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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. If you're a coffee drinker (or appreciate coffee at all), Bake 'n Brew is hands down winner *to me*. For 99 baht to have them fresh-grind beans for you is astonishing to me--usually a fresh-brewed cup of joe is 30 baht by itself--and that's at a reasonable place like Amazon, don't get me going about Starbucks and their rip-off prices.

    I'll try Le Katai, though. Do they have air con?

    By the way, this isn't a choice competition to me. I eat often enough (pretty much every day) that one good place isn't enough for me. :D

    Appreciate what you say re the coffee, they do have Coffee at Le Katai of coarse but doubt it is anything special.

    Also there is no air at Le Katai, which suits me as I prefer to sit outside anyway.

    Do give it a try though, its certainly a regular on my list.

  2. I went to Bake 'n' Brew today because of the recommendations here. It is as good as everyone says. Lovely food, well presented, great servers, very clean. I had the 99 baht brekkie: 2 eggs (fried or scrambled), sausage, bacon, baked beans, mushrooms, 2 toast and marmalade. Plus you get the choice of tea, coffee (freshly brewed as the OP said) or orange juice. I chose the coffee, with an orange juice as an extra. The OJ was delicious, with plenty of pulp, but slightly expensive at 55 baht.

    Overall, though, I would highly recommend this place, and no, I have no connection with it whatsoever, just a happy customer.

    OK went for Brekkie today.

    Nice place good food good value.

    But still doesn't beat my long time favorite "Le Katai" Soi Lenkee.

    Oh the 99B Brekkie only includes 1 egg Le Katai 2 and I think the scrambled egg at LK is better, maybe use more milk?

    Sausage same same but different, both good.

    Bacon BNB 1 LK 2 also LK better quality Bacon.

    Beans same same.

    Tomato grilled, must admit BNB wins on this one bigger and better quality.

    Mushrooms again BNB win not included in LK 99B Brekkie, only in the larger 140B version.

    Toast same same but different both 2 slices both good quality.

    Drinks, cannot comment on the Coffee as I am a Tea drinker. LK wins as you get a pot, enough for 2 cups, you also get an Orange Juice BNB iced water, another LK win.

    Service BNB no complaints, LK Food comes quickly and the staff are very attentive as soon as I have finished my plate it is taken away immediately, makes more room on the table for me to read my paper,( LK have the Daily Mail another Win) while I enjoy my second cup of Tea.

    In my book Le Katai is still the best Brekkie value for money in all of Pajona.

    They also have an extensive menu of other food and daily specials at 129B.

    Never had a bad meal there.

    Keep your Brekkie recommendations coming though as its always good to try new places, you never know there maybe somewhere out there in Pajona that can beat Le Kattai??

  3. Maybe a poll?

    I like Pajona, err or maybe Jonapa. Sounds a little like Ayia Napa

    Although if listing by size/importance, Pajona is best.

    Not that Naklua isn't both big and important. :whistling:

  4. There is one in Carefore ground floor by the toilets.

    Also Tesco North Pattaya 2 Machines ground floor.

    Usually go to Tescos as have found the one at Carefore out of service a few times.

    I believe there is another at Home Works next to Tesco South Pattaya but have never used myself.

    Others, not sure?

  5. Caught by radar first time in 2005 with my Fortuner outside Kings residence in Ha Hon. Caught several times since then, mostly in Chumporn and Prechuap. Past three years also by laser.

    Significant difference on these proper speed checks with radar/laser. Bunch of Bib, one approach and says you where driving 162kmh, I say yes, pay fine to clerk including providing name for mum and dad, and pay 200 with official reciept.

    The highwayrobberbib (2-3 bib)usually say you where driving 130, I say no, can I see your lisence, I say no cause I was not driving 130 ( I was driving 140-160), give them 200 and go.

    You sound like the typical Fortuner owner, unfortunately!

  6. Is it not possible just to turn up at border give $20 for short time visit?.Cannot see them turning money down.

    Yes you can buy a visa on arrival.

    If you have already paid for a evisa on line though you will end up paying twice.

    An evisa is great, saves a page of your passport plus time, money and hassle at the boarder.

    Just need to make sure it is accepted at the boarder crossing you wish to use.

  7. Ive got to do a visa run to Cambodia on Tuesday and am going to get an evisa to save filling up my passport.

    Im wondering is there a bus direct to the border from Pattaya and where can i get it from or what would be the best way of going about this.

    Cheers in advance.

    Evisa is NOT accepted at all crossing points!

    Poipet/Aranyaprathet is the closest to Pattaya that accepts it.

    Easy to drive to yourself if you have transport.

    There is a minibus goes everyday will pick you up anywhere along Sukhumvit, all the way to the boarder and back 260B each way.

    Have used 2 or 3 times very good, about 4 hours each way depending on pickups traffic etc.

    I think you will need a Thai speaker to book for you 0892459360

  8. Sounds good,just a bit of a problem tho, my passport is full just a few small spaces left,no full page. Just how big is the visa stamp that the Cambodians put into the visa?Was going to wait until next visit to the UK to renew it.

    The Cambodian Visa is 1 whole page on its own + your entry and exit stamps.

    You can get an evisa online which you then print out and take with you, this will save you 1 page of your passport, you will still need enough space for your entry and exit stamps however.

