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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. Cheapest way like the guy before said two debit cards give the thai person one, if it's UK Nationwide Building Society charge is nothing and 150 bath from ATM's Thailand but Zero again if they are able to have access to Aeon ATM machine.

    l think l will save this post on Micro/word because of the same type of post comes up time after time.

    Don't bother saving it.

    Your info is out of date.

    Natiowide currently charge 1%.

    As from 1st November their charges will go up to 2% plus £1 per withdrawal.

    so even if you use Aeon a 10k baht withdrawal will cost you about 250 baht or £5 use any other ATM add 150 baht or £3.

    I have registered with a company called HiFX after seeing them recommended on another thread.

    Can't comment on them yet as have not used yet, but as of next month I am gona start just sending a months money in one go with them.

    Shame as the Nationwide has been the perfect answer until now and as you say was at one time completely free.

    I think they started charging 1% about 6 months ago, this I could still live with, but now 2%+ no more.

    Sad fact is, and as they are quick to point out even at their new rates they are the cheapest in the market.


  2. Soi Buakow... I avoid that area like the plague! The Soi is far too small for all the traffic. Motorcycles racing about like Kamikaze pilots. It's difficult to even cross the Soi on foot. The intersecting Soi's aren't much better. Soi Dianna - extremely narrow and there's always some crazy farang blocking it with their SUV's whey they approach each other with no one giving way (it should be a one way Soi). Soi Chayapoon - with pot holes so large that they span the entire Soi. Not to mention the bar girls sitting at tables that go out to almost the middle of the Soi. The intersection of Soi Buakow, Soi Dianna, and Soi Lenke has to be the most dangerous intersection in all of Pattaya! I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the number of times I have almost been hit! :o

    The only thing good about it is the large market near Pattaya Thai. But again, it far too crowded with extremely narrow aisles.

    Something amiss here? :blink:

  3. "You probably already knew this too, so forgive me for writing it, but did you know 7 out of 10 urine tests here come back positive for drugs? I didn't major in math or anything fancy, but I don't think that is a good ratio."

    That's interesting if true, I did not know that.

    You are right that is a high number, even accounting for the fact most are probably conducted on freelance prostitutes in 3AM raids on clubs on Walking Street.

    I wonder If you could supply your source for this information?

    I never said there is no Drug problem here, but was a bit annoyed at your initial statement that everyone was on Drugs.

    I don't think that here there is anything like the drug culture and numbers there are in the UK smoking weed for instance or taking Ecstasy.

    Unfortunately the drug of choice here seems to be Yabba which I believe is Amphetamine/Speed not nice stuff.

  4. I live over on the darkside and there are a few little shops I know of over here, repairing stuff electronics, white goods etc.

    I too cannot supply names and numbers.

    Directions are also difficult as they are in small side sois in out of the way places.

    Many sell second hand equipment so if you see a small shophouse with a few old TV's outside chances are they repair TV's.

    Same with white goods etc.

    The only one I could give you directions too is on Sukhumvit soi 15 opposite the Cholchan Hotel go over the railway tracks and past 7/11 on your right keep going maybe half a km on your right hand side.

    Good Luck.

  5. Please let me assure you.

    The vast majority of the Locals are NOT on drugs.

    Even if talking about the transient workers in the sex trade, perhaps your point of perspective. The majority are NOT on drugs.

    The majority would indicate over 50% and you are WAY off.

    Narrow it down further to Beach road freelancers and you may be getting closer.

    Maybe you should try to spend more of your time elsewhere.

  6. Yeah the Thais call it Hong Kong foot.

    I have found "Canasone" cream effective, available over the counter.

    I think this is what the earlier poster is referring to, "Canesten" cream however, is for treatment of Thrush!

    Lamisil is available here but more expensive and I have had better results from the Canasone.

    Edit :

    Canesten can be used for Athletes Foot (Google)

    However Canasone is what I have successfully used in Thailand in the past,

  7. LOL defiantly an "only in Thailand moment"

    At the Burapa Bike Week event in Pattaya last year, The Chief of Police came on stage and said everyone have a good time don't worry about drinking to much as the Police wouldn't be stopping anyone on their way home. (as translated by my Thai GF) LOL.

  8. Bella Express is on Central Pattaya road (Pattaya Klang).

    Between second road and Soi Buakhaow.

    If coming from second road turn right onto Central 50 yards on right hand side.

    Or from Buakhaow turn left onto Central 50 yards on left.

    Naklua is the area the far side of the Dolphin Roundabout, from 2nd road straight across.,

    Lek Villa someway down on the left.

    Antons a little further on the right.

  9. Seen this guy a couple of times around South Pattaya...

    post-1539-098068300 1286788340_thumb.jpg

    Seen that bike parked up outside a bar on Pattaya New Plaza the other day.

    Didn't have the Just Divorced sign on it, but that Karaoke unit is HUGE!

  10. I have been stoped many times over the years, and had a spate of being stoped on the railway road recently 5 times in the last few weeks.

    Never had to pay a fine yet, always carry DL, TAX and copy of Green Book.

    I have always been asked for DL and TAX but only asked for green book in about 30% of cases.

    Have also noticed if I have my Thai Daughter on the back going to/from school I am not stoped if on my own I am stoped 50% of the time.

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