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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. Some good news to come out of this.

    Parts of the already eroding and decrepit Beach and Promenade areas have been so badly damaged that they will now HAVE to be addressed.

    Also nice to see the Jet ski scammers near Walking street now have almost no beach to operate from and their beach chairs and umbrella business has been reduced to a tiny island of sand.

    Every cloud they say.

  2. For those of you with poor memory recall...Let Google be your friend.

    I did a quick search of "Flooding Pattaya 2010" and was given the following dates...

    10th Feb 2010

    May 2010

    26th July 2010

    14th October 2010

    There were more...

    The only difference from then and now is there is more rubbish crammed down the already narrow blocked drains.

    Hence the ( perceived )increased height of the flooding.

    Cover the planet in concrete and tar. Chop down all the trees. Dam the rivers and .....well do I need to explain it in detail...?

    Yes there are localized floods every year.

    Just back from a tour around Pattaya and this is Defiantly the worst I have seen in the 4 years I have been here.

    Hope thats OK with you and Google.

  3. A lot of modern Black Music seems to have a no class philosophy of promoting violence, and disrespect for every one else and everything. Just listen to most © Rap lyrics. I live close to Detroit and I know how Black people tend to behave. They behave in an ignorant violence prone manner, behaviors which they believe are normal. I have also worked with many Blacks in the Criminal Justice system for 25 years. So I know the Black mentality. Their music tends to promotes their negative behaviors which reflects their view point on things. Unfortunately in America and the UK the White under class to a large extent have adopted the Black cultural view promoted by their music. To a certain extent Thai youth seem to be imitating this as well. Perhaps if they understood that the Black culture and view point has very little if any respect and is the royal road for people not to respect you then they would not imitate it.

    How can this kind of post remain unnoticed in the most heavily moderated forum of internet?

    I agree with the above post, the gentleman obviously has on the ground experience , and it is true, so why hide the facts, there are violent elements whether black, white or whatever who highjack these events, it is their 'forum' to disrupt and ruin other normal peoples enjoyment !!


    David Starkey took some flack for saying the same thing on Newsnight after the recent "flat screen TV" riots in the UK.

  4. 8000 baht @ 30 baht / USD and @ 30 days = $8.88 USD / day

    A $9 dollar room is a $9 dollar room my friend....I suggest you check the papers on line.....its a renters market right now....

    but remember thats high season....and good luck finding anyone that will rent you anything decent for 9 bucks a day.....

    I would assume as the OP has stated his budget, that he will have already done the math.

    Though probably into whatever his home currency is, a $9 USD room would be in the US not so convenient for Pattaya.

    I am sure there is some places available at this price Nirun condo would probably be the best located.

    Otherwise Jomtien or maybe Nakula.

    I do know a decent place in Nakula at B6000 per month but no pool.

  5. Anyone know if the mayor have been informed about the new scamming techniques , taking pictures and using photoshop to delete the damage ?

    Probably an idea adopted at one of the city hall meetings.

    I'm sure the Mayor would be supplied a copy of the minutes.

  6. On the 5Th August Pattaya One reported.

    "From now on the seabed will be a rosy place because all jet-ski operators will have to be licensed on a yearly renewable basis, all their employees will be registered as will all jet-skis, and operators will have to take out proper insurance. A coupon system, similar to what is in place in many food-courts, will be set up whereby a potential customer will have to pay at a City Hall-controlled desk on the beach, showing his or her passport, and then pay the agreed fee as well as a tax and insurance impost. All jetski operators have to be registered by the 10th of August."


    Then on 12th August Pattaya mail reported

    "Licenses would eventually be issued and Ronakit said matters related to insurance for the jet skis would be discussed at a later meeting.A number of ideas related to regulating the jet ski industry were proposed, many of them heard several times before. One new suggestion, however, was to create a centralized rental desk where tourists would purchase coupons covering rental of any jet ski as well as insurance cover for any damage they might cause."


    Also on the 15th August Pattaya Times

    "Pattaya Mayor Itthipol Kunplome ordered his administrative team, including the local prosecutor, to sit down with all Pattaya jet ski and boat operators to resolve the jet ski scams"


    Looks like the Pattaya One report was completely WRONG!!!!

    Nothing has been decided at these meetings apart from as usual the need for MORE meetings.

    Stalling tactics too allow business as usual on the beach.

    It is obvious now that all this is nothing more than a charade.

  7. Nice family.

    Dad - on the run from police for murder and corruption convictions

    Son - banned from politics as a Thaksin-crony TRT'er

    Other Son - corruption assets confiscated

    Other Other Son - mayor of Pattaya

    And now a kid joined the cabinet?