    Evisa is NOT accepted at all boarder crossings however.

    Check here for details Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Kingdom of Cambodia

  9. So where has the games with English commentary?

    Was out last night in Pattaya New Plaza all the bars only had Thai commentary, it was rubbish but couldn't really go elsewhere as it was pissing down.

    Want to find somewhere good for the England game tonight.

    Don't know if I can watch it at home?

    Have Sophon which has recently changed its sports channels to Astro Supersport.

    Are the games shown live on this channel? They are showing re run highlights of last nights games at the moment.

  10. If budget constraints meant checking forex rates several times a day and nipping out to certain ATM's at certain times, that would do my head in. Is it only some Brits that are micromanaging their daily beer, skittles and rumpy pumpy finances in this manner because the pound is doing one of it's periodical nose dives? All this yacking up the benefits of Nationwide banking leads me to suspect it is. Should have saved for the inevitable rainy day as it's not news that the quid is hardly the most stable major currency. Never has been or will be either.

    You believe this thread unnecessary but you continue to read it purely to add your snide little digs.

    I use the banks that provide me with the best service for my needs.

    I will continue to withdraw my cash at my convenience, and use fee free ATM's in preference to ones that charge me 150B.

    If and when this is no longer the most convenient and cost effective way of managing my money then I will change.

    If you wish to operate your finances in an alternative way UP TO YOU!

  11. So, do we need another long-winded thread with non viable* information regarding the best foreign bank/credit card/debit card for Thai ATM machines....

    You obviously don't so I suggest you take your Superior, I know it all attitude to another thread!

    Not everyone is in the same situation as you and one size does not fit all!

    In the mean time, as I get a monthly income from a UK bank that I would like to continue withdrawing at my convenience I will read this thread thanks!

    Also some viable* information to help any Brits out there Nationwide charge only 0.8% on foreign withdrawals and until yesterday was fee free at Ayudhya ATM's

    It continues to be fee free at Aeon, and from past experience over the counter withdrawals from Ayudhya up to 250,000B per transaction where also fee free, and at the same exchange rate as ATM withdrawals!

    Also Nationwide is the only UK Bank/Building Society which has no fee for use of their credit card abroad and has excellent on line banking.

  12. 1. Leo start price 35-40B in cheap bars (Pattaya)

    2. Ok its not high season and probably quieter than normal but there are always plenty of westerners about

    3. Yes

    4. Yes way better

    5. Dunno?

    6. You can get a decent basic room with air, shower etc from about 5K up

    7. I believe both to be generally safe

    8. Come to Pattaya for sure, see how you like it and split your time as you like.

    The nightlife is considerably cheaper in Pattaya.

    My bet you spend maximum time possible in Pattaya.

    I would try to find muy thai training there and go to Bangkok for a holiday, interspersed with muay thai training, or stick to Pattaya? :)

  13. Just was told that Ticino is counting down to its annual leave. :D

    Maybe the boys are right to close down for the entire month of June; apparently they come up with a new menu in July. I also found Peter's theme night concept quite appaling, one weeknight this range is discounted, next night another. I'll be there for a bidding farewell drink coming Monday; then it's a long month without good food from Italy. Well, they will survive basically anything the way they work!

    Appaling? Is that appalling or appealing? :)

  14. How about the Proton Neo?

    Never heard if it before but saw one on the road the other day and was stricken by its looks enough to have a poke around on the Internet.



    Handling by Lotus, prices from 499k.

    May consider it further Mrs looking to upgrade car in 6-12 months.

    Of coarse she wants a Jazz but showed her a pic of the Proton on the net and she seemed interested.

    Anyone have more input on this?

  15. where was the trouble in Pattaya, i never saw or heard of any trouble, just a few protesters outside city hall

    There were reports of redshirts around Chonburi on Wednesday night. Pattaya is Chonburi province, and the curfews are issued by province.

    "A survey of violent incidents, most of them unreported abroad, shows that trouble has already occurred in Thailand’s tourist centres of Phuket, Pattaya and Chiang Mai during the last weeks of crisis."

    There has been so far and long may it continue NO trouble in Pattaya.

    Nothing to do with curfews issued by province.

    Just poor reporting!

  16. Jeff Savage arrested in Pattaya




    May 22 2010

    A British 'Red shirt', caught on tape saying he was going to burn down one of Asia's biggest shopping malls after Thai troops fired on demonstrators in Bangkok, was last night seized by Thai police.

    Jeff Savage, 48, from London, was arrested in the Thai resort of Pattaya, 100 miles east of Bangkok, less than 24 hours after he was filmed behind red-shirt lines in Bangkok.

    His arrest followed a statement by a Thai Government spokesman last night that two foreigners were had roles in the burning and looting last Wednesday.


    Ahhh some good news on this fine Sunday morning :)

  17. what about that? same guy in 2 vids

    There's goes another idiot that deserves to be get more attention from the authorities...

    Of course, because he is actually doing something. Let the Thais find this punk and do whatever it is they will do to him because HE BROKE THE LAW. He didn't say he was going to throw something at the sign, he actually did it. There is a HUGE difference.

    You may be right about a court of law I give you that.

    But reckon this guy has done more than enough for a bit of a grilling followed by deportation and good riddance.

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