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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. With all the rumpus about this continuing and with some attempts to arrest some of them a few months ago and with the amount of people who log onto this site surely there's someone who knows someone in city hall who could give some info on what their plans are for this drama ???

    I am sure the plan is to carry on milking it for as much as they can get for as long as they can.

    BTW the arrests were just an unfortunate incident due to some thugs over stepping the mark in the lobby of a five star hotel, forcing the police to take some action and in no way shows any change in the state of play. They have been told to keep their intimidation and threats of violence just as far as the car park in the future.

  2. Well I do have a clue, the 100's of scams I have seen first hand on Pattaya Beach and the fact I have personally seen the guy in the picture scamming on Pattaya Beach.

    You are right, they might have actually damaged the jetski but that don't mean that it is not a scam, seen it many times. extortionate amounts of cash demanded for minor damage.

    It's enough evidence for me, but up to you.

    In fact I don't really care as far as I am concerned ALL jetski businesses can go to the wall guilty or not, guilty by association.

    If ever they lock up the thugs in the business and regulate I may change my mind, until then F em all.

    You've observed 100's of scams on Pattaya Beach? You interview them all? In all that time you've been down the beach observing these guy have you ever seen a jetski damaged?

    Until I see evidence of an actual scam on Koh Larn I'll continue to enjoy jetskiing whenever we visit. It's one of the reasons we go there - to enjoy a trouble free jetski mini-holiday. I can get a better price there too.

    I am not sure of the relevance of your questions but to answer Yes, Never, Many.

  3. Not my pictures, but these were taken on Ko Lan last month.

    Don't know the story, but I can tell you the big guy in the first picture has defiantly been involved in scamming on Pattaya Beach in the past.


    What's the point of posting photos when you don't have a clue what is going on in them. Photos of police doesn't necessarily indicate a scam went down. People do actually damage jetskis, especially newbies who have never ridden them before.

    If you have actual evidence of a jetski scam on Ko Larn, give us the details. I've never seen a hint of trouble on Tawaen Beach and still believe it is safe to rent one there. I never carry a passport to Ko Larn and have never been asked for one and have never been asked to fill out any paperwork.

    Well I do have a clue, the 100's of scams I have seen first hand on Pattaya Beach and the fact I have personally seen the guy in the picture scamming on Pattaya Beach.

    You are right, they might have actually damaged the jetski but that don't mean that it is not a scam, seen it many times. extortionate amounts of cash demanded for minor damage.

    It's enough evidence for me, but up to you.

    In fact I don't really care as far as I am concerned ALL jetski businesses can go to the wall guilty or not, guilty by association.

    If ever they lock up the thugs in the business and regulate I may change my mind, until then F em all.

  4. Not my pictures, but these were taken on Ko Lan last month.

    Don't know the story, but I can tell you the big guy in the first picture has defiantly been involved in scamming on Pattaya Beach in the past.


  5. On the subject of terms and conditions.

    Exchange 500 FreePlayo points for you and two friends to sample 500 Baht's worth of Pattaya's tastiest Mexican and American food at Tequila Reef

    Terms & Conditions

    Only one Player Reward Ticket may be used per player per day. Player must bring at least one friend. Player Reward Ticket value applies to food only. User must pay for drinks and for the value of food orders exceeding the Reward Ticket value. Unused value may not be carried forward.

    Could you clarify, thanks.

  6. drew a blank yesterday on my walk but got 3 english guys in blue black and white T shirts get swamped when they arrived back at the beach opposite mike shopping mall / five star bar. watched them from distance and almost missed blue shirt going off to get funds. making sure he wasn't being tailed except by me caught up with him in soi 12.

    he knew they were being conned but the other 2 were father and teen son so very vunerable to large numbers of ski troops.

    now the demands, 47,000 bht claimed for scratch on 1 ski, 16,000 bht for the other.

    todays rate for 1000 pounds would get you at a pattaya bank 47,650 bht, so even if they can get 50 % off the starting claim they are still looking at a bill of over £500. gulp, nice work if you can get it!

    time about 16 45

    at that point i left the area not safe to return after finding out the details

    I saw the pay off on this one, they had a women with them who really did not want to pay.

    The counting took a long time 40K I think, watched them count it out twice.

  7. I Dunno I have seen this guy walking beach road in the afternoons, you can't miss him, he looks pretty scary but always seemed quite amiable, used to stop and feed some of the soi dogs, have a joke with some of the girls, seen people stop him to take a picture with him and he always seemed friendly.

