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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

    I remember a few people trying to identify him.

    He is from London.

    Here he is again threatening to Loot and Burn down Central World. :)


    Anyone know who he is?

    Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :D

    I would be pleased to see this happening (or worse, after a tough interrogation). This man has cast a shadow over all of us. Thanks...NOT!

    This guy has his own thread now


  2. They will never in a million years get their asking price,just be brazen,you can wait them out

    And this opinion is based on what exactly?????

    you don't know anything about the house apart from the asking price.

    Maybe it was a 15m house reduced to 10.8m?

  3. He also mentioned that the troops on the street were from Myanmar and Cambodia.

    I kept my mouth shut and left him to it.

    MY gf told me the same, when she left our neighborhood 2 days ago passing the military checkpoint, the soldiers did not spoke any thai, they were from Cambodia she said...

    Sigh... :)

    It is very sad that you actually repeated this.

    My GF said it was on Thai TV that many "protesters" captured today where Cambodian.

  4. Some other pix of the same...


    Another angel of another pix..

    So a pix tells only so much.... A moment in time.. Thats all..

    Lets hope for and end... Sooner the better..

    Anyone else see something odd here? Did they send out four people to lie down next to a person who was shot? Or is the entire thing staged?


    As I said, red shirt propaganda attempt - first they took a pic of one guy and a couple of bottles of ketchup - didn't look exiting enough so the rest of the crew lay down to make it have more impact - one could laugh if it wasn't so bloody stupid and sad - what a deranged bunch of wanke_rs

    You are pathetic!!!!!

    Staged pictures Ketchup.

    Show some respect!

    I would think it obvious the picture with the lone body taken after the picture with others in it.


  5. As far as I am aware as long as you make it as far as the Airport then you can just pay your fine and be on your merry way no problems with returning.

    If however you were to be picked up for any reason before this then things are by no means as simple, although you have been running this same risk for the last 12 months so I wouldn't start to worry now.

    Good luck!

  6. What difference does it make? An election on November 15 and there's a 15 day window, so what difference?

    Why do they want an exact date?

    Why should he give one? After all, it's his decision whether there's to be a shorter or longer election campaign - that's a government's prerogative.

    It makes a big difference. Abhisit refuses to "set in stone" that he will hold an election on November 14th. He says that he will hold it ...IF his roadmap goals are met. Some of these goals are to pass laws and bills, shuffle around the army generals, etc. If he fails to meet these goals, that means there won't be elections on November 14th.

    Now, if he sets a date for House dissolution, he will be forced to call an election 45-60 days after this date, no matter if he's achieved his goals or not.

    See the difference and the reason as to why the red shirts won't abandon Rajprasong before Abhisit has stated the date?

    If the Reds don't fuc_k off out off Bangkok the will be NO election.

    And the Reds will deserve the Bloody Maelstrom coming there way!

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