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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. Welcome to a new restaurant on the darkside .. YOTINS restaurant just off Nurn Plub Whan. Newly opened by Yotin, who was half the partnership behind Suggestions restaurant on Padtanakan Road.

    It is an international menu, and we tried the lamb chops and premium steak, although after the starters and a complimentary mozzarella salad intermediate course, I was knew I was going to struggle to finish the main course.

    3 course lunches start at B199, although our bill for evening dinner from the a la carte was B1,300 including wine.

    Newly opened so a few minor crinkles to work out, but a very enjoyable visit with friendly and attentive staff.

    Yotins can be found at the top end of Nurn Plub Whan, turn left at the 7/11 that is about 0.5k from the temple at the top, and keep bearing left. Yotins is on the right after about 300m.

    More lousy directions...left is right and right is left depending on one's direction of travel. Is it near Aqua Dynmie or up near the wet market? I drive this area daily and don't recall this place...only the new Rung Ya resto opposite the market.

    It is between Aqua and Fabrice.

    • Like 1
  2. Welcome to a new restaurant on the darkside .. YOTINS restaurant just off Nurn Plub Whan. Newly opened by Yotin, who was half the partnership behind Suggestions restaurant on Padtanakan Road.

    It is an international menu, and we tried the lamb chops and premium steak, although after the starters and a complimentary mozzarella salad intermediate course, I was knew I was going to struggle to finish the main course.

    3 course lunches start at B199, although our bill for evening dinner from the a la carte was B1,300 including wine.

    Newly opened so a few minor crinkles to work out, but a very enjoyable visit with friendly and attentive staff.

    Yotins can be found at the top end of Nurn Plub Whan, turn left at the 7/11 that is about 0.5k from the temple at the top, and keep bearing left. Yotins is on the right after about 300m.

    More lousy directions...left is right and right is left depending on one's direction of travel. Is it near Aqua Dynmie or up near the wet market? I drive this area daily and don't recall this place...only the new Rung Ya resto opposite the market.

    Yep, near Aqua Dynmie. Between there and Frabrice.

  3. The whole drink drive thing is overstated in my opinion, that is with regard to legal drink drive limits. Total BS. Yes, if you are totally pissed you are not capable of driving.

    Bad driving is the issue here. If I have had a fair few beers I am quite capable of driving home on my moto, perfectly safely, without endangering anyone.

    I have been know to let the GF drive with me on the back or get a moto taxi. Either way scary, and I think to my self I am endangering my life here by not driving myself which I know is a good deal safer, even after a good few beers. Just to avoid a problem with the police. I am safer driving myself. Fact!

    The danger on the roads, are people driving badly, to fast. to aggressive, not paying attention. Drunk or sober!

    I drive well, safely, defensively with consideration for other road users, I use my mirrors and look out ahead. Drunk (read well over DD limit) or sober!

  4. I went through the road block as well. I went to jail and court for drink driving over new year and i wouldnt wish that shit on anyone. I wont drink and drive again. They are doing there job and its not time to leave because of it. There are so many motor cycle taxis around and if u r too tight to pay for one then i think u are nothing but a cheap charlie.

    I've read about this experience a few times here on our forum. I understand it's a terrible experience. From what I've heard, the actual fine is not much, but many are more than willing to pay a substantial sum to avoid all of this.

    Not much different than back in the US, or many other countries. Maybe the jails are better, but the consequences are dire. My friend got caught and he was just barely over the limit. 30 minutes later and he would have been OK. Weekend in jail, loss of license for 6 months. Several required visits to court, community service time, and out about $7,000 for legal expense, etc. One reason my brother NEVER drives after drinking back home.

    An interesting stat for the US:

    In 2013, 10,076 people died in drunk driving crashes - one every 52 minutes - and 290,000 were injured in drunk driving crashes. twitter_new_logo.gif National Highway Traffic Safety Administration FARS data, 2014. http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/812102.pdf. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. “The Economic and Societal Impact Of Motor Vehicle Crashes, 2010.” National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, May 2014, DOT HS 812 013. http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/812013.pdf.

    Hmm "Stats".

    Trouble is any accident where anyone involved tests positive for alcohol is automatically logged as a DD "Stat" It suits their purpose.