    I guess first impressions are often right after all, after reading a little about him on the net my view has been changed 100%

    • Like 2
  8. yesterday during my stroll along the beach i thought i had found some sikh guys in bother (later proved correct).

    today i knew 100 % that i had found another group of sikh guys in trouble.

    this time opposite modern shopping city which is between the new LK Empress hotel and mikes shopping mall. I had clocked a big group of sikhs being shaddowed by young thai's. thai in a blue top had the signed jet rental agreement in his hot little hand and i was trying to find an angle to get a pic of the targets , him and the form, but there were just too many thai's scoping the area and it wasn't safe.

    walked off for 10 mins and when i got back all attention was switched back to the water line as a huge group of thai and sikhs re-inspected the craft. With everyone now watching the beach i got off a couple of quick ones before a retreat to mike shopping steps and who do i have in the pics?

    well who else but the sikh helper/negotiator who had ridden in to save the day on his trusty honda.

    how he sleeps at night i don't know.

    time about 16 15 today

    I did speak to this guy once last year, for what it is worth he told me he is Thai and has a Thai passport. When I asked him why he was always involved whenever their was a problem with a jet ski he just said he is just helping out to interpret and help people communicate.

    I did ask of course he did this out of the kindness of his heart? and always ensured a fair deal for the tourist? His reply I not decide the price only help talking.

    Yea right! I have also seen him getting very aggressive and overheard him once telling a group of Indians on the back of a Baht Bus "I have friends same you yesterday have problem go police station now today they in monkey house"

    No opportunity to beat the shit out of him? or at least let the air out of the tyres on his bike.

    Plenty, but as I said in my deleted post (I will try and tone it down). I live here and it's just not worth the risk, there are so many ways to very easily cause these guys big problems. I am very surprised that non of them have ever happened yet.

    I guess the residents like me don't want to take the risk and the tourists just aren't that bothered, eventually though I am sure they will go up against someone who is really prepared to take action, I look forward to it.

    • Like 1
  9. yesterday during my stroll along the beach i thought i had found some sikh guys in bother (later proved correct).

    today i knew 100 % that i had found another group of sikh guys in trouble.

    this time opposite modern shopping city which is between the new LK Empress hotel and mikes shopping mall. I had clocked a big group of sikhs being shaddowed by young thai's. thai in a blue top had the signed jet rental agreement in his hot little hand and i was trying to find an angle to get a pic of the targets , him and the form, but there were just too many thai's scoping the area and it wasn't safe.

    walked off for 10 mins and when i got back all attention was switched back to the water line as a huge group of thai and sikhs re-inspected the craft. With everyone now watching the beach i got off a couple of quick ones before a retreat to mike shopping steps and who do i have in the pics?

    well who else but the sikh helper/negotiator who had ridden in to save the day on his trusty honda.

    how he sleeps at night i don't know.

    time about 16 15 today

    I did speak to this guy once last year, for what it is worth he told me he is Thai and has a Thai passport. When I asked him why he was always involved whenever their was a problem with a jet ski he just said he is just helping out to interpret and help people communicate.

    I did ask of course he did this out of the kindness of his heart? and always ensured a fair deal for the tourist? His reply I not decide the price only help talking.

    Yea right! I have also seen him getting very aggressive and overheard him once telling a group of Indians on the back of a Baht Bus "I have friends same you yesterday have problem go police station now today they in monkey house"

  10. didn't make it to the beach yesterday so took an early stroll today.

    pretty sure 2 young sikh guys were targeted opposite the nautical inn near mikes shopping mall. they were sitting with a load of ski guys nearby while i think somebody was off getting funds. Too difficult to watch in safety so i moved on, case still open ?

    but further down opposite svensons ice cream royal garden plaza 3 indians 100 % in ski bother. Time about 14 10 today.

    Yep the young sikh guys were being held hostage already when I got there about 1pm, some of the younger Thai guys were applying the pressure by being aggressive waving a big stick and hitting it against a tree and the nearby wall from time to time, also occasionally lurching towards them as if they where going to kick them. Then the friendly sikh mediator arrived and made a show of having a go at some of the Thais a little, trying to calm things down, what a nice friendly guy he is.


    This is a picture from last year? Or was it the year before?

    Anyways must have seen him involved 100's of times, anywhere from Mikes down to walking street.

    Saw him once riding along 2nd road, not quite sure how I managed to avoid knocking the fuc_ker off his bike.

  11. It's surprising that someone with your alleged understanding of law in practice would feel personally threatened or that your way of life may be threatened in a legal or social sense ('makes it harder for us law abiding immigrants') by someone coming to Thailand to be a student who makes a living by taking nothing from Thailand or involving Thailand in any way other than his person being physically located in the country.

    Perhaps you could explain how in practical terms his actions affect you or us? You would need to include such things as how his behaviour is detected, how it affects anyone or anything in Thailand etc. Ending with perhaps how he would be "policed" or as you may prefer "brought to justice".

