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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. One of the side-benefits (besides air-con, saving your life, and keeping your hair nice) of driving a car/SUV is basically never being stopped by the BIB at all the annoying check-points around town.

    The traffic and parking sure slows you down though ehh. :lol:

  2. I've got no sympathy for this person at all. If you decide against taking up travel insurance when going to a place like Thailand, you deserve whatever happens to you if you have an accident. No sympathy from me.

    Think about what your saying man.

    What the fuc_k has insurance got to do with being paralised for life.

    Sorry to inform you but no insurance can insure you wont end up paralised.

  3. Insurance or not this poor guy and his family will have to live with this for the rest of his/their lives.

    The injuries and the prognosis would not be changed by having insurance.

    lack of insurance for whatever reason, sure will cost a bit now.

    But in the long run 10 20 30 40 50 years from now I don't think it will make a jot of difference to this unfortunates world.

    Very sad indeed.

  4. Monorail.


    Why not?

    Progress u know.

    please read the original post I said valid reasons I presume COOl is your vision of a valid reason???

    lets put thousands of people out of business and spend billions of baht cause it is COOL???

    please dude

    I think a number of valid reasons have been suggested on this thread.

    Not sure who are the thousands who would be put out of business?

    Am sure a large construction project would create much work for many people.

    Like I said Progress.

  5. Actually, there are many successful businesses on Soi Chayapoom. You've missed Canterbury Tales, Neeroys, there's a bakery that seems to be in it for the long haul (Best Bakery Pattaya?), Seaside II has been there forever, the French restaurant next to Le Snack (Le Cap Breton) has been there quite a few years (at least 5), and that's just to name a few. In addition, the owner told me has other businesses in Pattaya, so he's no pie in the sky dreamer--he has experience (unless he lied to me, which I doubt as we were just chatting).

    I'll be very surprised if this place closes in 6 months. However, I won't be super surprised as I've seen so many places close quickly just as you predict.

    To the OP thanks for the review, I'll check the place out in the next few days.

    Slightly off-topic, but can anyone tell me how many years 'Crazy Daves' has been open?

    2002 http://www.pattayapeople.com/default.asp?Folder=16&IdArticle=17175

  6. There are 2 in Central Festival Beach, 1 counter in Tuk Com, 2 on Sukhumvit, 1 in RGP.

    And you forgot the one on Second road about a 100m past Soi 6 and the one in the Avenue mall also on Second road oppisite the Lek Hotel.

    So that's a total of 8.

    There is a small McDonalds on Beach Road 100 yards from Walking Street.

    How did everyone forget that one?

    9 it is then. :blink:

    Now then Subway?

  7. No it defiantly wasn't thunder sounded different somehow, shorter and well to me it sounded like a big distant explosion.

    My first thought was Lam Chabang.

  8. A couple of hours ago heard a very large if distant Bang. (set off all the dogs in our soi)

    Hmm I thought to myself wonder what that was, maybe the oil refinery at Lam Chabang?

    maybe I'll post a topic on TV see if anyone else heard it. (anyway I didn't bother).

    But just now on Thai news about some sort of explosion at Lam Chabang looks like one of those gas storage things ablaze.

    Anyone else hear the Bang?

    I am on the Darkside just North of Nakula.

  9. i was in a tense scam situation last week. i was on soi 6 and it was the end of the nights festivities for me and thirsty for a cold beer so i stopped in this bar just for 1 beer. girl comes over, the usual "buy me drink" and i explained i am drinking this and going home.

    so she keeps talking to me as i drink my brew and then i asked for check bin. THE BILL WAS 410 baht! i asked the katoey cashier

    what is this extra 300 baht item. He says oh you take lady. i said i never asked her etc but he still demanded the money. i slid him 110bt for the beer and said ewt jai lai and started to walk out. he starts yelling and 2 katoeys come and try to block me from leaving

    yelling at me.and i pushed my way thru, it was a tense moment that could of turned ugly

    What Bar?

  10. Yes and if this was the case I'm sure a solution could be found.

    But this was not the case in this instance and the poster just decided to be bloody minded, awkward, and superior while he drove off to play golf with gas he hadn't paid for.

    The kind of arrogant behavior that that I hate about many Farang, no wonder the Thais try to get one over on us sometimes.

    And your attitude as an apologist for all manner of stupidity and scams perpetuated by Thais is exactly the sort of thing which makes them think up more and more ways of ripping non Thais off.

    By the way, where is this country "Farang" which you come from ?

    I am not an apologist for all manner of stupidity and scams.

    I am referring to only one post.

    Not every Thai is out to get us, I don't have a chip on my shoulder and some people deserve what they get.

    Farang, Whatever!


  11. Partly... but why would he have to pay for the stupidity of others.. In this case i would have paid.. but i don't like the principle of me having to pay up for other people's mistakes

    Yes - but he took the gas with him, without paying up. That is stealing. It really doesn't matter if he brought a can of gas a few days later. A ridiculous gesture.

    Sure i don't agree with it.. But if i said 500 and i had only 600 (the 100 if for food that day) and they fill up for 600. Then it would be a problem. (not that this happens to me).

    I did get however cheated for 500bt a while back when filling up. My mistake did not check the money i got back good. So i lost 500.

    Yes and if this was the case I'm sure a solution could be found.

    But this was not the case in this instance and the poster just decided to be bloody minded, awkward, and superior while he drove off to play golf with gas he hadn't paid for.

    The kind of arrogant behavior that that I hate about many Farang, no wonder the Thais try to get one over on us sometimes.

  12. I had a different scam.

    I asked for 1000bht. I got out (cos the staff can't find my petrol cap!!!) standing there I see it roll over 1000bht and tell him to stop. he stops at 1121bht. I tell him I said 1000b he starts whinging saying I said fill the tank. I know three other staff heard be say it but they won't back me up so I say I only have this 1000b in my hand. He complains it will come out of his wage but I have no time for this B/S and leave to play my golf match. a week later when passing I gave them 121bht of diesel in a 5litre water bottle, cos I am not a thief. Idiots like him do my nut it! I was just not up for it that day. all he had to gain was selling me more gas than I asked for. I can't imagine they're on commission so I think it was stupidity rather than a scam to be fair...

    I won't miss it, that much if for sure. Twunts.

    That's pathetic. Because of a minor mistake and a trivial inconvenience to you, a gas attendant loses most of his wages for the day. You should be ashamed.

    For sure!!!!

    Check your attitude "Idiots like him do my nut" the guy is probably working 12 hours a day pumping gas, so he forgets, fill it up or 1000 baht, sorry this don't make him and idiot.

    But your attitude sure says allot about you!!

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