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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. South Pattaya Road between 3rd Road and the dodgy cross roads on the left if coming from 3rd road.

    Also North Pattaya Road left hand side just before Suk.

    3rd Road left hand side before the flyover going towards Bali Hi.

  2. Triple entry tourist visa with extensions will give you 9 months then obtain in Cambodia double entry, will give you up to another 6 months.

    £700-800 a month doable if not partaking too much of the night life.

    Can't beat Pattaya for choices in my opinion cheap accommodation and cheap Farang food.

  3. Sorry to change the eatery location but I've just been told about a new place that's opened called Coco Resort. Check out the postings on the web. Fine dining but without the high price tags. Starters for 85b and corden blue main courses for 185b. Ok it's not your fish and chip prices but it looks a nice place for that special meal. They even arrange a mini bus for parties of 4 or more from Pattaya to the resort and back.

    Location, please?

    It is out by the chinese temple near silverlake, I went to the opening great food nice setting, they also have a indoor bowls green

    where is the chinese temple?

    where is silverlake?

    don't assume that everyone knows pattaya like the back of their hand.

    Think Google

  4. The Tourist Police ain't gona help you.

    Went to the beach in the late afternoon 4.30 yesterday for the first time in a while.

    The scamming is Full on again, in half an hour around Mikes I saw 4 scams in progress!!

    2 Jap looking guys sat on chairs on the prom

    A European and his Thai GF seated on the beach

    2 groups of Indians one in each of the first umbrella coved areas either side of Mikes.

    It really got me angry I didn't go any further along the beach but I bet it was going on all the way down to WS.

    Our favorite Tourist police cop turned up to deal with the japs ( the one with the tash) while he was there talking to them there was shouting and intimidation going on either side with the Indians,

    He seemed oblivious so I went and had a word with him pointing out the other 3 scams going on around him asking why he comes here every day to scam tourists why the police cannot do their job and arrest the scammers. I answered the question for him MONEY I said.

    He didn't seen too phased chuckling he responded oh 4 jet ski have problem oh dear.

    I told a few of the scammers what I thought of them and left.

    Now all this was all probably a bad idea but I have had enough seeing this going on every day.

    Really its time to take action this scum needs taking down.

    Unbelivable that this can go on such a scale for so long in plain sight for all to see and NOTHING is done.

  5. I can understand the superstitions and cultural differences,

    but the Thai infatuation about ghosts is beyond belief, you've only

    got to put the TV on, watch a Thai movie and sure enough there'll be a

    ghost story. Im sure it's drummed in to them from childhood to believe in ghosts.

    Yes, it is intended to cripple their minds, and for many it does.

    My GF's daughter a few days ago was for the first time frightened to be left alone in the house?

    Why? Whats wrong? I'm scared Ghost.

    What why? Have Ghost in my school have 4 people die there.

    No I say no such thing as Ghosts. Yes have in my School.

    Who tell you this? My Teacher.


  6. Good luck with that studmuffin.

    I would advise anyone not to listen to your advise.

    Conducting yourself that way, esp in central Pattaya is asking for trouble and soon enough it will find you for sure.

    Just find another spot for your bike.

    Often the vendor is paying rent and to someone with allot more clout than you.

    It really is a dangerous game to play.

    But as always up to you.

  7. This is a busy area, especially at this time of day.

    <deleted> do the police think they are doing shooting off guns from a moving motorbike purely for a fail to stop.

    No regard for public safety!

    Lucky no Innocent bystanders hurt or killed. This time!

    No thanks to the idiot trigger happy BIB.

  8. I flew with them Bangkok London via Cairo both out and return within the last month.

    Was the new 777-300 3-3-3 configuration on all legs.

    Everything was fine no alcohol as stated.

    Best trip I have ever had. Why?

    Planes less than half full had 3 seats to myself on all 4 flights!

    Now you can't beat that.

  9. Maybe I should forget the visa thing altogether, come in on visa exempt and just pay the maximum overstay when I go back every 2 years or so.

    I don't think that is a very good idea. If for some reason you are asked to show you passport then the situation is going to be far more dramatic than if you turn up at the airport on an overstay with the fine in cash in your pocket and an airticket. I had a friend who was arrested some 4 or 5 years ago and spent 7 days in the money house before being released because they realized he had done nothing wrong. It was a bar fight and someone got stabbed as I remember. Anyway, he said it was the worst 7 days of his life and has never returned to Thailand again. He sold or gave away all the stuff he had such as TV, sofa etc. Booked a ticket home and was gone in less that 5 days.

    Understood, and good advise.

    I was only joking.

    I am back in the UK next week.

    If I cannot get an non immigrant which is looking decidedly doubtful, then I will have to make do with a triple entry tourist.

    Just a little disappointing as only a month ago I could have qualified with a lease agreement.

    Who knows In the future I may even bite the bullet and get married. :o

  10. Hull is STILL the easiest Thai embassy/consulate in the world to secure a year long multi-entry non-O visa HANDS DOWN! Even if you live in neighboring EU countries. They'll post it back to you! (if you pay the postage!)

    They just 'tightened' up their qualifications a little; to be more in line with the other embassies/consulates around them.

    You can't really blame them for doing that.

    Or do you :o ?? ??

    Yes they can and do. Thailand one of the easiest countries in the world to stay long time, if you meet the requirements, but people want to stay here forever without meeting requirements. Its just hard to figure out some people.

    So you meet the requirements, well Whoopie do for you!

    Until now and for the last 4 years I met the requirements too.