    Whether you realise it or not or wish to accept it or not you have a more fundamental objection to his situation which it would not be unfair to say I hinted at previously and smacks of principles. It's fine (although easy to reduce to absurdity) to have an objection on these grounds but at least call it what it is and don't dress it up in some sort of social harm argument.

    p.s. the officials and the official forum which was televised are nameless only to you and I who cannot remember or perhaps in your case never knew of the event. That the people, and the event, do and did exist, is not up for debate.

    Way to change the debate Will

    But let me bring you back to the point. Would you like to point me to the change in statute or government website which makes official and unequivocal the ruling that you say has been put to rest by some chap speaking at a forum, or not?

    Frankly I don't feel threatened at all. My visa status is fine an it would take a ten fold or more increase in financial imperatives to make me even lose a moments sleep.

    However it is clear rules are tightening continuously and it is this kind of petty infringement which causes the tightening creep.

    What IS your problem, he will have a valid visa and be learning Thai, if he wants to work online from his room WHO cares, not the Thai authority's me thinks.

    Why do you? and who is he harming exactly, get real.

    Oh and congratulations on your vast wealth, again who gives a shit?

    • Like 2
  12. Don't know why you have chosen to start a new topic in order to slag of the op of another thread????

    To start why do you think his post is below?? if he has had a more recent reply his post could be above.

    Not too bright are you and you call the op in the other thread uneducated. Your comprehension skills don't seem so great either, he says he is going to get an ED visa and study Thai, why do you assume he dosn't intend to learn Thai???

    He says he will have a return ticket and use it if he runs out of money, you interpret this as he will be a visa over stayer???

    He says he has in 6 months created a small monthly online income and sold a website for a few thousand pounds and you interpret this as uneducated with basic computer skills???

    You sound to me like a bitter uneducated old waste of space, what the fuc_k have you done that's so great btw.

    • Like 2
  13. well i'm back and have made 2 beach visits over 2 days without a result. maybe bad luck it's not going to stop on it's own and neither am i going to make it up just to provide some copy on the story.

    a lot less people on the beach than january so the pool of potential customers / victims is less too

    I met a US Marine who said they were thoroughly briefed on jet-skis and other scams. Maybe the word is getting out there.

    The word is out if English is your first language. That's why it's mostly Russians, Arabs, Persians, and Indians being targeted.

    What needs to happen is all of the info out there gets translated and passed around in the proper languages. Then everyone will have a chance if they do any research at all before they come.

    Seems the ruskies are informed about this also now. I rarely see them renting as they use to in years past.

    There where 2 Russians being scamed yesterday at the usual Mike shopping mall location around 5.30pm

  14. cake and bake

    a black and white painted cafe on the soi that used to face the now demolished Excite disco

    great cakes, good grub, good service, free wi fi, aircon, nice crowd..............

    Care to describe where is this place near ? In case finding a "demolished" Excite disco is difficult.

    the soi is known as soi excite

    its off the right side of third road travelling south between its junction with pattaya klang and pattaya thai

    you won't miss the large cleared area on the right where excite stood

    its a big empty area for this neck of the woods..........

    Hmm Bake n Brew no?

  15. Had same problem,but send credit to another number friend or someone and get the cash and top up again costs 3 baht to transfer better than losing it all.

    Ok this is interesting I have 2 12call sims one I have had for years and is no problem, the other I use only to contact "special friends" it is always expiring and I have to top it up to use, the balance always caries forward but can only make outgoing calls for a week before I have to top up again, has about B500 on it now.

    How do I transfer a balance to my regular sim?

    *140 (star 140) call then follow commands make sure you have number of other sim handy

    Thanks for that works a treat biggrin.png

  16. Had same problem,but send credit to another number friend or someone and get the cash and top up again costs 3 baht to transfer better than losing it all.

    Ok this is interesting I have 2 12call sims one I have had for years and is no problem, the other I use only to contact "special friends" it is always expiring and I have to top it up to use, the balance always caries forward but can only make outgoing calls for a week before I have to top up again, has about B500 on it now.

    How do I transfer a balance to my regular sim?

  17. The best VFM I think is Robins Nest Soi Diana, the deal seem to vary, B199-B249 2-3 courses.

    I have had Lamb there too, although I am not sure if it is currently on offer? I have not been for quite a while. Food just OK and like I said VFM.

    The others are more around B500+ and in my opinion not VFM.

    As to my Favourite Sunday Roast not a Carvery all you can eat deal though, but a decent plate of good quality nicely done food is Route CC on Siam country club on the darkside B160.

  18. So you parked illegally, Your bike got impounded and it cost you all of 400Baht and you are complaining?????

    Of course it is everyone else's fault but your own, unbelievable!!!

    I think if you look you will see it's YOU that is the problem here.

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