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Everything posted by JimGant

  1. Advertise for sale in the Geriatric Daily. Hard-of-hearing old folks might be the perfect target market.
  2. Like, bars that sell drinks between 2 and 5? 'Cause the law is stupid? Fortunately, most bar/restaurant proprietors know it's counterproductive, as there are many tourists/residents who prefer the afternoon to peruse, or to have a meal with a glass of wine. So, they ignore the law, to their benefit, and to the benefit of the Thai economy. And you want tougher action on these folks? Christ, read the history on the US's Prohibition, and how that adversely affected the economy. No. Get rid of counter productive laws instead of enforcing them. Duh.
  3. I'm a little slow. Could you please explain that. Thanx.
  4. Does this mean he'll have to have a legitimate 800k account going forward from his next extension application (so when he goes it alone, he'll have a legitimate 12 month bank statement to show Imm)? But he does need the agent for his very next extension, so that he can pay Imm to overlook the missing required bank deposits(?).
  5. See this thread for more info on appointment system. https://aseannow.com/topic/1272846-what-advantage-is-an-immigration-appointment/
  6. Here's the link to their latest OA policy options. Still the cheapest OA "throwaway" policy of all the TGIA Thai insurance companies. Note: They've raised the oldest age to obtain a policy to age 80 (previous age was 75). https://www.lmginsurance.co.th/en/long-stay-visa-plus-premium-plan-100000-usd
  7. Yeah, dogs know who their friends are -- and aren't.... Can't believe the number of posters here who don't have a soft spot in their heart for dogs. I guess they weren't raised with a family dog, and saw how a dog can so faithfully bond with humans. And the pain of having to put that family member down.... Sure, the soi dog problem needs to be addressed with a much larger neutering program. That's where my first donations would go. But in the meantime, if some organizations want to relieve the angst of some starving dogs, why would you bad mouth them.....? Don't know where these anti dog posters hail from. Most Americans love their pets, particularly dogs. Don't know much about Europeans and their pets... Do know Middle Easterners just consider dogs as unclean pests. Can you really walk by a sad eyed soi dog, with ribs showing -- and have no feelings? I guess some can, with feelings of another sort. Sad.
  8. Yes, great question. For whatever, if you can't go to BoI at five year anniversary -- ill, out of country, whatever -- you've got a ten year, 50k contract for your LTR. Don't know anything about Thai contract law, but can't believe they'd require you be in-country at the five year mark..... I guess they have a few years to ponder on this.
  9. Actually, a very efficient move. If someone fits the "satisfactory" profile that Imm Management provides to its IOs, then no need for this TM6 data. But, if someone approaches the podium with a tattoo on his forehead, nose piercings, and a dirty tank top -- expect some questions. Of course, the IO can have her/his own profile criteria, as simple as a smile vs. a frown. Certainly, giving IOs discretionary authority is prudent management, as no employee wants to feel like a robot. But, if certain IOs are constantly holding up the line with too many questions, that's where supervisors come in. Anyway, put a band aid on that tattoo, smile, and don't dress like a bum -- but expect an IO having a bad day anyway. Welcome to Thailand.
  10. 'Cause you lost the Revolution. ????
  11. Well, just "lose" your passport. Just remember to cross your fingers when you fill out the lost/stolen form. Better yet -- take a statistics course on probabilities to ease your concerns about mail renewals.
  12. Well, I clicked on the link your provided. It's one and half years old, and the germane words are: So, I guess, this is where you get the title of this thread, i.e., the operative word is "enforce." It's a dated 'scare' article, but apparently one you subscribe to. And that's how conspiracies begin.... But it hasn't happened, as my research continues every day, as I log into my Gmail accounts. So, please refrain from inaccurate "gotcha" headlined threads, that wastes the time of folks interested in real news. Sorry you have a dislike for super big businesses, like Google. But I applaud their success, and am grateful for the utilities they've provided that aid in my efficiencies. Are you sure you're not a conspiracy subscriber? You sure sound like it.....
  13. What am I missing here? I've four gmail accounts and none has required an "enforced" two-step logon. Yes, there's an option for it, but if you don't click the "turn on" button, you don't get it. Nice, tho', that you have the option, as additional security may be desired by some. So, not sure where the OP is coming from....... The tone of his dialogue sounds like he's into conspiracy theories, however.
