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Everything posted by JimGant

  1. ...and lack of knowledge about using a spell checker suggests you may be burdened when it comes to getting your ideas fully appreciated by their clarity, in presentation and spelling accuracy.
  2. So, when you remove 800k from your account on the day after you do your annual extension, then replace it 6 months later (prior to the start date of the 6 month bank statement), then you've got an 800k "loan" that is disguised in the once a year consolidated entry. Or, would the 800k out, then the 800k back in -- as just two separate entries, albeit 6 monthm apart, show up as separate line items? Dunno. Obviously, if disguised in a consolidate entry, it makes sense for Imm to request a 12 month letter, But, if separate line items, Imm shouldn't need a 12 month letter. Anybody out there smart on bank consolidations -- and maybe differences between banks?
  3. Yeah, but as previously elaborated upon, CM does require such bank letters for the obvious reasons reported, namely, photocopies of bank book will not show a consolidated entry that disguises going below the 800/400k mandated floor. Wha's so hard to understand?
  4. Indeed. My passbook gets updated once a year -- on the day I go to Immigration for extension renewal. In the interim, I've had two interest payments, and two tax withholding actions. These show up in a consolidated entry, where also any dip below 800k/400k, and then a subsequent redeposit, would not show up as separate line entries -- but only in the consolidated entry. Thus, the obvious reason Immigration needs to see the 12 month bank letter -- 'cause photocopies of my passbook would only show the consolidated entry, not the separate line items that would tell them whether or not I've been a bad boy. Why does this forum continuously ask the question, "why do some Immigration offices require a 12 month bank letter?" They're not. Read the above re 12 month bank letters, then reevaluate why you don't understand their efficacy at many Immigration offices. Not true with Bangkok Bank. Passbook updates just move the previous balance forward one line, with today's date affixed. CM Imm doesn't require photocopies of all passbook pages, just today's balance. The 12 month bank statement will give them all the info they need, including whether or not you slipped below the 800/400k established floors. Screw up? Probably no extension renewal and an invite to buy a ticket back to home country.
  5. Had a pleasant surprise as I did an early walkthru on my Turbotax. When the stimulus checks came out last March-May, I got zip, because the AGI of my latest tax return (2020) exceeded the $160k cutoff. Well, figured that was the end of that. But today as I plugged my numbers into Turbotax (all final numbers, except last interest income of year from Bangkok Bank), I got a flag saying, hey, your latest AGI (2021) says you should have gotten a $2800 stimulus check back in March-May 2021. Did you get it? Nope, I got zero. Well, we'll fix that, so your return now reflects a tax credit of $2800 based on your 2021 AGI. Huh, I can use my after the fact (2021) AGI? This information was out there last March (see the following article), but I never saw it. So, were I to do my taxes by pencil and paper, I would have missed that. So, thank you Turbotax -- a favorable return on my $39 cost for TT.
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