    Now they have changed the rules I am looking for a way to continue my life here.

    Is that really so hard for you to figure out?

    Maybe I should just fuc_k off back to the UK for another 8 years until I'm 50 right?

    99% of countries would tell you to f_uck off forever unless you had some worthwhile skill they valued, had close family there or pots of money or merely wanted to be a genuine tourist.

    I can understand the frustration, but imagine what would happen in the UK if anyone could come and live permanently on an annual £100 recyclable visa on the basis of visiting their mates! The country would be awash with third world immigrants.

    I support my GF her kid and to some extent her family here in Thailand.

    I also support the economy with the cash I spend every month.

    There is no visa I can qualify for on a financial basis as under 50.

    Yes I could get married but I don't wish too.

    It's no biggie as I can continue on tourist visas just a bit of a pain in the ass.

    Maybe I should forget the visa thing altogether, come in on visa exempt and just pay the maximum overstay when I go back every 2 years or so.

    Sure save myself allot of hassles and cash. :whistling:

  11. Hull is STILL the easiest Thai embassy/consulate in the world to secure a year long multi-entry non-O visa HANDS DOWN! Even if you live in neighboring EU countries. They'll post it back to you! (if you pay the postage!)

    They just 'tightened' up their qualifications a little; to be more in line with the other embassies/consulates around them.

    You can't really blame them for doing that.

    Or do you :o ?? ??

    Yes they can and do. Thailand one of the easiest countries in the world to stay long time, if you meet the requirements, but people want to stay here forever without meeting requirements. Its just hard to figure out some people.

    So you meet the requirements, well Whoopie do for you!

    Until now and for the last 4 years I met the requirements too.

    Now they have changed the rules I am looking for a way to continue my life here.

    Is that really so hard for you to figure out?

    Maybe I should just fuc_k off back to the UK for another 8 years until I'm 50 right?

  12. coconut truck then? as this thread is about all non immigrant visas which my brother was asking about and funnily enough not about tourist visas!

    can anyone actually answer the question DaengJonesie asked about non-o visas from any UK consulate on a 'visiting friends' like what Hull used to offer? jap.gif

    Hull seem to be offering Non-O if your name is already on the list. New requests seem to be dismissed out of hand. Birmingham seems to have taken over Hull's mantle for the moment. I spoke to a monk yesterday afternoon and it would seem that they are not too happy with the changes which have taken place because it devalues getting married in a Wat as people have to provide documentation which a Wat does not provide.

    But there is no option on Birmingham's application form for visiting friends, also state need copy of marriage certificate for marriage.

    I'm back to UK next week for a new visa.

    What to do?

    Am thinking maybe give Birmingham a go quoting marriage but in a Wat so no certificate.

    enclose copy GF id card and my 30 year lease on house in her name.

    If thats a no no then it will have to be a Tourist visa I guess.

    As I remember Hull also stated they required marriage certificate but they accepted a photocopy of ID card. IMO use the same service that you have been using as it would appear that if you already have a file, so to speak, then you shouldn't have a problem. Others may disagree

    You maybe right.

    Although I have always used the visiting friends option before and have 3 non O visas from Hull in my passport already.

    Not sure if this would count for or against or make no odds? Same same with enclosing a copy of the lease between my GF and I?

    I am also wondering if I should call them before I apply or just send in the application.

    Bit of a minefield at the moment thats for sure.

  13. coconut truck then? as this thread is about all non immigrant visas which my brother was asking about and funnily enough not about tourist visas!

    can anyone actually answer the question DaengJonesie asked about non-o visas from any UK consulate on a 'visiting friends' like what Hull used to offer? jap.gif

    Hull seem to be offering Non-O if your name is already on the list. New requests seem to be dismissed out of hand. Birmingham seems to have taken over Hull's mantle for the moment. I spoke to a monk yesterday afternoon and it would seem that they are not too happy with the changes which have taken place becasue it devalues getting married in a Wat as people have to provide documentation which a Wat does not provide.

    But there is no option on Birmingham's application form for visiting friends, also state need copy of marriage certificate for marriage.

    I'm back to UK next week for a new visa.

    What to do?

    Am thinking maybe give Birmingham a go quoting marriage but in a Wat so no certificate.

    enclose copy GF id card and my 30 year lease on house in her name.

    If thats a no no then it will have to be a Tourist visa I guess.

  14. Sounds like a plan.

    As long as you have a little money behind you at the outset.

    I think it will be difficult to find anything other than teaching English for your GF.

    Also, you don't say, but how much experience have you or your GF had of Thailand?

    How old are you both?

    Be warned, Thailand can be a dangerous place for pre existing Farang relationships.

  15. can anyone tell me what the limit equates to in terms of number of drinks?

    When I drove in the UK the general view was that you were safe to have one and a half pints and drive anything over was a risk. Though I did know of one or two people coming (just) under the limit at 2.5-3 pints.

    I'm no longer a big drinker and a night in the bars generally consists of two draughts and a bottle. This looks like it would be over the limit and certainly not worth the risk.

    Would I be on safe ground with two beers?

    I think it depends on many factors and everybody's body is different.

    I was told the limit was 50 which I think is 0.50 mg or whatever the measurement is, the current UK limit is 0.35 so is lower than Thailand's.

    I blew 0.75 I had only had 4 small Leo, over about 3 hours in the afternoon.

    But I had not eaten anything at all that day which probably makes a big difference.

    Maybe if I had gone for a decent meal and been stooped an hour latter I would have been under?

    I guess up to 3 small beers you should be OK?

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