    I had a friend in the uk, stopped last in the line of traffic at a red traffic light, when some 18yr old unlicensed uninsured idiot drove straight in the back of him.

    When the police attended smelt alcohol on his breath, breathalysed and convicted him. That was recorded as as a DD "Stat", yet he was an innocent bystander.

    Generally most accidents are caused by someone driving irresponsibly in one way or another, alcohol is just one factor in this, some will drive like a <deleted> stone cold sober.

  5. You will find there are plenty of other checkpoints set up at different locations where they are looking for different things and stop only Thais.

    I have been waived through many, generally on the darkside, where they are looking for drugs, guns, stolen or unregistered bikes etc, they are then not interested in stopping farang.

    Not sure how this could have passed you by if you have been here 20 years?

    • Like 1
  6. Totally disagree, Bang Saen is a far greater experience than Bira.

    Street race, you can walk around large parts of the circuit, have access to the pit area, are really close up to the action.

    Have been the last 7 years, bigger and better every year, very professionally run and an eye opener for Thailand.

    Yes it gets crowded Sunday particularly, guess thats what happens when you lay on a world class motorsport event for free! Go on the Fri or Sat for less crowds.

    ​A great day out and quite a spectacle.

  7. Has anyone here in Thailand had the new Nokia Cyan windows 8.1 upgrade yet?


    According to the Nokia website it should be available now http://www.nokia.com/global/support/software-update/wp8-software-update/wp8-availability-in-asia-pacific/


    And from reading on the net it seems that it has been available here for some time, weeks at least.


    I have a Lumia 1020 and when I check for updates it just says my phone is up to date.






    Did you ever notice that it was the insecure little dweebs in high school that were always picked on by the popular kids who became law enforcement officers?
    Something about a need to be in authority.
    It's a disease. A mental illness.
    I guess when they retire, they still have the need to be a bully.
    It must be hell for these guys to be in Thailand if they can not carry a gun legally! 
    Maybe they feel have the authority to give themselves an exemption to that? 
    Thailand does need better law enforcement.
    But not from over zealous use-to- bees from the old west or Mayberry!
    They should enforce traffic laws and save thousands of lives.
    It could generate a huge amount of revenue as as well....double parking, unsafe passing, unsafe speeds, what side of the road???  
    The fines would be a bonanza and the money could be put to good use increasing traffic law enforcement and improving road conditions.
    Seriously, if you want to play cowboy, go to Arizona or Texas and help the Republicans protect the border from good, hard working people looking to improve their lives.
    Nice try Barney!attachicon.gifDon_Knotts_Barney_and_the_bullet_Andy_Griffith_Show.jpg

    Always use to amuse me when I worked and someone getting locked up would say something similar to your opening lines above.

    Whilst I know it may be true with some law enforcement officers, you are casting a fairly wide net there.

    Did it ever dawn on you that there's tons of low life giving the decent foriegner in LOS a bad name. Don't you think it would be a better place without that element?

    Perhaps if you can't see these people around the usual places, then perhaps......<snip>.....well let's just say, there's no need to make this thread personal, that wasn't the OP's intention. I don't know you and you don't know me, we will leave it at that.

    Some people here might like the low life element around but I don't. There's enough native low life in Thailand without importing the grubs. end of story really.



    From your postings here on TV I know enough, that I do not wish to know you.

    • Like 2
  9. For those not yet understanding this notice.

    It's divded in two parts:

    Part 1 - Voluntarily (If you report yourself either to the Immigration Bureau or Airport then you're good if within 90 days)

    Part 2 - Apprehended (That means you get stopped by police or get for in an accident then you get a ban even if it's 2 days).

    Pretty simple.

    Both parts under the same heading: Warning ! The aliens who violate The Immigration Act, B.E.2522 by overstaying more than 90 days in the Kingdom of Thailand will be forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for a certain period of time as follow ;

    Pretty simple, and not contradictory or confusing or open to interpretation or in any way unclear, as always facepalm.gif

  10. On the contrary, from what I have observed if you don't buy the deal, ie the cake with your coffee or the drink with your sandwich. I often see them ring it though anyway and put the extra Baht in the till.

    I presume they then do some jiggery pokery when someone buys said item at full price and pocket the difference.

