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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. Let's see if Theresa May gets the nod as Tory leader. As a 'remainer' she could then justifiably state she feels the public must have a new say via a fresh election, along with perhaps an attached 'updated' referendum question:

    'Do you wish the new Govt to enact article 50 and leave the EU?' YES/NO

    Then look for a resounding NO (in the wake of sober reflection) and the pound to rocket up alongside investor confidence, as well as jobs thus tax/budgets revenue outlook, etc, etc. Or, continue haplessly down the blind Brexiter slope and much worse fallout will follow.

    It's possible, and I sincerely hope that happens. The only racing certainty, however, is that Ms May will get in.

    It's worrying how many British politicians and commentators are saying the vote is the vote and that's it, when it's quite clear that the vote wasn't the vote because now a good proportion of the Leave voters regret it and would vote Remain now if given the chance.

    Says who. The good ole BBC 5555

    There will be no second vote, just accept it an deal with it.

  2. Let's hope that THIS IS NOT another terrorist doing and that the flight will be found to be safe soon....

    you believe in the tooth fairy as well. A) it is well overdue cool.png It hasn't landed at any nearby airports C) The A 320 is a reliable workhorse D) planes just don't disappear from the radar in this manner,ie a 90 degree twist to the left and then 360 degrees to the right. It will be found in pieces in the Med thanks to medieval philosophy and a bronze age education.

    You are speaking 24 hours later.

    Quoting a post made immediately after the initial report.

    Makes you look like a fool

  3. How does their b/fast compare to the massive 98bt all day special at Retox. Bite my arse bistro, the place for fools with too much money.

    It does not compare, that is the point.

    Don't get me wrong I like a Retox brekkie, great value. As is Bite me for what they serve,

    Room for both in this town, and in my repertoire of eateries.

  4. My God, I could hardly believe your post. You seem to be blaming Thailand for your own irresponsibility. How many times has it been proven, including tests on professional racing drivers, that even one drink impairs ones reactions. You have no right Sir to put the lives of other road users at risk by drinking and driving.

    What about all those lunatics driving around with kids in the car.

    I think we can all agree that screaming kids can be a distraction!

    How dare you endanger my life in this way. Jail time, confiscate their cars and castration I say!

  5. Are you saying that anyone who has 2 beers and drives home, in a safe, controlled and perfectly correct manor is a lunatic? Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

    What about his reflexes in an emergency? A lot of drivers have taken the attitude, "I've only had a couple of pints, I'm safe to drive".

    and innocent people have died because of it.

    Then we have a different point of view, c'est la vie.

    If you want to talk reflexes I wonder how a 20 something with a BAC's of 0.02 - 0.04 would compare to a 65+ year old with no alcohol?

    But I believe dangerous and reckless drivers have killed many more innocents. Policing these moving violations would be a much better idea than randomly testing an bringing heavy consequences to those who are making no driving violations. Whilst at the same time red light runners are going free and unchallenged.

    There should be a zero toleration of drinking drivers, and forget about 0.02 or 0.04s different people and age groups have different speed of reflexs.

    They should just ban all driving after consuming alcohol, if you want to drink, then don't drive, simples. Those that do. confiscate their vehicles, and ban them for life. Think of all the innocent lives saved then.

    Are you saying that anyone who has 2 beers and drives home, in a safe, controlled and perfectly correct manor is a lunatic? Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

    What about his reflexes in an emergency? Different people and age groups have different speed of reflexs.

    So what's the big hots for a zero alcohol limit?

  6. Are you saying that anyone who has 2 beers and drives home, in a safe, controlled and perfectly correct manor is a lunatic? Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

    What about his reflexes in an emergency? A lot of drivers have taken the attitude, "I've only had a couple of pints, I'm safe to drive".

    and innocent people have died because of it.

    Then we have a different point of view, c'est la vie.

    If you want to talk reflexes I wonder how a 20 something with a BAC's of 0.02 - 0.04 would compare to a 65+ year old with no alcohol?

    But I believe dangerous and reckless drivers have killed many more innocents. Policing these moving violations would be a much better idea than randomly testing an bringing heavy consequences to those who are making no driving violations. Whilst at the same time red light runners are going free and unchallenged.

  7. They need working breathalizers to take reading so it will never happen.

    Already happening, have faith, lets get rid of all the lunatics, both thai and non thai, from the roads, a menace to society.


    Get a grip

    That's what they are, lunatics, are you trying to say that drunk drivers are not lunatics??

    Should have their cars confiscated and banned from driving for life.

    Are you saying that anyone who has 2 beers and drives home, in a safe, controlled and perfectly correct manor is a lunatic?

    People who drive aggressively, too fast, don't/cant think ahead, run red lights etc etc. That is who I would call lunatics with our without a drink inside them.

    And it is they that are the danger on the roads. Not the normal proficient drivers who may have a BAC's of 0.02/0.04 or whatever.

  8. This part is frightening:

    Drivers who pass the breathalyzer test but who still appear to be under the influence will also be detained until authorities are satisfied they are sober.

    It more or less gives police carte blanche and can, WILL be abused. How about elderly that have some balance problems or whatever...guess we'll visit them in jail.

    I had a mastoid operation when I was younger which affects my balance, while I agree that anybody drinking over the limit should not be on the roads driving. What happens If I am stopped by the police and the breath test is not positive but the officer deems I am drunk. And why implimented in certain parts of Thailand (Pattaya and BKK). I guess Thainess. I will be walking to my local bar here in Kao Noi, not sure If I will be walking back straight though. Best wishes everyone.

    Easily solved. Get a doctor's certificate explaining your condition. The question remains though, are you a safe driver with such a condition?

    Also consider, drivers over 65 are more likely to get into crashes because of declining perception and motor skills.
    As they grow older drivers are more likely to cause a crash because of a lapse in perception, such as failing to yield or running a red light. Seniors are also more likely to get into crashes while turning to the left, when drivers often must make quick judgments.
  9. And yet so many are ready to believe the figure of 97% of scientists who believe in man made global warming coffee1.gif

    You see no difference there?

    Between 97% of SCIENTISTS, basing their opinion on scientific findings and a military government, that makes up polls as they go along and threat everyone, who does not agree with them?


    Well...if this was sarcasm: I apologize to you! Well done!

    If it wasn't: does daddy know, you are using his computer?

    I don't think we should get into this here, but suggest you do a little research.

  10. To those who believe man made global warming is killing the planet: if you're wrong, you will simply have got it wrong.

    To those climate change deniers: if you're wrong there is no Plan B.

    Are you really willing to take that risk based solely on your political leanings and your thinking that you're smarter than the worlds best scientist, good luck with that if you are!

    Being wrong may have no affect on you!

    Tell that to the billions of people living in poverty, no electricity etc etc.

    The world is to deny them development just in case ehh?

    It is a total SCAM!!!

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