  14. The Thai gov't has a diplomatic tightrope to walk. So, too much 'in your face' condemnation' of a trading partner country has no diplomatic nor practical benefit. But, to allow one of your citizens to morally condemn Russia, is refreshing, to include not preventing her statement from being viewed on media -- as I would imagine that had she been Chinese, her statement would have been cut off right after being uttered. Hey, Thailand isn't a perfect democracy, but, with certain cultural limitations, it does have free speech. So, Russia, maybe this is the beginning of what the Thai people think of your war crimes. ... Nice to see and hear not just a beautiful person, but a smart, thoughtful one.
  15. Any readout on whether or not this may not be necessary, should you never stay in the country more than 365 days? Kinda like, with 90 day reports, if you leave Thailand on day 89 of your permission of stay, no 90 day report needed. And the 90 day clock resets upon reentry to Thailand. Same logic, I would think, would apply to this situation, i.e., leave Thailand on day 364 and no 365 day report needed (heck, you wouldn't be here to do it anyway). Then, a new 365 day clock starts upon reentry. For those of us who never travel, this annual report certainly would need to be done, but if it can be done online, or by mail, so that no trip to Imm is required, then, no big deal. For travelers, being out of the country when your five year anniversary occurs, requiring a trip to BoI Bangkok to show again your bonafides -- would need a waiver of some kind. Obviously, they can't require you to be in country at the five year mark.....
  16. No, in golf attire. But if I had to knot a tie, I'd probably flunk. Fortunately, things aren't overly formal here.
  17. Dress pants? Aren't those the things in my closet that belong to some skinny kid?
  18. Haven't seen the actual online application, but only the requirements delineated here: https://ltr.boi.go.th/page/application-forms.html Where there's no requirement for tax forms, just: "Evidence showing the incomes in current year, e.g., pension." And tax returns, being historical, wouldn't seem to fit the bill.... So, yeah, a disconnect, indeed, when you get to the actual application (oh, do you have to wear "business attire" in the photo required in the actual application?).
  19. Thanks for the ideas. But, I still wonder: Do I have to provide tax documents since this is not a listed requirement for "Wealthy Pensioner?" You've gone thru this process already -- what did you provide?
  20. I didn't see any requirement for tax returns for "pensioners." Only "global citizens" and "work in Thailand" categories. So, yeah, would be interesting to see if they're also asking for tax returns when their application requirements don't list it.
  21. My income tax filings are "married filing jointly." Thus, my individual taxable income is not separately broken out (except in the worksheets tax software, like TurboTax, utilize). Also, for self insurance for health, my required 100k is in a joint bank account. Does it, then, have to be 200k? Any ideas/solutions?
  22. On 14 Oct sent query to: [email protected]. Received the following robo reply same day: They finally replied five days later.
  23. I recently queried the LTR folks about future branch offices away from Bangkok, specifically Chiang Mai. Here's their reply: Nothing about contemplation of future offices outside Bangkok. At least Elite Visa has addressed the inconvenience of those who live outside Bangkok. Anyway, just a consideration point for those who don't relish a trip to Bangkok, or worse, aren't ambulatory enough to do so, or won't be five years later for the replenishment requirement.
  24. Not as long as the passbook is NOT updated over a period involving X number of transactions (no idea what X is). Then, you'll get a consolidated entry netting out all the transactions. That's where a withdrawal *below* the minimum amount required in the account could occur. And that is why the 12 month bank statement requirement came about, as the 12 month statement shows all transactions. Some Imm offices have enforced it, like CM, while others, like CW, have allowed copies of passbook pages to suffice. In DrJack's case, the IO saw a 4 month gap in his passbook entries -- and probably recalled a briefing about consolidated entries occurring when passbooks aren't frequently updated. Well, there was no consolidated entry (it would have been coded), but the IO was none the wiser. So, maybe the higher ups at CW have decided that, if their IOs can't adequately read passbook entries, might as well require 12 month bank statements. I'm sure that individual situations will vary with the IO, as with all aspects of the annual Imm goat rope. But, I guess, to be safe -- best get the 12 month bank statement. No big deal, actually -- except for Bangkok Bank (and maybe others), where you have to build in a 7 business day lead. time.
  25. Jeez, you've haunted this forum for years. And you seem amazed that many of us (not necessarily at CW) have had to provide a 12-month snapshot of our bank account -- while you only had to provide photocopies of your passbook pages. Why? Well (duh) because if you have a multi month gap in transactions in your passbook -- it just may mean the consolidated entry is disguising a dip below minimums required. Gotcha this year. Sorry. Maybe bring the whole packet next year -- 90 day report, TM30, maps, bank statements, whatever the latest read on possible requirements. Be prepared for the worst, and hope for the best. Why complain about Imm trying to identify possible cheats. Just feel good that they let you get away with the bank statement absence -- until next year.
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