    They do as you say though, seem to always offer the deal and do not seem shy about what they are doing when then ringing it through anyway.

    I figured the managers where probably ok with it at long as the deal is first offered to the customer and the tills and stock tally at the end of the day, just a minor staff perk.

    Of course if there is also some kind of target or incentive on selling up to the deals, then that is also a boost to those figures too.

    This happens to me several times. Then i leave th goods on the desk and leave the shop. The only way to go.


    How does this affect you in any way?

  11. On the contrary, from what I have observed if you don't buy the deal, ie the cake with your coffee or the drink with your sandwich. I often see them ring it though anyway and put the extra Baht in the till.

    I presume they then do some jiggery pokery when someone buys said item at full price and pocket the difference.

    They do as you say though, seem to always offer the deal and do not seem shy about what they are doing when then ringing it through anyway.

    I figured the managers where probably ok with it at long as the deal is first offered to the customer and the tills and stock tally at the end of the day, just a minor staff perk.

    Of course if there is also some kind of target or incentive on selling up to the deals, then that is also a boost to those figures too.

  12. I understand many of the units here are 1 bedroom, rather than studios.

    How much would I be looking at paying to rent a 1 bed unit here long term?

    Do you know are there many units available for rent, is there a rental agent or for rent board displayed there if I go and take a look.


  13. Seems people are not very bright here. It is the immigration official that will decide if you are trying to live in Thailand off these border runs. You come in and out same hour, same day and he feels your doing this to get extra days in Thailand and not for tourist reasons he denies entry. So some of you need to wake up and visit for a few days before returning to Thailand. And stop crying the blues, it's about time they crack down on those who try to work here illegally. Glad to see this happen. Thailand does not owe you anything and it's have no affect on the economy from these cheap people who do these border runs. Also some here need to wait up to the fact that if you have a visa of any type it doesn't affect you. Can people get that through their heads. Go home we don't need you here is my best advise.

    Couldn't agree more. I have had to pay for the appropriate Visa & WP for the last 7 years. It really gets me going when you know people that are clearly living here with out the correct paperwork.

    A visa is not hard to get anyway, just get one like the rest of us!

    Sorry could you point me in the direction of this easily obtainable visa. Thanks.

    I live here permanently, am under 50, financially independent, not working, not married.

    Currently on an ED visa and no I am also not interested in learning Thai.

    As for not wanting me here, I more than pay my way and receive nothing from Thailand. Its a one way cash flow into Thailand.

    You might want to consider rephrasing the "permanently" part. You are also here illegally by not complying with your ED visa by stating you have no interest in learning Thai. I'm sure you would have stated something different when you applied for the ED visa. Misleading statements on Government documents can be taken quite seriously.

    This is exactly the issue, there is no legal alternative.

    There is really no good reason for there not to be.

  14. Seems people are not very bright here. It is the immigration official that will decide if you are trying to live in Thailand off these border runs. You come in and out same hour, same day and he feels your doing this to get extra days in Thailand and not for tourist reasons he denies entry. So some of you need to wake up and visit for a few days before returning to Thailand. And stop crying the blues, it's about time they crack down on those who try to work here illegally. Glad to see this happen. Thailand does not owe you anything and it's have no affect on the economy from these cheap people who do these border runs. Also some here need to wait up to the fact that if you have a visa of any type it doesn't affect you. Can people get that through their heads. Go home we don't need you here is my best advise.

    Couldn't agree more. I have had to pay for the appropriate Visa & WP for the last 7 years. It really gets me going when you know people that are clearly living here with out the correct paperwork.

    A visa is not hard to get anyway, just get one like the rest of us!

    Sorry could you point me in the direction of this easily obtainable visa. Thanks.

    I live here permanently, am under 50, financially independent, not working, not married.

    Currently on an ED visa and no I am also not interested in learning Thai.

    As for not wanting me here, I more than pay my way and receive nothing from Thailand. Its a one way cash flow into Thailand.

    • Like 1
  15. So a 3 year old biy lost his life in the name of 'fun'


    Bit of an assumption there.

    There are no details on the death of the 3 year old, apart from the fact that it happened between the 11th and the 19th.

    If someone dies in a road traffic accident, traveling to visit family during a peak holiday travel period, such a Christmas in the UK. Do we blame Santa?

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