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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. every shop sign says double entry 180 days-----so what are they saying-------------well some lie and say double entry 180 days for 7500 baht which clearly is wrong

    just paid 18000 for a retirement visa-----------not enough money here or uk bank accounts so cheaper than the 4 border runs to get the so called double entry 180 days

    Double entry 5800B

    60 + 30 extension 1900B

    Boarder run 1800B

    60 + 30 extension 1900B

    = 180 days

    Not cheap for sure, I normally get a non immigrant "0" from the UK good for 15 months boarder run every 90 days.

    Just don't want to go back in December a double entry tourist will tide me over nicely until next summer.

  2. OK thanks SGH

    Went to Cambodia Inter today.

    They quoted 5800B still better than the 7000B quoted elsewhere, guess it's all the same trip in the same minibus anyway.

    Booked with them for the 20th, they said 100% double entry.

    Will try and find some fun in Piopet night time, otherwise it's just the Casino I guess.

    Thanks all.

  3. Where do these stories come from? :blink:

    My story came from a close friend who actually did get caught, are you saying breathalyzers don't exist in Thailand ??

    I am refering to the crap about on the spot fines of 20 k not about breathalisers you clown.

    If you say so.

    Your post was ambiguous.

    So who is the clown? :P

  4. There are plenty of tourists who don't read the Pattaya forums before traveling here.

    Don't think that makes them dumb necessarily, green yes.

    Most of the people I see on the jet skis are non English speakers, Indians Russians etc, is this info easily available on the Internet for them in their own languages? I don't know?

    All we can do is keep the publicity as high as possible.

    Unfortunately I think nothing will be done until there is a major incident which reaches the international press, probably a death sadly.

  5. I think you can get a double entry at Cambodia.

    The visa company I spoke to also said so.

    The trip I was offered was 1 night at the Tropicana although 2 days arrive 9am leave 6pm the next day.

    Will check out Cambodia inter 5600B sounds better.

    Guess all there is to do there is gamble and hole up in your room.

    Did you stay at the tropicana? Rooms OK? Food?

    Bit of a worry if they are closed for a month gotta be out by 20th Dec

    Also SGH bit confused did you get a double entry when you went 6 weeks ago.


  6. I need to obtain a double entry tourist visa.

    The last few years I've been on a non immigrant type "O" obtained in the UK, I do my normal visa runs myself to Cambodia, so don't have any experience with the visa companies.

    For this trip though seems to make sense to go with a visa company.

    The trip I am contemplating is to Cambodia, Poipet, have to spend 1 night at the border "Tropicana casino" and they run your Passport to Pnom Pen.

    7000B all in, this is a price quoted by a company on soi bukow but cant remember their name opposite the back entrance to pattaya new plaza.

    Can anyone recommend a particular Visa company or give any reports on doing a similar trip.

    Many Thanks

  7. At the moment there is also another thread running on the jet ski



    and a closed one


    can one of you smart guys on here try to get them integrated or something , we have info all over the place , I personaly think the jet ski scam needs to be kept seperate .

    Would be a good idea.

  8. Over £1200 for some small scratches and a piece of rubber strip!

    Total cost probably less than 1000B £20.


    In fact the scratches are a bonus can be used over and over again, no need to ever repair.

  9. So if I underatand this right, the person or persons shooting this video, stood there, watched the scam taking place, filmed the fact there was no damage to the jet skis during the use, then stood by and watched the scam reach its conclusion ???? that in itself if it is correct is as bad as the people doing the scam !!! , why the hel_l didnt they warn those Indian guys, show the Policeman the footage or even show the scam artists that they were caught red handed ??? noooooo that wouldnt make good video, just stand there and let innocent people be subjected to it........disgusting !

    Frankly there is not much else you can do.

    These people would not take kindly to you getting involved, you think they are just gona stand by while you cost them tens of thousands of Baht in lost income!

    I have seen this scam going down many times and would love it if I could do something to help.

    But I live here and at the end of the day I am not prepared to put my life on the line.

  10. No.

    The Thais don't celebrate Christmas.

    Some of the bigger stores malls etc try and cash in on it.

    The bars etc may put up a tree, many places will do a Christmas dinner at an exorbitant price.

