, Grouse said:


    The fuss is because it's a stupid idea. The government did not realise there were so many numpties. Bring back grammar schools I say ?


    You never stop with your pathetic insults of the majority who voted leave.

    YOU LOST!!!!!! Live with it!!!!! 

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