    Much of the shit that goes on around here makes allot more sense when seen in this light.

    Doesn't give one much hope of anything changing in the near future though.

  8. And after work they drive away towing 6 jetskis per pickup truck on 6 trailers like a train illegaly to a rendezvous with their fellow scammers and to give the cut to the involved officials. All were drinking and acting out of control through traffic. Never stopping for red lights...like a funeral convoy.

    I followed them through beach road and Bali Hai and down past Tapprya road on 3rd road and right on Pattaya Thai to their meeting place. At least 40 thugs were involved in the caravan.

    Unfcuking believable the size of this criminal gang of thugs.

    Be interesting to know where they store them overnight.

    I'm thinking bad thoughts now. :whistling:

  9. Just in from a few hours on the beach. Watched 3 scams go down. All the usual suspects.

    So 3 scams before 3.30pm I was down there from 4-5pm and saw 2 they were just starting so must have been different to the ones you saw.

    I am avoiding the Mikes and Royal Garden area at the moment as that is where I was threatened a week ago, my face is too well known there.

    Saw 1 opposite the police station then rode down the walking street end and saw another 1.

    The first lot down from walking street weren't there today not even any tables or umbrellas up.

  10. Just been looking through Stridermans excellent Jet Ski thread in the secrets sand box.

    Seems just about all the jet skis carry a 9 figure number on them.

    Now as we are told that these Skis are Unlicensed, Unregistered, Uninsured and Unregulated if so then what is this number????





    Some of the operators are also kind enough to supply phone numbers.

    Give em a call if you want to rent 1.

    Or maybe just have a chat with them in a safe environment. Anomalously and on the end of a phone.



  11. Hopefully the police will be identifiable by shoulder numbers.

    They must be caught and punished for their illegal actions.

    HERE HERE! The acts of hooliganism by the police on these young youths is sickening. This is the reason why it has got out of control the Police using brute force like cavemen it is UNACCEPTABLE and i hope the police in the video are bought to justice, sacked from the Police force and made to walk the streets apologising to the ethnic communities what disgusting animals they have been.

    While I totally disagree with what you are saying.

    Do you work for PC World?

    I worked for Dixons Currys PC World for 18yrs until 2007

  12. These kids ain't stealing this stuff cos they don't have it already.

    They already have flat screen TV's, Sky+, Xbox, Playstations, Laptops, mobile phones, Drink, Drugs and Cigarettes oh and food on the table and a roof over their head.

    If they went to prison they would have TV, Playstations (when enhanced), no drink, but certainly Drugs and Cigarettes,plenty of food on the table and a roof over their heads, gym, library, free medical, etc etc, no legal mobiles but can buy prison phonecards to call who they want.

    So you've been in prison in the UK and it was like that?

    I dont think we should be paying to keep them in prison either.

    Get them working, labour camps, the Army, I dunno reopen the pits and get them mining coal.

  13. UK riots: More than 1,000 being hauled before courts

    London quieter overnight but looting and fires in Birmingham, Manchester and elsewhere as police tackle marauding gangs

    James Meikle and Sam Jones, guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 10 August 2011 11.32 BST

    Extra courts are being set up to deal with criminal charges from four nights of looting and rioting in English cities.

    More than 1,000 people have been arrested in centres including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Bristol and Leicester.

    Read more (with video): www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/aug/10/london-riots-spark-copycat-birmingham

    Are the police allowed to confiscate their mobile phones and check for any photos or videos that could provide evidence? Or would that somehow violate civil or human rights?:rolleyes:

    In the UK, YES

    Hauled before the courts and handed out what punishment????

    Stop their benefits remove them from their coucil houses put them to work for the good of the country.

  14. Stay safe is right!

    I think these scum are feeling the heat a bit now.

    Today I was threatened with violence purely for watching. I didn't try to intervene in anyway and had no camera or anything. This was just before Royal Garden, I was watching the pay off 25K Baht changed hands. I was only a few feet away and looked the guy right in the eye as if to say I know what you are doing.

    As the marks left the guy gave me the finger and as I walked away one of the bosses came after me and was aggressive asking if I had a problem and did I want to fight.

    I basically said nowt carried on walking and luckily after a minute or two he let it go at that.

    Surprisingly I can't find a picture of him anywhere on the internet, (no doubt I would be in trouble for posting it anyway) but for those familiar with the scum down there. I think he is one of the main guys in the Royal Garden area has a haircut like a lions main and wears the chunkiest neck chain ever known to man usually shirtless.

    Actually saw 3 scams in the hour or so I was down there today.

    Jomtien beach for me for a while I think.

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