    Quit frankly it's bliss to me, Christmas is way overdone and too commercial where I am from in the UK.

    But if you want the full Yuletide experience I would suggest if you go to one of the big 5 star hotels you may find what you are looking for.

    Otherwise just wait for New Years that certainly goes off with a BANG in Pattaya.

  11. I wonder what it is about the Pattaya bashers on this forum that makes them hang around the Pattaya section to constantly slag the place off???

    Is the Nakorn Nowhere forum full off people from Pattaya/Bangkok slagging it off?

    I don't know as I never go to the Nakorn Nowhere forum as I don't live there and consequently it is of no interest to me.

  12. I think the only way to get away from this scam if you where caught up in it.

    Would be once the Police arrived, explain that you did not cause said damage and will be paying nothing, offer that the Police arrest you or you are now leaving.

    Don't think even these guys would get away with violence against you in front of the Police.

    You may have to spend time at the station but ultimately what could they do?

    Of course this would only work if the scammers don't have your correct address, you would have to be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your trip and beach road would be out of bounds for sure.

    Easier said than done. In fact as I think about it now, there is no way out.

    Lets face it, your fuc_ked.

  13. OK my Jet Scam report for today

    Got to the beach around 3.30, two scams already in progress, either side of Mikes Mall.

    All the usual suspects in attendance

    Both had the police attend.

    Interestingly the copper with the tash was dropped off by a Tourist Police car, which didn't stay.

    Also a first sight for me, two Indians came back in and didn't get scammed at all, the jet scammers didn't even give the skis a second glance, the police where already in attendance at the same location, guess even these guys are not brazen enough to run two scams at once in the same location.

    Also interestingly while this scam was still in progress some new prospective victims turned up wanting to rent, despite the fact that they had spare ski's there the jet scammers directed them down the beach to their next location where the other scam had now cleared and they where ready to run again.

    Didn't stay long enough for their return to see if they where scammed or not, but I would be willing to put money on it.

    Also seems these scams are drawing quite a crowd these days, plenty of people watching, not that the scammers seemed to care.


  14. While I would not deny the scams are taking place, there is the flip side of this story. Yesterday at approx 5pm I saw a pair of jets skis doing their thing, one of which planted itself on some rocks off Cosy beach. The operator tried for 5 minutes to first drive himself off and then repeadedly rocking the ski until finally he was off. There is no doubt this craft suffered not only gelcoat damage but most probably serious grp delamination too. If the operator (indian renter) got away with B100k, I would say he was lucky.

    This is not the only incident in recent weeks. I also saw a goup of skis, two of which collided at a fair speed, one of which became submerged before they luckily towed it to the beach. Frankly, nobody should be allowed to rent these machines, ban them...problem solved.

    Yes accidents happen.

    That is why they should have insurance!

    This is no way an excuse for the daylight robbery that is happening every day on beach road and no doubt other places.

    Jet skis are great fun, properly regulated, insured, with more cordoned off swimming areas.

    Everyone could be happy, tourists could have some safe fun and the Thais who rent them could earn a good honest living.

    But until that happens I would love to see someone really fuc_k up one of their skis (accidentally of course) and get away with it. Karma ha.

    Would really make my day.

  15. ^^^^


    3 million off what?

    the price you paid?

    what you think its worth?

    what an agent told you it was worth?

    The asking price of similar property?

    A random number you picked out of the air?

    Now if you where to knock 3 million off it's current market value, and market it aggressively

    It would sell.

  16. I had a full vinyl wrap (except roof) done a a Toyota Sport Rider only a month ago in BKK, fantastic job only 17,500THB inc design. The vehicle was completed in a day and that included them removing various parts of the vehicle and re-fitting them.

    I have the copy of the invoice but the address and company name is in Thai.

    The phone number is 02 6885494 / 086 622 2262

    Very professionally done, i have had vehicle wraps done for me in the UK and they were more expensive than this. This company in BKK did a much better job.

    good luck.

    Thanks for the info.

    That sounds a good price.

    You say inc the design was it a custom print IE advertising?

    Will have to get the GF to give them a ring.

    Was wandering the same thing about registering color change?

    The Jazz is black now anyway so thought stick with black no problem, but I did see a matt orange Mini on the road the other day!

    Anyone got any more pics or info to post would be great..

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